Chapter 58

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Having trouble with the Wi-fi over here and last night Wattpad wasn't working. :( Sorry! But finally, here is the new chapter!


Sophie's P.O.V

The following days flew by really fast and before I knew it, Niall had to fly back to London. He had to go back earlier than we'd planned since the boys had hardly gotten anything done for the tour. Niall left 3 days earlier, meaning there are 5 days until I get to be with him again. Saying goodbye was hard but easier than last time. I was actually looking forward to spending the next 5 days with my family, Olivia and my other friends. But I still couldn't stop thinking about Niall. I was literally counting the seconds until I would get to see him again. The last thing he said to me before going through the security check was 'I'll text you when I miss you.' As soon as I'd turned around I got a text saying 'I miss you so much, can't wait to see you. xx'

"Sophie! Are you still reading those texts?" Olivia reached over and took my phone out of my hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" I groaned, I was way too lazy to take it myself.

"Nope, no more phone. You're going shopping with me!" She giggled and pulled me out of her bed.

"I'm tired." I whined.

"Oh shut up, come on now. It'll be fun!" She exclaimed.

"Fine." I sighed. I'd hardly gotten any sleep last night. Me and Olivia were skypeingt with Niall 'till 12 am and then we watched movies for the rest of the night. I felt like I hadn't gotten any sleep for a whole year but Olivia had been bouncing up and down the whole day, I don't understand how she does it.

"Wow, chill down miss sunshine." She chuckled. "Can you at least pretend to be excited?" I rolled my eyes at her but faked a smile and opened the door. She just laughed and hooked her arm in mine while leaning her head on my shoulder. We hurried to her car and drove off.

"We just...what are you doing? We just went past the mall." I gave her a confused look but she just shrugged with a grin.

"I thought we'd go for a ride instead." She turned around and concentrated on the road again. When Olivia's set het mind to something, there's no point in discussing it so I didn't even say anything. Instead I closed my eyes and leaned back on seat as I slowly fell asleep.

"Sophie, Sophie wake up. SOPHIE!!"

"I'm awake!" My eyes fluttered open and I started looking around me. "...where are we?" I said, still half asleep.

"Come on Sophie, get out get out get out of my car!" Olivia yelled teasingly. I stepped onto the green grass and looked out on the water in front of me.

"Olivia, where are we!?" I saw nothing but water, water and...and a boat. I recognized the place, Olivia and her family own a house here and it's their boat. We used to spend every summer on this boat.

"You need to get away from everything for a while, just be the old Sophie. I mean, you need it before you go to America." She chuckled. Her eyes glistened in the sun and I thanked god for bringing this person into my life.

"Th-thank you." I stuttered with tears in my eyes.

"No, don't do this to me. Don't Sophie." She bit her lower lip as she shook her head. I threw my arms around her as tears started running down my cheeks. At this point I wasn't even sure what we were crying about any longer. Hundreds of different emotions crashed inside of me. I was happy to see Olivia again but sad that Niall left. I was happy about moving to London but sad about leaving my friends and family. We just stood there for a good 20 minutes without talking.

"Thank you." I sobbed after we'd calmed down. She tightened her arms around me and I felt her nodding to my neck.

"Just like old times." She took my hand and stepped back. I smiled as I looked into my best friend's eyes.

"Just like old times." I nodded. She pulled me in for another hug before going to her car and getting some bags.

"This is yours." She threw a familiar bag at me.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Your mum helped me a little." She winked and closed the car door. "Let's go." She pulled me along with her and we stepped onto the boat.

"It feels like ages ago..." I whispered as we went down the stairs and to the cabin.

"I know, right." Olivia smiled and threw our bags on the beds. "Can you still remember how to drive it?" She grinned.

"Maybe." I giggled.

"You know what the best thing is?" She took my hand.


"It's just you and me, no one else, no computers, no internet, no phone." She squeezed my hand. "You can get your mind off him for a while. You need it." I just nodded. I know that she's right but I can't help it, I think about him all the time and I miss him like crazy. Last night was awful, it was my first night without Niall. Even though me and Olivia stayed up all night and didn't sleep at all, I still felt lonely and I just wanted to jump on the next plane to Heathrow. "And no paparazzis!"

"I know. And I can't thank you enough for it." I smiled thankfully at her.

"Now let's get this party started!" Olivia threw her hands up and rushed up the stairs to start the boat. I stood there smiling for myself and thought about how lucky I am to have all these amazing people in my life. Then I remembered that I had to tell Niall, he would freak out otherwise. He might even report me as missing or something.

"Olivia! OLIVIA!" She flinched and hit me across the arm.

"You scared me, what is it!?"

"My phone!" I started searching her pockets.

"What Sophie?"

"Give me my phone."

"No way, not until we get back!" She smirked.

"Just one text, I need to send one last text to Nialler!" I said, almost panicking now.

"Calm down, calm down Sophie. As I told you, everything is taken care of. I told him last night when you fell asleep on Skype." She smiled, clearly proud of herself.

"What?" I sighed in relief.

"Stop worrying, sit down and relax Sophie. I've got everything covered." She pushed me down on the seat next to her. "Actually, I take that back...I forgot the toothpaste." She shrugged with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." I shook my head, smiling. "So what's the gossip in town?" I giggled. Olivia loves gossip and she sure knows everything that goes on in our little town.

"Oh we have so much to talk about darling." She chuckled. "The number one thing people are talking about is, of course, that someone from our town is dating a celebrity!" I rolled my eyes and prepared myself for all the lies and rumors I was about to hear.

"Go ahead, tell me everything." I got comfortable in the seat and listened to Olivia as she went on and on and on and on about everything and everyone.

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