Chapter 21: Betting On Babies

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Mike's POV

"Why did you leave me all alone?" Tony asked with a small pout. "None of your business," I smirked. "You should tell me though. Oh and get me food," he said. "Why do you want to eat?" I walked into the kitchen. "Sandwich I guess. You know what ever," he replied. "Fine," I got him some food and went back in the lounge area. "Here ya go," I gave him the plate and sat down. "Thanks Mikey," he grinned. "Fuck off," I flipped him off and sat down.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Tony asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes and looked at Vic, who stared down at his lap. "Come on guys just answer. Take a guess. Ooo maybe we can make bets," he suggested. "Betting on babies?" I asked confused. "No betting on a baby, it's completely different," he scoffed. "What if there's two fetuses?" Vic smarted off. Tony pondered on the thought for a second then stated matter-of-factly, "we'll bet on babies then."

"Jaime!' we heard whined from the bunks. "What do you need?'' "i can't sleep," Alice said. "Then get up and bug your brothers," Jaime sighed. "Hey don't send that thing in here," I yelled at them. "Don't be an ass Mike, I'm coming," she shouted bak. "Oh bet Jaime's heard that one before," Tony laughed. "Tony now you're the one being an ass," Jaime said.

Ali stumbled into the room and hit Tony and I on the head forcefully. "Bitch," Tony muttered. "Asshole," she spat back. "Slut," he said louder. "Dickhead," she shot at him. "Whore," he yelled. "Cocksucker!" she screeched. "Cunt!" he screamed right back at her.

"Ok I think everyone just needs to calm down," Vic interceded. "Why so she can find a new guy to fuck," Tony mumbled. "Shut the fuck up about my sister! What the hell has gotten into you? you were just fine a minute ago and now you're merely a dick," Vic filled with rage.

"It's just- I mean, well," Tony stammered, shocked at Vic's sudden burst of fury. "What the hell is wrong with you! Explain yourself!" he was getting even more angry now. "Fine. I- I, I love Ariel. She should have never been with Jaime and now she's carrying his fucking child in her. I was trying to be nice but it builds up more an more everyday," he got quiet and the stormed off.

On Tony's way to the bunks he pushed back Jaime. "What the hell," Jaime said and walked in. "Are we there yet?" Jaime whined like a 2 year old. "No we have hours to go, no more whining. If you want to stop at a store or anything we will in an hour or so," the bus driver called from the front.

Well fuck me! I have to be on a bus for hours maybe a day with a messed up Tony, moody Alice, fucked up Vic, and hyper Jaime. This is probably going to end with someone dead.

Alice's POV

Tony is such an ass sometimes. He thinks he can just come in here and whatever he wants just because I chose Jaime and now I'm pregnant! It's not fair anymore. I wish I could live any where other than this shit hole, at least there is only a couple weeks left.

I kept gazing down at my stomach. How does a human grow in there, not literally I know that answer. It only takes two simple things and a little bundle of joy, or hell, is created. Something amazing that strikes me in awe every time I think of it.

I laid my head on Jaime's lap and my legs stretched across Mike. "Hey! Get your damn legs off of me," Mike pushed my legs of his lap. "It's not nice to push pregos," I said. "It's not nice to be a smart ass," he remarked.

"Vic," I called out. He sat so distant from everyone. He didn't answer so I called his name louder. He finally snapped out of his trance.

"What do you want?" He asked still a little out of it. "Can you get me a beer?" I asked sweetly. "Sure- wait what the hell are you doing? YOU'RE GOING TO KILL MY NEPHEW!" He screamed.

"Damn. Fine get me an energy drink," I said trying to get the ringing in my ears to stop. "No! That will make his heart stop!" He exclaimed. "Geez Vic why do you think it's a he and this time cool it on the yelling," I said.

"Well, I think it would be better for 'it' to be a boy," he said. "And why is that might I ask," I sat up and got me a water.

"Because men are the superior. Also it'd be easier to have a boy with a family of boys and one girl," he sounded so sure of himself. "What about your girlfriend and Mike's girlfriend?" I asked.

"So what. Two girls that will probably not be around that often," he shrugged his shoulders. "Don't be a dick Vic," I said. "I will be what I please," sassed off.

We sat I'm silence for a while then Jaime started playing with my hair. "No offence but I think you need a shower," he said softly. "I agree, and you should come with me," I said suggestively.

"Why?" He asked. I was mentally killing him for not getting anything, but I replied. "So you can see this super hot body before I get all fat an gross because of the thing," I pointed to my belly.

His mouth formed an 'O' and he got up and ran to the bunks with me dragged behind.

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