Chapter 16: Now Bring Me That Horizon

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Alice's POV

As they left the small bathroom I turned around to face the wall and raised me self on my toes to see my lower back in the mirror. The monkey head was clearly visible and so funny to look at. It all started with one drink with my friends, and next thing I know I'm in my friend's apartment an my ass hurts like hell.

I turned to water on and let it get hot for a moment while picked out my music. "Caught Like A Fly" by Falling In Reverse started blasting from my phone. I hopped in the shower and started washing puke from the bottom of my hair. When my hand brushed a spot laced in throw up I almost puked again, but I eventually got cleaned. Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body, I got the blow dryer out for my hair. When I was dressing, and my hair & make up we're done I stepped out of the bathroom. "Finally woman, I mean damn you take five thousand fucking years to take a shower," Jaime joked as he ran past me and into the bathroom. "Damn Jaime slow down," I laughed.

I walked to the kitchen an looked through the cupboard. I got my glass and made my self some peppermint tea. "Whoa, did you some life changeling event because you never drink anything but energy drinks, like ever," Tony exclaimed. "No dumbass, peppermint helps with stomach aches. That's what I always drink when I'm sick," I told him. "Hey, it's not nice to call names," Tony said with a frown. "It's just a joke Turtle take it lightly," I reminded him. "I just want an apology Ariel, now say your sorry," he requested. "I, Ariel, sincerely apologise for calling Sir Tony Perry a dumbass and for Sir Tony Perry taking the wrong way and getting mad," I say trying not to burst into a fit of laughter, but that dream is short lives as everyone on the bus erupts into fits of giggles.

After everyone settled down and Jaime was out of the bathroom, Mike turns to me and asks, "are you feeling better baby sis?" I thought for a moment then replied, "I guess but I'm still a little dizzy. I wonder why I was sick like that." 'Oh well' I thought to my self. "Hey guys I'm hungry so I'm gonna cook something, anyone want anything?" I asked walking away. "Hamburgers would be nice," Mike said. "How about veggie burgers, I made Jordan one and he loved it," I countered. "But I like meat and so does the crew," Mike complained. "Ok veggie burgers it is," I smiled, "just kidding." The burgers were ready in about thirty minutes and while I made food the guys just goofed around.

I walked out with everyone's food and gave it to them. "What time do we leave?" Jaime asked. "We need to leave around 8pm since we already played, so we can get there and rest before the next show," the manager said. Jaime have a thumbs up as he took a bite of the burger. "How is it everyone?" I ask. The whole bus yelled back at me with comments of 'awesome' to comments of 'fucking fantastic Ali' I smiled to myself knowing there was one thing I could do right. I made myself three veggie burgers, I mean damn how hungry could I be I just threw up.

After I ate I grabbed my smokes and left the bus for a second. I lit the cigarette and looked at the schedule in my phone. It's July 4th tomorrow and we're playing Montreal. I have no idea what they have planned but I heard it was a party. I don't I want to go, seriously though a bunch of dudes who haven't taken a proper shower in about a month, no thank you. I closed my eyes for a moment, and enjoy the feeling of the smoke hit my lungs.

The moment of serenity ends when I feel arms snake around my waist. I looked at the arms and saw they were Jaime's. "Are you feeling any better baby?" He asks as he rests his head on my shoulder. "No my stomachs not feeling any better, I'm still hungry, and your arms around my waist aren't helping," I complained. Jaime dropped his arms and walked around to face me. "Oh honey it's going to be alright," he assured me while I cried, "why are you crying?" I wiped my tears but they just kept flowing. "I don't know, I honestly don't know. I'm just not feeling well, and what happens if it's something serious. What then? Will it stop the tour? I just don't want to be another fucking burden," I sobbed as Jaime engulfed me in a warm hug. "Let's go and I'll make you more tea, a giant bowl of your favourite fruit salad, and we can sit in your bunk and watch movies on my laptop," he said. "You'd do that for me? I love you so much," I told him. "I would do anything thing for you my dear. I love you too," he kissed me with so much love and passion that there was no way he could fake that.

I put out my cigarette, and Jaime and I walk back inside with his arm wrapped around me. We reached the door and he opened it for me, and he did a little Prince Charming move and kneeled down. I giggled at the sillyness and walked in. "Go get my laptop, pick out a movie you like and wait in your bunk. I'll bring you everything shortly," Jaime said. I rushed off to the bunk alley and grabbed his laptop and one of my favourite movies, Pirates Of The Caribbean; Curse Of The Black Pearl. I shut the connecting door for a second and changed into an oversized shirt. Right as I jumped into my bunk Jaime comes in with a tray of all sorts.

"Here you go babe. I'm not a great cook, but I hope that I could at least make a fruit salad for my girl," he chuckled then climbed in with me. I looked at the tray and I had a fruit salad, peppermint tea, and a cute little stuffed dog. "Aww you didn't have to do that," I said. "Remember what I said, I do anything an everything for you my darling. So what movie did you pick for us?" He asked as I sipped my hot tea. "Pirates Of The Caribbean; Curse Of The Black Pearl," I stated, showing him the DVD case. "Awesome," he said and kissed my forehead. He put the DVD in and fixed it up for us.

I tasted the fruit salad and it was beyond expectations. It was so great that it distracted me from the part were Captain Jack Sparrow, fought Will Turner, one of a few favourite parts. I looked at Jaime who seemed half asleep, with his eyes closed and his mouth hanging open. I picked up a piece of cantaloupe out of the bowl and stuck it in his mouth. A couple of seconds pass and he starts coughing. "What the fuck," he exclaimed as he pulled the orange mass from his mouth. "Did you do this?" He asked waving the fruit in my face. "No I didn't. I've been sitting here watching the movie and eating the salad bowl that you made, absolutely wonderfully splendid by the way," I complimented. He just gives me the death glare and goes back to watching.

As the movie was ending and the final line came up I did as I had been doing through the entire movie...quoting. "Now bring me that horizon...and really bad eggs." I closed the laptop the bunk went pitch black. "Jaime it's dark, and I'm tired, and the tray is crushing me," I whined. "Ok I'll take it away, come back then we can take a nap," he said. "Promise?" I asked. "Promised," he affirmed. For the rest of the time we sat cuddling in my bunk and I could tell he was tired he just probably wasn't going to go to sleep until I did. I love him so much, and I am so happy to have someone love me like I love them and maybe even a little more. All I know is that I never want us to end. I laid in his arms thinking about our relationship and how great it was until I fell asleep in his warm, loving embrace.

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now