Chapter 8: Just a Nightmare

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"Ali! Ali Ali!" Some one half screamed half sobbed as I was being shook. "What," I answered. My body burning and clothes wet. I trembled. I was picked up and carried some where. I opened my eyes and realized it was the bus. "No no no. it's just a dream you aren't real," I said looking at the band. "Ali we are real," the one who looked like Vic tried assuring. "Bull shit! it's just Cody and Oli's doing," I yelled. "Did some one say my name?" Oli asked coming out of the kitchen. "You bastard you killed them, now you're trying to drive me crazy. well just kill me already. just get it over with," I got puzzled looks from everyone.

"Ali to be honest I don't know what you're talking about," Oli innocently replied. "You're lying to me," I protested about to have a mental breakdown. "Alice tell me what I did and we'll see if it happened or not," he prompted. "Fine," I agreed. "Well I had woken up from the nap and my lungs were filled with smoke from the burning bus. I tried to scream y'all's names but I couldn't. I stumbled out side then I saw there were no other buses or people. Then everything went black," I looked at their faces and they looked absolutely horrified. I continued my story until I came to the part where I woke up here. "What the fuck Alice? I have no fucking clue who Cody is and I would never kill anyone," Oli stood up in protest. "Well then how am I suppose to believe that these aren't clones and you didn't kill the real Vic, Mike, Tony, and my beloved Jaime," I shot back infuriated.

"Does anyone know something no one else knows about Alice?" Oli asked looking around. "Yeah Oli I do," Vic raises is hand. "Okay say it," Oli commands. "When Alice was 14 she was about to commit suicide but I got her off the bridge an that was the first time I found out about the bullying and her self harming," I looked away. I realized that it was all a dream, because Mike didn't find out later about the harming. "See it was a dream because nobody would have known that," Oli said first proud but gradually getting sadder. "I am so sorry Oli I didn't know. It was so vivid and I didn't know better. Cody would have done that, that's why I believed my own imagination," I apologize. "Alice it's okay I'm not mad, I just wanted you to see it wasn't true," he assured hugging me. "Can we go get something to eat? I'm starved," Mike stated standing up.

We walked into a convenience store when the bus stopped. We piled out and walked in. I grabbed a drink and an Monster. Then I walked around and got some food and candy. Everyone had already payed and was on the bus and I was left alone. Paying for the stuff and walking out I saw Oli an Mike talking and smoking. I disregarded it and walked on in. "Hey Ali," Jaime said in a low voice. He wrapped his arms around me waist and spun me to face him. "Hey babe," I smiled leaning up to kiss him. "You didn't get very much food doll, wanna tell me why," it sounded more demanding than questioning. "I'm just not a pig like y'all," I said calmly. "Are you sure you still aren't shooken up about the dream?" he asked in a whisper. "I'm fine just leave me alone," irritated with the interrogation I stormed of to my bunk.

Pulling out my earbuds I put my phone on a playlist and hit shuffle. The first song that popped up was 'My Understandings' by OM&M. That was one of the few songs that brought me to tears, because it felt that was just meant for me. I can't explain it, it's just something about the song. I felt the bus door close and the bus start to move. I laid my head down and concentrated on the music and let the some what steady rocking of the bus lure me to sleep once again.

Jaime's POV

"I'm fine just leave me alone," Ali pushed passed me down to the bunks. Something in me wanted to run after her, but again I didn't want to piss her off anymore. I grabbed a soda and went to the lounge where Vic was. "Hey man," I said sitting next to him. "What's up bro, you look bothered," he asked. "Your sister," I replied. "Shit! what did she do?" "Well I walked up and asked how she was and she was a total bitch to me. She pushed pasted me and went straight to the bunk room. I didn't want to piss her off so I didn't run after her. I just want to go after her and comfort her," I confided in him. "You really love her don't you. Some advice though, she is a bitch sometimes just give her some space for a while. I wonder what would have happened if we did that instead of trying to force her to break it off with Cody," Vic said.

I heard the door open then Mike and Oli walk in laughing and chatting things up. "Everyone ready?" the driver asked. "Yup," we all answered. The bus started up and everyone was talking to each other. I walked back to the bathroom but Tony was in there. While I waited I wondered over to Alice's bunk. Opening to curtain I saw her face and she was peacefully sleeping. Not thinking I climbed in and she moved slightly to face into my chest. I closed my eyes and drifted of forgetting about having to use the bathroom.

Alice's POV

I woke up and saw complete darkness. I grabbed my phone to check the time, it read 12:39. "Fuck," I muttered sitting up. I tried to feel my way out but someone was in the way. I shined the phone on the mystery person. It turned out to be Jaime as I kissed his cheek I climbed out. Stumbling over crap in the hall I finally made it over to the couch. Not I ding anything to do, I walk through the dark to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of Jack I spin around and head back to the lounge.

I sat down in total darkness. I opened to bottle and opened up twitter. Taking a swig of the drink I scrolled down the screen. Taking another big drink I closed my phone, finding nothing interesting.

Glancing at my arms and legs all I could see what scars, no skin, just scarred tissue. I thought back I my dream from before and thought about my dreamless sleep I just awoke from. I am so stupid for believing that was real. I took another drink. Why would he kill them? How could I not see the works of fiction my imagination made for me? Was I that much of an idiot?

I don't know how long I've been sitting here, or how many times I got up for another bottle but I must've been there all night. The light flicked on and I was blinded. "Hey Ali what are doing up so early?" the person who turned on the lights asked. I couldn't say anything because my Brian wouldn't work right. "What the fuck! Why is all the Jack gone?" I then realised it was Mike. There were about six bottles in there. I saw him walking toward me but then I just passed out from all the whiskey.

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