Chapter 16

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Sophie's P.O.V

I rolled over and opened my eyes. 9.30am. I'd only gotten a couple hurs of sleep but surprisingly enough, I wasn't tired at all. I sat up and looked around. Niall was still asleep, he looked so peaceful. I was a mess, I still had my clothes and makeup on from yesterday. I stroked Niall's jawline with my fingertips. He was perfect. I bent over and kissed him lightly on the cheek, made sure he didn't wake up. I needed a shower so bad, I had to wash away yesterday. I shook my head. No, yesterday was yesterday and today is a new day. I threw my clothes on the floor and got into the shower. The water made me relax and forget about everything.

I must've been in the shower for over 1 hour, I totally lost track of time. I put some clothes on and the wonderful smell of food hit me. I noticed Niall wasn't in bed anymore. I snuck into the kitchen without him hearing I was there and just watched him. He was standing there shirtless in his pajama pants, flipping pancakes like a pro. The kitchen was a mess. Things were thrown everywhere, he had flour all over his arms. I smiled for myself, he's such a cutie! I tiptoed up to him, wrapped my arms around his chest and kissed his shoulder.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" I giggled.

"Ahh darling, you're cold!" He chuckled.

"Good morning." I laughed.

"Good morning gorgeous." He turned around and kissed me.

"What's all this for?" I made a gesture at the heart shaped pancakes he'd put on a plate. He shrugged.

"Nothing, I just wanted to show you how much I love you and...that I'm really sorry about last night. I wasn't myself." He looked ashamed of himself, he shook his head. "I'm such an idiot, can you forgive me?" He took my hand, intertwined our fingers.

I layed my other hand on his cheek. "But you're my idiot." He chuckled and kissed me.

"Thank you love." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. "I love you so much." He whispered.

"No, you love food." I giggled. He kissed my neck, all the way up to my jaw. I bit my lip, trying to not let out a moan. My heartbeat was raising.

"N-Niall stop it!" I tried to push him away.

"Say you love me!" He demanded as his hands slipped inside my shirt, trailing up my sides.

"Never." My voice was weak.

"You sure?" He whispered against my neck. His hot breath was tickling my neck, sending shivers through my spine.

"Please stop." I pleaded. He chuckled, he knew he'd won.

His hand was pressed on the lower part of my back, kepping us close together. He leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was gentle, he was teasing me. I kissed him back urgently, I can't contain myself when he does that. The affect he has on me is ridiculous.

He pulled away, far too quickly for my liking and glanced deep into my eyes. I felt my knees going weak. "I love you, okay?" I stuttered, overwhelmed by how my body was responding to his touch. He cupped my chin in his hand, placing a soft kiss on my nose.

"Thank you." He smirked, pleased with himself. I rolled my eyes.

He leaned over me, took a deep breath when our eyes locked and a big smile spread across his face. I bit my lip, he was breathtaking. I let my fingers trace patterns down his chest slowing, trailing over his toned stomach.

Niall's P.O.V

Her eyes were glossy, she was driving me insane. She scrunched her nose.

"What's that smell?" She said, worried. I let go of her and turned around.

"Oh no, the pancake!" I'd forgotten all about the pancake, it was all black now. Sophie was laughing.

"I'm a better cook than you!" She giggled

"I'm a better cook than you." I mocked as I tickled her.

"The pancakes were amazing, thank you!" She placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Welcome, anything for you." An adorable smile pulled at her lips. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I watched her as she skipped around the apartment.

"Can't you sit down with me for a while Soph?"

"Now? Niall, I've got a thousand things to do before we leave for dinner!" She was running around everywhere, throwing clothes around. "I have absolutley nothing to wear tonight!!" She yelled.

I chuckled, her closet was stuffed with clothes. She was deffinitley a shopaholic. "We're having dinner at 9.00pm so I think we've got a lot of time and you have lots of nice dresses, wear one of them." She froze in front of me, then started pacing towards me. She wagged her finger at me. "Do you know how much time it takes to sort out this mess!?" She pointed at her hair.

I chuckled. "Please?" I stuck my lower lip out and leaned against her. "Pleeeeaaase?" I pleaded.

She playfully punched me. "Stop it!" She giggled. I flashed a guilty smile, she froze. She knew what I was going to do. "Oh no, get away from me." Her eyes widened and she took a couple of steps back. I grinned. "Niall don't!" She yelled.

I threw her over my shoulder and ran to the couch, putting her down and tickling her. "NIALL NO STOP IT NIALL PLEASE!" She yelled, trying to push me off her. She was so weak though, I could easily tickle her all day long. "NIALL PLEASE I GIVE UP! I CAN'T BREATH NIALL!" She shouted between the laughs.

"Fine, tell me you love me and that I'm the best cook ever AND I'll get to pick your outfit for today." She shook her head.

"No fucking way! I'll look like a furby." She laughed. I continued tickling her.

"FINE FINE FINE I GIVE UP OKAY?" She pulled out of my grasp ans stood up. "That's not fair, you can't just do that." She looked at be with big, sad eyes.

"That's not gonna work." I winked. She stuck her lower lip out, slightly tilting her head.

"Still not working!" I chuckled.

"Fuck off." She muttered. I took her hand and pulled her ont top of me on the couch.

She was chewing on the inside of her lip. "You know you're beautiful right?" I layed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her face closer to mine, rubbing our noses together. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"I've got no makeup on...I feel naked." She sighed.

"You're even more beautiful without makeup." I smiled and she gave me a weird look.

"You're just saying that because I'm mad at you."

I gasped. "You're mad at me!?" I said, pretending to be insulted. She giggled, I loved seeing her happy.

She slowly leaned forward so that out lips were slightly touching, I couldn't resist it. I immediately pulled her closer and kissed her with passionate force. Her elbows rested on my bare chest, she giggled and pulled away. "You're leaving me breathless." I whispered, taking a deep breath. She ran a trail of kisses along my neck, all the way to my lips. I chuckled, cupped her cheek in my hand and pulled her in for another kiss. Her tongue slid across my bottom lip as i opened my mouth and deepened the kiss.

I smiled and pulled away, we were breathing heavily. "What did you say again?" My eyebrow rose.

"That you'll pick out my outfit for tonight?" She furrowed her eyebrows, looking even more cute then she was before.

"Good girl." I winked. "Now let's watch derby!" I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

A Pleasant Surprise - Niall Horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now