Chapter 37

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Niall's P.O.V

The sound of my phone woke me up. I struggled to get it out of my pocket. It was Liam. I decided to not pick it up, I really didn't feel like talking to anyone but Sophie. Liam hung up and I noticed that I had 46 missed calls. I couldn't care less honestly. Right now nothing else mattered. Sophie gently squeezed my hand and I sat up. Her eyes were red and swollen, she still somehow managed to look incredibly beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I just sat there and stared at her. I carefully raised my hand to stroke her cheek. She closed her eyes as a tear ran down her cheek. I wiped it away and took her hand in mine, brought it to my lips to place a kiss on it.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I whispered. She bit her lip and started tearing up again. She shook her head, almost like she didn't believe me at all. "I won't leave you. Ever. If this really is happening, we'll get through it. Together. I promise." She gazed into my eyes with an empty look. We were both exhausted, overwhelmed but most of all, scared. I've never been this scared in my whole life but at the same time, I've never been this sure of anything.

"I'm sorry." She breathed. I looked pleadingly at her.

"Please don't." I intertwined our fingers. Her small hand disappeared in mine. I wanted to protect her from all this pain but I couldn't. I felt helpless, useless and weak. "I'll do everything in my power to make you smile again. It'll do everything I can to make you happy and to give you the life you deserve." She put her legs across mine and rested her head on my shoulder.

Sophie's P.O.V

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Yesterday." I whispered.

"Have you done the...test?" He mumbled. Shit, I'd forgot all about the test. I looked around on the floor until my eyes spotted the plastic stick in the corner. I nodded.

"Have you checked what it says?" He bit his lip as he carefully rubbed my arm. I shook my head and looked at him. We didn't have to check what it said, we already knew the answer. I think we were both trying to figure out what we'd do next. I mean we can't sit here forever...even though I wish we could.

"What are we going to tell everyone?" My voice was shaking. Niall didn't answer, he didn't have an answer. Neither did I.

"I guess...we'll keep it a secret for now." He sighed. "Until we figure something out."

"Mhhmm." Niall reached for the pregnancy test. I closed my eyes, hid my face in his neck. I already knew what it said but I couldn't look.

"Soph...w-we are having a b-b-baby." He stuttered. I closed my eyes, tried to shut everything out, tried to force back all the tears, the emotions. There was something that happened inside of me as he said baby. None of us had mentioned it before. But the way he said it...I've never heard something as beautiful as that. I was crying but in a twisted way it was happy tears. I've always loved kids and I was going to be a mum now. A mum...and Niall was going to be a dad. The best dad ever. Niall lifted my chin and as our eyes locked I realised he was smiling, too. "We're having a baby." He whispered with a smile as a tear escaped his eye. I threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer to him.

"You're gonna be a dad." I sobbed. I felt him nodding. If someone would've asked me what I would've done if I found out I was pregnant 2 months ago I probably would've laughed and said. "I'll get rid of it of course!" But I never could've imagined that I'd become this attached to something after such a short period of time. And in that moment I realised that I loved this baby. Our baby. I've never longed for a child and I definitley haven't been in a hurry to settle down and start a family but I couldn't wait to start my life with Niall now. I realised I'd stopped crying and I carefully started to stand up.

"Breakfast?" I managed to say with a smile. He nodded and followed me to the kitchen. He held my hand in his the whole time. I felt a certain calm over me, I didn't want to let go either. I couldn't stop smiling as we were eating.

"Are you happy?" He asked when we'd cleared the table. He was sitting on the other side of the kitchen table. Both my hands were in his warm hands.

"As long as I'm with you I am." I looked at our hands, how perfectly they fit together. "But I'm scared." I mumbled.

"Me too." He smiled. "But you give me strength to keep fighting." He looked me deep into the eyes.

"I love you Niall." I said. His face lit up, I saw that look in his eyes again. This is the Niall I love, this is my Niall.

"I love you too." He said with a wide smile. His phone started ringing again, people had been calling him non-stop since we'd arrived. He didn't look like he was going to answer it.

"Pick it up." He sighed but took his phone out of his pocket. He put the phone on the table and turned on the speaker.

"Niall, Niall!?" It was Liam. He sounded worried. "Niall, where have you been!? You have no idea how many times we've called you. Why aren't you picking up? Where are you? Where's Sophie? Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday? And today? Niall talk to me!"

"I was busy." Niall said with a cold voice. It was quiet in the other end for a few seconds.

"Busy...busy? BUSY!? Niall, we've been worried out of our minds and the only excuse you have is that you were busy?" Yup, Liam definitley is the daddy of the group.

"Sophie isn't feeling too well. It was an emergency. She needed me." He looked at me and smiled.

"Oh..." Liam said quietly. He understood, he would've done the same for Danielle. "How is she?"

Niall thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Better." He finally answered.

"And you Niall? Are you okay?" You can't hide anything from Liam.

"I'm getting through." Niall sighed.

"Can we come see you? We miss you. The boys, Danielle and Eleanor really want to come over."

"No!" Niall yelled. "I is not a good time. We're trying to figure things out." Niall bit his lip. I could tell how much he wanted to explain it all to Liam.

"Oh no...I'm sorry Niall."

"It's not like's complicated. I gotta go now. Bye Liam." Niall quickly hung up the phone and looked at me with a smile playing on his lips.

"I'll book a hospital appointment for tomorrow." He kind of seemed excited which made me even happier. And to think that just a couple of hours ago I actually thought he'd leave me. How could I think something that awful about him? I started doing the dishes, my mind wandered off to a place far, far away from here. I was starting to get used to the idea of becoming a parent. I felt two strong arms being wrapped around my waist. Niall quickly kissed my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Forget about the dishes." He turned me around, put his hands on my waist and gazed deep into my eyes leaving me breathless. He smiled and put his hand on my cheek, stroked it with his thumb. "I wouldn't do this for anyone but you." He whispered.

"Do you think we can do this?" I asked with an axious look.

"Yes." He said with confidence.. And that was it for me, I felt how all the insecurity and fear disappeared and instead it was replace by strength, warmth and most of all, love. Niall leaned in and kissed me. It was filled with passion, desire and love. After all the things that had happened in the last 24 hours we once again became one. Through the kiss, through our love, through our baby. And to think that just a couple of hours ago I was so unsure of this.

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