Chapter 61

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Hey you guys. I've got both good and bad news. The bad news are that the next chapter is going to be the last chapter of A Pleasant Surprise. I'll start on the sequel when I get back to Sweden! The good news are that my next One Direction fanfic is coming up tomorrow! :)


Niall's P.O.V

"It's 5 am, of course she's asleep." Olivia whispered with a giggle.

"Good. So tomorrow then. Are you sure that no one besides me and you know?"

"Yes, 100%. Sophie won't find out Niall, I promise." Her words didn't exactly make me any calmer, I know that what we're doing is wrong and we should've done it in another way but this was the best way.

"I hope so..." I sighed. "Okay, I don't think I'll be able to call you tomorrow. Management will try to track down my phone as soon as they notice I'm gone."

"Good luck. Niall..."


"Be careful." I bit my lip and looked out my window, mine and Sophie's window.

"I will. I trust you Olivia, nothing can go wrong. Once we've started this, there's no turning back."

"I'm excited." She chuckled.

"Me too. I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night Olivia."

"Night Niall, I can't wait to see you again." I hung up and glanced at Sophie's empty side of the bed. I looked at my phone, considered sending Sophie another text but managed to stop myself. She hadn't replied to the last one yet, so there was no point in sending another. I sighed but lay down in the bed and closed my eyes. I've got 30 minutes to sleep, then it's time for another day full of boring meetings that I honestly don't give a shit about right now. I didn't manage to get any sleep, I just lied there and stared up the ceiling until Zayn phoned me and told me that there was a car waiting for us.

Sophie's P.O.V

"Dinner? Where?" I rubbed my eyes and took a sip of my tea.

"At your favourite restaurant of course. Olivia, you're coming with us too." My dad smiled.

"You didn't have to. And thank you for breakfast." I wasn't really hungry but I still ate a little of the pancakes my mum had made for me and Olivia.

"Thank you!" Olivia yelled with her mouth full of pancakes. We both started laughing and Olivia almost choked on the pancakes. Almost.

"What are you girls doing today then?" My mum looked at us.

"I need a new outfit for tomorrow. We're going shopping!" Olivia jumped up from my bed and went to get her phone. "I have nothing to wear. Nothing."

"You have more clothes than anyone I know." I rolled my eyes at her, she always buys new outfits whenever she goes on a date and let me put it like this, she spends most of her time shopping.

"But I need new shoes and everything..." She whined. "Please?" She looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Fine! Just don't look at me like that." I lightly pushed her. She fell dramatically to the floor with a scream.

"Be nice Sophie!" My dad chuckled.

"No fighting in my house. Please don't kill each other while we're at work."

"We won't mum. Don't worry." I hugged both my parents and so did Olivia. After a while we were all alone in the house. We put on some music and turned the volume up as we both danced around the house in our underwear. After dancing around for hours we finally managed to get some clothes on and head to the shopping center in a city near Olivia's house. Olivia must've tried on at least 60 dresses and she looked amazing in all of them but she didn't buy any of them. She managed to find small flaws in every single dress. It was almost like she wasn't even looking for a dress. After 16 shops, yes I'm counting, we finally sat down at a small cafe and ate lunch.

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