Chapter 15: Oli's Ass Kicking

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Mike's POV

"Wait wait wait, back the fuck up. What went on and who's ass do I have to go kick now?" I asked sitting across from them. "Um well you see while y'all were playing Hold On Till May, Olicameuptomeshovedmeagainstthewallandkissedmewhilejaimewatched," Ali said really fast. "Um can you repeat that all I heard was blah blah bla," I said. "Oli came up to me, shoved me against the wall and kissed me while Jaime watched," She carefully stated. We all looked at her except for Jaime and Jordan. "Hey Jordan wanna take a walk with me and show me where Oliver Sykes is so I can kick his fucking ass and cut his dick off and rip his face to shreds. Therefore he can't reproduce, he lives his life in pain, and people will make him feel as bad has he has made us," I described. "Ok let's go," Jordan offered getting up.

We walked out of the bus and Jordan proceeded to show me where the BMTH bus was so I could kick Oli's ass. "So you're really protective of Alice, I think that's really awesome," Jordan awkwardly said, breaking the silence that had grown. "Well she's been through a lot. Like abuse, drugs, alcohol, self-harm as you can tell, and a number of things so when she came back it felt like it was my job to keep her safe," I explained. "Oh shit I didn't know she was abused," he exclaimed. "Um yeah. Her ex boyfriend, who she ran away with when she was like 18, hit her and called her names. I still don't fully understand why she would want to stay with that dick," I admitted. "Probably because she didn't know if her family would support her if she came back," Jordan suggested. "Well now hopefully she knows that we're always here for her no matter what," I whispered tears building in my eyes ready to explode like water behind a dam.

"Ok well we're here, and I'll go in and see if Oli's there, then if he is I'll get him out here," Jordan told me as he opened the door. I heard some voices on the other side of the door but I just stood in the same spot. Jordan has been in there for a while. I wonder if Oli's even in there. Then a second later Jordan walked out with Oli behind him. Finally I got what I came here for and I wasn't going to leave until Oli's face was smashed into the concrete and his blood splattered every where.

Oli looked at me with the most confused expression I'd seen, but I guess it finally settled in why I was here and he tried to run off. Jordan grabbed his arm and whispered something in his ear. Oli advanced towards me trying to say something. I looked him straight in the eye not hearing a word because the blood pumping through my body blocked the sound of his pathetic, useless words. I raised my fist and hit him in the nose, knocking him backwards. He stood up and his nose was gushing blood. "What the fuck Mike?" He yelled holding his nose trying to stop the blood flow. "You're a disgusting pig that defiled my baby sister and humiliated her in front of people she knew. I just hope I beat you so hard no woman ever goes within 2 feet of you," I spat. He tried to swing at me but I kicked him in the stomach, and kneed him in his balls. I don't what's come over me but I just keep kicking him. He eventually ended up on the ground in a ball. "Ok Mike I think it's time you let up," Jordan tried getting me to stop. I backed off, but not before giving Oliver final blow to his stomach.

As I walked away all the things that he had done to Ali flashed in my mind, and before I knew it a few tears escaped my eyes. I looked around me but Jordan wasn't near me. At the moment I didn't care if the whole BMTH crew was after me, I just want to be with my family. I was walking for a while but finally got to my bus and walked in.

Alice's POV

I heard the door to the bus open as I wrote in my notebook. Peeking out of the curtain of my bunk, I saw Mike stumble in with a distant look on his face. The last thug I wanted to know was the only thing I cared about now. The fight. Did Mike win? Did Oli win? Is Mike hurt? Is Oli still alive? So many question I wanted answered but at the same time I wanted nothing to do with any of it.

Turning back to my book I just turned my headphones up and blocked out the world. I scribbled meaningless words together and made poems. I wrote little songs an very thing I thought of. My notebook was really like a diary of songs and poems. My old friend Ty always said I wrote wonderfully but I don't think I could ever believe him. Once he tried to get me to sing one of my songs in front of a small crowd but I bailed and he ended up doing it. He told me the audience loved the song an wanted him to play more. I still don't believe him but he's gone and I'll never know if he was telling the truth.

"Hey baby girl!" Was screamed in my ears right after my curtain and headphones were ripped off. I looked over and glared at the person who so happened to be Mike. "Do you wanna know how it went?" he asked jumping up into my bed. I thought about it for a second but shook my head. "Why my little bug?" He asked moving to where he was laying next to me. "I don't wanna know because what happens if Oliver comes for me thinking it was my fault?" I asked him. "We'll make sure you're safe a taken care of," he assured me. "That's just if I don't want to be babysat like a two year-old," I fought. "We just want to protect you, but if you think you're ok we will leave you alone," he said. We sat in silence while I wrote in my book. Mike leaned over to look in my book but I closed it quickly. "What ya writing baby sis?" He asked with a grin. "Why do you want to know?" I asked putting it up. "Because I think it's cool you write and I want to know what it is you're write other wise I'll just assume it's a dirty story," he laughed. "Well assume all you want you're not finding out," I smirked pushing him out of my bunk.

I jumped down and skipped into the lounge. "What did Mike do to get pushed out?" Tony asked trying not to laugh. As I was about to answer him Mike screams, "ALICE RYN FUENTES WRITES DIRTY STORIES!" The while bus erupts in a fits of laughter. "Goddammit Mike it's a book of songs and poems you dick head,"I yell over the noise. "Now was that so hard," Mike said in a baby voice as he pinched my cheeks. "Whatever," I mumbled walking to the kitchen area. I grabbed my last monster and walked out.

"So guys now you can tell me what happened," I said sitting next to Jaime. "Well I got there and Jordan got Oli. He tried to run but Jordan got him, and told to take it I guess. I kicked him in the balls pretty hard so hopefully he can't have babies. I also fucked his nose up and probably gave him stomach aches," Mike told me. I sat thinking for a bit. I hope Oliver is ok but then again I hope he dies. "Hey babe are you ok?" Jaime asked pulling me closer to him. "I'm fine, I just don't know whether to feel bad for him or hope he's ok," I confessed. "He's a piece of shit that deserves everything he got and more," Vic snapped. "Well I'm kinda tiered. I'm gonna take a nap. Wait a second I think I might thr-," all of a sudden I threw up in my lap.

"Go get towels Tony," Jaime instructed. Tony jumped up and ran for towels. Mike picked me up and took me to the bathroom. Tony rushed in with towels and they started whipping me down when it hit me again. This time I tried to give a signal and I quickly got leaned over the toilet. After I was done Vic suggested I take a shower but I was so sensitive I'd probably throw up again just by taking my clothes off, so Mike and Vic would help me. "Ok every one out," Vic said closing the door. "I think I'm sick," I chuckled looking down. They managed to get my shirt off but when they went to take my shorts off I forgot about the thong I was wearing. "Hey Alice what's with the giant monkey face on your ass?" Vic asked. "I don't know what you're talking about," I claimed. "Oh really cause it's taking up the left side of your ass and it's sticking it's tongue out," Mike pointed out. "I still don't know what you're talking about," I tried to not laugh as I kept denying the monkey was there. "Oh whatever I think you can handle it from here so we'll leave," Vic said as they left.

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