Chapter 1: New Beggings

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I sat staring at the wall for what seemed like ages. Then he bust through the door. Oh I knew I was in for it. There was no food and I hadn't done something "productive" as he puts it.

"Alice where is my food? And it better not be cold!" Oh god, it's beginning.

"There wasn't any food, sorry baby," I tried saying in a confident voice.

"Don't 'baby' me get off your ass and get some food from the store bitch!" He'll never understand.

He gave me fifty dollars and made me walk to the store. I forgot my jacket so my cuts and bruises were exposed from the countless times he beat. I was wearing shorts and a tank top but really didn't care what people thought of me.

So he did this to me, so I chose this life, it doesn't matter really I don't care anymore.

As I walked into the store I got disgusting stares as people looked me up and down the bruises, the cuts, the scars. All I wanted was food I didn't care about anything else.

I walked down the aisles until I got to the meat I picked up some chicken. Then I picked up some coleslaw and some ingredients to make a fresh salad and I was just on my way to go pay as these girls came up to me and pushed me down.

"Slut," one of them spat at me, "what, did your 'client' end up dissatisfied and beat the hell out of you?" She finished, pushing me again.

"Hey you, leave her alone!" Oh my fucking god! It couldn't be. I hid my face as he made them go. I was picking up my stuff when he tilted my head up and he looked shocked. "Alice is that you?" he questioned. I panicked and got up then started walking. "Alice Ryn Fuentes, get your ass over here NOW!"

"Damn it all to hell," I muttered then spun around on my back heel. It was him Jinxx, from BVB, was staring me in the face. "What did you do to your body?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"He hit me," I muttered.

"What did you say I couldn't understand you Ali?"

"I said he hit me," I stumbled through the words trying not to cry but I broke down in tears anyways.

"Oh honey, is it that same boy ran away with?"

"He was nice then but it was a mistake. Jinxx what am I going to do I have now where left to go," I cried through my words standing in the middle of the store.

"Let's get you to the bus," he said with compassion and kindness in his voice. He picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the store. The bus was parked in the parking lot of the store, so it wasn't a long walk to the bus. He knocked on the door and it wasn't long till someone answered it and welcomed Jinxx on the bus.

I was sat down on the couch but fell asleep instantly. It was a deep dreamless sleep that washed over me.

I woke up in an unrecognisable place. The setting had not triggering any memories. Then suddenly I felt a hand on my knee and I jumped up. Pulling a pocket knife out of my boot, I shone the reflected light of the blade in someone's eyes.

I heard a familiar voice telling me to calm down. "He's going to get me. He's going to hit me. Please don't let him!" I mumbled thinking he was after me.

"Hey Alice what are you talking about? No one's after you," Jinxx said pulling me in to his lap. I cried as I held the knife close to me. Before I knew it there was a stinging pain and blood was all over mine and Jinxx's shirt.

"Holy shit Alice!" Ashley yelled running at us with paper towels and rubbing alcohol. Shouts of "Oh my god!" And "what the fuck?" Were being exclaimed all throughout the bus as they tried to get help.

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