Chapter 24: Really? Oh Well Let's Party!

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Jaime's POV

We were half way through the set and almost done with 'Props and Mayhem'. I looked to Vic who smiled wildly, then to Mike who flashed a smug look and gave a thumbs up.

"Now I want to tell you guys something," Vic said. The crowd went wild as usual. "I'm gonna let Ali come up here and Jaime speak," he stepped away.

I looked to Ali who froze up. "Come up here Alice," I urged her. She shook her head but Jack Dragged her up here.

"What do you want Jaime?" she asked as if she already knew. I have my bass to Vic and grabbed my mic.

"Alice Ryn Fuentes. Ever since I met you I knew you were going to be my girl. Through all the shit that happened in your past, the mess that occurred on tour, and of course little Jaime," I stopped for a second to see her face.

"Jaime I love you," she told me. It's like no one else could hear us. We're the only to humans almost.

"I will always love you, the baby, and every perfect imperfection. I know this looks so cliché, but I'm a fool for you. You make me crazy and I don't ever want to be sane. Ali Ryn Fuentes, will marry me," by the time I finished she was in tears.

I'm still down on my knee and she stands there like she's a statue. I couldn't tell what she was going to say until she did. Ali lent down away from the mic and whispered in my ear. I looked up at her, an she ran off stage.

Ali's POV

I lent down next to his ear and whispered, "I do, Jaime Preciado but I think I'm going to throw up. I'm not feeling well." I left him with that and quickly ran off stage.

I ran to the nearest bin and threw up. As I walked back holding my stomach Jack approached me. "What the hell Alice?" He questioned.

"I said yes Jack now calm your tits. I wasn't feeling well and just threw up," I tried as hard as possible not to be rude.

"Oh," is all he said. Jack bent down and hugged for the longest time. Before we knew it the whole set was done.

"Alice!" Jaime called out. I quickly spun around to find a hand shoot out and take mine. "There you go now you have the ring," Jaime smiled.

"What do you know, pretty soon ima be Mrs. Alice Preciado. Has a nice ring to it," I laughed. As soon as I laughed I felt another wave of sick hit. I looked for the nearest bin and found it five or so feet away.

"Are gonna be ok Ali?" Jaime asked. He rubbed my back and held my hair out of my face.

"I think so. It's probably just this child. Ugh, I can't wait until it's out. This kid is gonna kill me unless I kill it," I joked.

"Don't say that. It could hear you and think you don't care about it," Jaime said seriously. Damn that child had some issues think the baby could hear me. Yup that crazy kid is my fiancé.

"It can't hear me, you're just paranoid. The baby isn't going to die, it's to live happily ever after like a story book character," I smiled.

"I don't like that idea. Story characters don't listen to rock and punk," he laughed. We began the walk to the bus. Finally the last day of tour, the end of tour party, an then I get to sleep until we get to San Diego.

We walked in silence but it wasn't the awkward kind that loomed over like clouds. It was the kind that you enjoy because of one another's presence, if that makes sense at all. When we reached the bus I walked in and immediately sat on the couch.

"Fucking finally man. My feet are killing me," I exclaimed rather loudly.

"No body wants to hear about your damn feet," Vic called from the back. He startled me and I jumped up since I didn't know he was there. A wicked grin grew across my face as I thought of my question for him.

"Vicy? Can you rub my feet since they really hurt," I whined and dragged out the really part.

"Fine but then we have to get ready for the party. Lord knows it takes you forever," he complained and sat next to me. I put my feet on his lap an laid back.

"Hurry up babe, we have to get ready then go," Jaime called from the bathroom.

"What are you doing in there?" I asked him.

"My hair, now come on I don't want to be late," he called impatiently. Jaime was such a girl about his hair sometimes.

I got up after a while and thanked Vic. I walked to my bunk and went through some dresses I bought on tour. Most would be a little tight now since I'm showing a tiny bit.

"Hey Hime, what dress should I wear?" I asked him. He walked out of the restroom and I held up two dresses. One was a sparkly, thin strapped black one, and the other a strapless red cocktail dress.

"Well the black one won't make you look as slurpy as the red one," he said seriously. I looked at the red one and realised his point.

"Ok thanks Hime, I'll o with the black one," I kissed his cheek an went to get dressed.

********* I was listening to Suicide Silence's new album (which is amazing!) so it could have effected my writing.********

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