Chapter 48

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Hello all my lovely readers! I just wanted to apologize since I promised I'd upload a new chapter yesterday but I got really ill and had to be rushed to the hospital, I got home 5.30 this morning. But here's the new chapter! :)


Sophie's P.O.V

I crawled back into the couch after brushing my teeth, snuggled up to Niall. I looked at him, studied his peaceful face as he snored lightly. I bit my lower lip and carefully brought my hand up to his face to stroke his cheek. I sighed and rested my head to his chest, closed my eyes and embraced his scent. I was scared, I feared what would happen for the next few hours.

'What is he going to say? What is he going to do?' Itried to force all those thoughts away, focused on his breathng instead. I thought back at the summer, everything that has happened. I smiled as the memories came back to me.

'"Stop staring at me like that, it's rude!' Two warm arms wrapped around me as I sat down on his lap. He kissed my forehead and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "It's not easy to take your eyes off something as gorgeous as you."

"Can you feel that? It's beating for you. Only you." He whispered staring into my eyes.

"Do I look okay?" I said with a low voice, bitting my lower lip. I could feel him staring at me, studying my clothes, my hair my body, my face. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. "You look absolutley incredible. Sorry it took some time, there are no words to describe how amazingly beautiful you are." He whispered with a cute smile.'

I snapped back to reality as I felt his hands running through my hair. I smiled for myself, inhaled his scent. He gently drew lines across my skin with his fingertips, carefully to not hurt me since my body still was covered in bruises and wounds. He kissed my forehead and jumped up from the couch and disappeared into the bathroom. I sighed and sat up, rubbed my eyes and looked arund the room. I noticed that my suitcase wasn't standing on the floor and I even noticed a couple of my things on the shelves in the room. Niall must've started moving my things already. I felt stupid as I sat there smiling for myself but I didn't care 'cause I realised how happy I actually was, I'd just forgot.

"You're up." He said with an incredibly hot morning voice. I flew up from the couch and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands slipped into my t-shirt and rested them on my lower back. His hands were warm to my skin.  I felt him burying his head into my neck, his hot breath against my neck as my heart started beating faster.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I'm not even going to try to tell you how much I love you, I can't put my feelings into words. What I feel for you is indescribable, no words can get close to describing it." He ran his hands up along my sides, causing goosebumps to spread across my skin. I leaned back to be able to look at him. Our eyes locked and I felt myself melting in his arms, he was breathtaking. He softly placed a kiss on the tip of my nose. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I gazed into his glistening eyes. I felt that familiar rush of happiness through my body as we stood there. I haven't felt like this for a long time and we just straed deep into each other's eyes, completely consumed by the moment.

"It's been so long since we had a moment like this." I whispered to his lips, only inches away from mine. He nodded without looking away from me.

"Everything used to be so easy." I said with a frown. He laid his hands on my cheeks, pressed his lips against mine. I'd almost forgotten how this felt. I've been so caught up with everything else but in th end, this right here is all that matters. He pecked me again on the lips before pulling away.

"It still is. We're here, we're together and we're happy." He said. "No matter what happens, I'll always be happy when I have you."

"I feel like all of this had been my fault." I whispered.

"No, stop saying that. You did everything perfect, you couldn't have done anything more." I took a deep breath, tried to calm myself down.

"Did we lose each other in all that sadness?" I queitly said, almost afraid to speak the words.

"We just slipped onto the wrong path, we need to get back on the right track again. As long as we remember what really matters, we'll always find our way back to each other." He whispered with tears in his eyes. "I just want you back Soph, if you still love me." I grabbed the collar of his polo and brought his head down to kiss him. Our lips moved perfectly together and I slightly opened my mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss. He placed his hands on my hips, pulled my body closer to his. I pulled away, brushed my lips against his again and looked up to his eyes that were already staring at me. His face lit up and his lips pulled up in an amazing smile as our eyes locked.

"I will always love you. Always. I just lost myself for a while, with everything that hashappened I almost feel like I forgot who I was." He gently stroked my cheek with his thumb as he listened to me. "I'm so sorry that I have caused you all this pain Niall. I just want you to be happy and I don't feel like I've done such a good job in making you happy." He put his fingers to my lips to stop me.

"I'm happy whenever you're happy. And none of this is your fault, everything happens for a reason. Even though bad things have happened to us, we don't know what the future holds and please Soph...stay here with me to find that out. Don't leave me." He leaned his forehead against mine as a tear streamed down his cheek. He thought I was trying to kill myself.

"I didn't try to kill myself Niall. I would never do that to you, do you hear me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you and how am I going to be able to do that if I'm not here?" I said with a smirk. He closed his eyes as he ran his hands through my hair. "We can't change what's happened."

"But we can shape our future." He breathed out. I wiped away a tear from his cheek and he pulled me into his arms.

"For the first time in days, I finally feel alive again." I whispered. We decided to spend the day together in Niall's couch, just us two. We talked for the whole day, he really understood me and I think he's the only one who really can understand me. No, I'm convinced that he's the only one who can. Just by looking at me he immediately knows how I'm feeling, what I'm thinking and he knows exactly what to say and do. We just sat there for hours, talking, eating and talking even more. I'm going with him to America, but we have to be apart for a few days or weeks since I'm leaving to go back to Sweden in 5 days. Only 5 days. 10 weeks have gone by so fast, it's amazing and a bit scary how fast it's all gone. Maybe it's even gone by a little too fast. In 5 days I'll have to be without him for the longest time I've ever been since we met. We havn't spent a single night apart since we met outside Tesco's 9 weeks ago. It feels ike it was yesterday he approached me with his irresistable voice and cheeky smile. I managed to convince Niall that I'll drop out of school. I've never liked school anyway, it's just been something I've been good at but there's always time to go back to school so that's not an issue. I'm not sure what my parents will think though. But they know I've never felt like I fit in over there in that small town I've grwon up in, I've always been somfascinated by the world andthat's what I want to do. I want to travel the world, discover new countries, new people, cultures and places. And I want to do all of that with him, with Niall. We'll start off with America and then we just have the rest of the world to go. But it's alright, we have a whole life time to do it. That day Niall made me feel like myself again. I even managed to call my parents, his mum, my friends and even Danielle and Eleanor. The boys stopped by that day too, they brought Danielle and Eleanor with them too. It's actually amazing how much of an impact one person can have on your life, if it's the right person of course. Even after everything that has happened these weeks, Niall made me feel happier than ever today. He makes me laugh when I don't want to smile and there's no one else who's ever managed to do that. I've always kept my feelings to myself but Niall is the first person that can tell if there's something wrong and I can speak to him about anything, anything. That day I fell asleep in his arms with a smile on my lips. For the first time in so long it was a real smile, a smile from the heart. Not a fake smile to cover up the pain I was feeling behind it because right in these moments, I didn't feel any pain at all.

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