Chapter 51

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Sophie's P.O.V

"Thanks Mr. Jonson, yeah I'll tell her. Thank you. Of course. No, she's asleep I think. Yeah we've just had Nandos. It's a restaurant here in the UK. Yes. Thank you. I'll let her now. Thank you, I'll speak to you later." I turned around in the bed so I was facing the door. He came in with a smile on his face.

"Who was it?" I put my hands beneath my head and closed my eyes, listened to his voice as he spoke. It was like magic.

"Your dad. He says hi by the way. Everything's settled. Your ticket, the flight, train, car...everything." He sighed and I felt him lay down next to me. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a concerned face. I cuddled up to him and he kissed the top of my head as he put his arm around me.

"I don't want to leave you." I whispered.

"I don't want you to leave." In the corner of my eyes I saw how his jaw tightened. I raised my hand to stroke his jawline, I didn't want to see him upset. I let my hand trail down his neck, across his chest and down to the hem of his shirt. He watched me with a smile playing on his lips. I played with the hem of his shirt, just to tease him. He bit his lower lip with playful eyes and slipped his hands inside the hoodie I was wearing. His hands drew patterns along my bare skin, sending shivers down my spine. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled his face closer to mine as I gazed deep into his glistening blue eyes.

"Promise to visit me in Sweden soon." I whispered to his lips that were only inches away from mine.

"I promise." I felt his hot breath on my lips and I couldn't control myself anymore. I closed the space between us and entangled my fingers in his messy hair. His hands were pressed firmly on my back, keeping our bodies tight together. His tongue slid along my lower lip and I slightly opened my mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Suddenly I heard a loud knocking. I started pulling away from our kiss. "Noo!" Niall moaned and pressed his lips against mine. I put my hands on his chest, pushed him away with a smile.

"The door Niall." I giggled. It's barely finished my sentence when I heard someone opening the door and walking into the apartment. I flew up from the bed since I didn't have any trousers on, just Niall's big grey hoodie.

"Hello!? We know you're in here!" I heard Danielle yelling.

"Stop hiding from us." Louis chuckled.

"Fuck." I rushed to the wardrobe and managed to find some black leggings. I almost fell down, trying to put them on. Niall started laughing at me. I just glared at him and quickly pulled up the leggings.

"There you are!" Eleanor said as she came into the room.

"Here we are." Niall chuckled.

"We were hoping that you guys would join us in Zayn's flat. We're watching movies and playing games. We wanted to spend this day with Sophie and let you have her for yourself for the whole day tomorrow...almost." She winked at me.

"Nope, forget it. She's mine." Niall grinned. Eleanor rolled her eyes at him and grabbed my hand.

"Shut it Horan. We're taking here whether you like it or not. You can come too...if you behave." She stuck her tongue out at him and pulled me put the door with her.

"Hi Soph!" Danielle came running towards me and pulled me into her arms in a hug. I felt Eleanor's arms also wrapping around us, soon I was surrounded by people and it ended up becoming a huge group hug.

"Yeah, that we needed that." Louis said and disappeared out of the apartment with Liam behind him.

"I can't believe you're leaving in two days!" Harry said with sad eyes. I took his hand in mine, stroked the back of his hand with my thumb.

"We'll see each other again soon." I smiled at him. He forced out a smile that quickly faded and then followed the others out the door. Niall gått his arm around my shoulder and pulled me along with him to Zayn's.

Niall's P.O.V

We sat there talking for hours. We talked about the album, the tour, signings, awards but mostly it was about Sophie. And tonight I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked incredible as she sat there with my hoodie, leggings and her hair tied up in a messy bun, wearing no make up. Even though she doesn't realise it, she's breathtakingly beautiful. I just sat there staring at her all night long. I must've looked like a creep but no one can take their eyes off someone her, it's impossible to not stare.

"I guess we'll have to take care of Nialler when you're gone." Louis muttered as the others started laughing. Sophie smiled at me. They wouldn't let me sit with her since they said they couldn't deal with us being so lovey dovey. Oh well, I have the whole night with her...and tomorrow too. I don't think my barn has really understood that she's leaving. It kind of scared me, I don't know how I'll react to going from being with her al the time to not seeing her at all for a whole month. I keep telling myself 'It's just a couple of days' but it's a whole month...A WHOLE MONTH. I'm probably going to lose my mind but honestly I don't think I'll be ble to so it at all. Today I booked her flight with tears in my eyes, I think I even cried a bit when her ticket arrived.

"Right Niall?" Liam chuckled. I flinched and looked at him.

"Sorry, what?"

"Nothing." He shook his head, laughing while the others started laughing even more.

"What!?" I looked at them with confused eyes, no one answered me. Instead they all started talking again. She's leaving in two days...two days...TWO DAYS. Two days. 48 hours. I felt the panic starting to build up inside of me. My heart was beating really fast and I started breathing heavier and heavier. My eyes widened and I realised that I was about to pass put. I quickly rushed out to the bathroom and sat down n the floor with my head between my knees. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

"Niall, babe are you okay?" She knocken lightly on the door. I nodded but realised she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, er...I just er...I felt a bit sick. I thin I ate a bit too much." I lied.

"Let me in." I reached over and unlocked the door. "Hi." She said quietly as she closed he door and sat down next to me, rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm gonna miss them so much." Her voice was unsteady and shaky. "But that's nothing compares to how much I'm gonna miss you." I rested my head on hers, took her hand in mine and entangled our fingers.

"Your flat got sold today." I whispered. She just nodded, she didn't say anything.

"Wow, this is really happening. I'm going back to Sweden." She sighed. "I wish I could stay."

"Maybe we should go back to my flat." I ran my hands through her soft hair.

"Sure." She breathed.

"Come on then love." I stood up and helped her to get up. We said goodnight to the others and set off to my flat. It was already 2:30 am. We both fell asleep as soon as we hit the bed, we were exhausted.

Sophie's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I sat up as I gasped. The room was still dark, I heard Niall slightly snoring. I realised that I was sweating and my heart was beating really fast. "I don't want to go home." I whispered and then the tears came running down my cheeks. I carefully snuck out of bed and tip-toed to the bathroom to not wake Niall up. I collapsed on the floor and started crying hysterically. How am I gonna get through a single day without him!?

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