Chapter 54

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Sophie's P.O.V

"I'm not Niall but I promised him to protect you and make you smile." Charlie looked at me with sad eyes. He's so sweet. I wanted to throw my arms around him and just burst out crying but I didn't want any attention and I just felt...numb. My body was there but I wasn't there. In my mind, I was still with Niall. We were lying on the couch, his arms were wrapped around me, his blue eyes were gazing into mine as he was humming One Thing with a smile.

"This is your captain speaking. We're landing in Stockholm in approximately 20 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts when the sign lits up." I closed my eyes, wiped away a few tears with my sleeve. As my sleeve touched my nose I noticed that the hoodie still smelled like him. I breathed in his scent, the memories became clearer and tears started running down my cheeks again. I felt a strong arm around me as Charlie pulled me in to his chest.

"Thank you." I mumbled. He fastened my seatbelt for me, I was shaking way too much to do it myself.

"Niall says hi...he wanted me to tell you that he loves you." He whispered. It just made me cry even harder because I realised how empty I actually felt.

"I-I want t-to go back." I stuttered. He didn't say anything, there was nothing he could say. Poor Charlie, I felt like such a burden.

"Oh darling, you know I can't take you back. I'm sorry. I really want to but..." He shook his head and looked down. I knew he couldn't, I was just willing to try everything to be back with Niall. I didn't say anything for the rest of the flight, I couldn't.

"Come on Sophie, I'll help you up." Charlie took hold of my arms and helped me stand up. I quickly wiped my tears and fixed my hair, you never knew when a camera would pop up and I don't want any new rumours to start. Charlie and I followed the rest of the passengers to get my suitcase. Charlie refused to let me carry my bags, he wouldn't let me take anything even though I told him multiple times that I wanted to. We continued through the airport and headed towards the exit. I knew my family was waiting there. I've missed them so much but in that moment, all I wanted to do was to turn around and run in the opposite direction. As soon as I walked through the exit doors it would become reality. Niall is almost 900 miles away from me. 900 miles. 900 miles. 900 MILES. I stopped right before the doors, I had to pull myself together.

"Wait Charlie!" I grabbed his arm and he looked at me, a bit confused. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Are you sure? You don't look too well..." He looked concerned but I just nodded. I took a step forward and the doors opened. I immediately spotted my parents. My mum started jumping up and down when she saw me, she was literally screaming with happiness. I wish I did it to, I wish I could jump up and down with excitement, I wish I could run up to them with happy tears running down my cheeks, screaming 'I LOVE YOU MUM AND DAD, I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH' but I just couldn't. Instead I started crying. I wanted to leave, just get out of there as soon as possible. Charlie pushed me towards my parents who were impatiently waiting on the other side of the barriers.

"SOPHIE, MY SWEET PRINCESS!" My mum shouted and wrapped her arms around me, locking me in an iron grip. "Oh Sophie, we've missed you so much." She sobbed. When she finally let go of me she couldn't stop kissing me and jumping up and down.

"Darling...finally you're here. We've been going crazy missing you." My dad pulled me into his embrace, kissed me on the top of my head. I buried my head in his chest with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Talk to me." My dad whispered, almost inaudibly. He instantly knew that something was wrong, my dad always knew. I couldn't hide anything from him.

"I-I miss him d-dad, I want to g-go back." I sobbed. I've never felt this weak in my life. My dad rubbed my back as he tightened his grip around me. He didn't say anything, he just held me and that was all I needed.

"Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He whispered and I don't know why but a part of me actually believed in his words. Charlie had to catch the next flight back to England even though my parents insisted on him coming home with us. But he just went to his gate to check in. Me and my parents sat down at a small cafe and had coffee. They didn't want to leave the airport even though I wanted nothing more that to just get the hell away from it. They kept telling me that we were in no rush and that they enjoyed the atmosphere.

"It's cosy." My mum looked at my dad with a grin. They were definitely up to something and I was not in the mood for any surprises.

"Please, can we just go home?" I pleaded but they refused to leave. Instead we stayed there at the cafe for a whole hour. A few people who walked past us recognized me but fortunately they didn't create a scene, they just chatted to me for a while and then they left for their flight.

"I love their coffee, it tastes like heaven!" My mum exclaimed as she finished her third cup of coffee.

"Seriously, this is not fun. I want to leave. Now." I hissed. I started to get frustrated with them, they saw how much I was hurting but they did absolutley nothing about it.

"Soon. Just...a couple of more minutes." My dad placed his hand over mine and looked at me with compassionate eyes.

"It's too hard for her to stay, let's go to the car." My mum finally said. Thank god. I flew up from the chair and rushed towards the exit.

"Wait, Sophie! Wait for us!" My dad yelled behind me. I sighed and stopped, turned around to see where they were. I couldn't see them, the airport was crowded. I looked around me, tried to search every corner with my eyes. I saw shops, cafes, restaurants, people coming back from holidays, people heading towards gates, people arriving, people going through security checks, people who checked their bags in, Niall, people searching for someone they'd lost but there was no sign of my parents. Suddenly I froze up. Niall? NIALL? NIALL! I dropped my bags and my suitcase on the floor as I started tearing up. He saw at the same time as I saw him and our eyes locked. We started running towards each other. People were staring but I didn't care. He was here now, with me. I wasn't alone, he'd come after me.

"Sophie." He breathed. I threw my arms around his neck, locked my fingers in his hair. He squeezed me tight, held me close to his body. I embraced his scent and just closed my eyes.

'He's here.'



Niall's P.O.V

We sat in the backseat of her parents' car. I held her hand tightly in mine as we sat there looking deep into each other's eyes, smiling. I couldn't believe that I'd actually just jumped on a plane to go after her. But I'd done it and now I was here with her again, right where I should be. I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb and leaned in to kiss her on the forehead.

"Thank you Niall." Her mum turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"For what?" I said, a bit confused.

"For taking care of our Sophie." She took Sophie's hand, placed a kiss on the back of it. I shrugged.

"She's been taking care of me Mrs. Jonson." Sophie just shook her head. She was too tired to say anything. She rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. She fell asleep within 5 minutes.

"We're really really grateful towards you and we don't know how to thank you Niall." Sophie's dad whispered.

"The fact that you allow me tobe around your daughter and have her in my life is more than enough for me Mr. Jonson. I couldn't ask for anything more." I chuckled lightly.

"We'll talk more when we get home." He smirked.

"And until then, enjoy the beautiful nature from the car window." Sophie's mum snickered.

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