Chapter 11: Fights and Friends

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Jaime's POV

I walked off the stage handed my bass to the tech. "Great show guys now let's go meet some fans and go find Alice and the people from before," Vic said. Everyone went off to put their stuff up and wipe their faces of sweat. I grabbed my water as Tony came over to me. "I had an interesting time at the park with your girl," Tony said. "What happened?" I eagerly asked. "We hung out but then she stopped at a pond and started talking about her family and that she was sad that her family would never be like the line of ducks we saw. She cried and cried in my arms until I hummed her favourite song. When I finished humming 'The Balcony Scene' we got up and left," I almost cried my self knowing how much her family means to her and I was mad at the same time. Why the hell would she open up to him! It isn't fair because I'm the one who cares and loves her. "Are you ok?" How could he act like he cares when he just wants to steal her from me. "Why the hell would you care! You're just being a dick about it and trying to steal my girl!" I screamed at him walking the other way to go find her.

Ali's POV

"I can't believe you live with them! They are amazing," one of Dani's friends said. "Erg they are so annoying," I complained to Steph, which was her name. "But they're super hot!" The other one named Bessi squealed. "Ewwwie! Two of those 'hotties' are my brothers!" I cut in. Just then my arm was grasped in a tight grip. I was spun around and my lips were crashed against someone else's. I could hear the girls make giggly noises so I figured it must be Jaime. Our kiss broke and his eyes stared straight into mine. "Babe your show was great!" I told him. "Thanks," he mumbled. I disregard the remark since we have company but can't help to want to ask what I did. "Let's go friends. To the bus!" I shouted.

We were all sitting around and talking on the bus, well the girls were mostly saying how cool it was to be in here. Jaime still seemed a little uneasy since after the show. I heard a knock on the door and got up to get it. I opened up the door and Kellin stepped in. "Hey guys," he said joyfully. "Holy fucking shit no way!" Bessi yelled looking at Kellin. Dani and Steph just stood there gawking at him. "I see you have guests so I'll come back later when you aren't havering anyone over," he said heading for the door. "You don't have to go. The girls do seem to want to meet you," I chuckled. The girls were still gawking at him. "Girls it's not nice to state at strangers," Mark commented. "Daddy he isn't a stranger. He's the super hot lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens," Dani informed him. "Ah so that's the guy from the poster you're always kissing," Mark said laughing. Dani's face turned bright red. "Daddy don't say that. Kellin I swear it isn't true, don't believe him," she pleaded.

The door opened and Tony, Mike, and Vic walked in. I looked at Jaime who was glaring at Tony and Tony was glaring back at him. The girls shrieked again upon seeing the boys. Vic walked over to Mike and out stretched his hand and said, "hello my name is Vic. I'm the oldest brother to Alice." Mark stood up and shock his hand, "I'm Mark and my wife Shara saved Alice's life apparently." Vic looked at me and I just smiled back at him. "You were going to die!" Vic sounded surprised. I mean me and Tony go to the park and he expects me to not almost die. "Not really it was a prank and I was just acting unconscious," I laughed awkwardly while Mike and Jaime were looking stunned, Kellin was autographing things for the girls, and Tony was just laughing his ass off. "Damn you must be a good actress," Vic complimented. "Thank you Vicy," I replied. "Awwwww, VICY!" The girls squealed. "Quit it Ali," he ordered. "Never. I will call you what ever I please," I objected.

"Well we should get going now because you don't want to miss any of the other shows," Mark said to the girls. "Do we have to?" They whined. "You won't be able to see Of Mice & Men or Bring Me The Horizon," he tried persuading them to go. "You wanna watch them to don't you!" Dani announced. His face flushed in red and he quickly came up with a comeback, "I just don't want you to annoy me later with them coming into town and wanting to go see them. "Whatever, let's go girls," Dani sneered. "Before you leave here's my number so if we ever need to get in touch we can," I smile handing Mark a paper while they were heading or the door.

"Now tell me what the hell is going on between you two," I demanded pointing at Tony and Jaime. "He's accusing me of trying to steal you from him just because I was a friend and went with you to the park," Tony started. "Because you were dickhead. If you weren't you would've told me to go," Jaime cut in. "I knew she wouldn't open up to you because she likes you and wants to seem stable," Tony added. "She knows she can tell me anything. You just have to steal my girl. You have to try to break our love just because you can't get any," Jaime jeered. "Will both of you shut the fuck up for a single second so I can talk," I yelled from the top of the table to get their attention. They all looked at, my brothers stunned and Tony and Jaime glaring at each other. "First Jaime, I'm touched you're jealous but Tony was just being a friend and not trying to steal me. Second Tony, I'm happy you came with me. It was really fun and you got to know me better. See Jaime it was all just friendship," I explained to them. "Now hug and forgive each other," I commanded. "But I don't wann-" I cut Jaime off. "Do it!" I ordered. They hugged and then went to sit down.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a one of my monsters from the fridge. "Does anyone else want a drink," I asked peering into the lounge. "Whiskey," Mike yelled from the bunks. "We don't have any," I yelled back. "And whose fucking fault is that," Mike said angrily. "Ok you know what just so you won't bitch about booze anymore, I'm going down to the liquor store and getting more," I yelled at him. "I'll go with you," Jaime volunteered quickly jumping up. "Fine just get Jack or I'll be even more pissed at you," he said as we walked out the door.

"Why'd you wanna come," I asked curiously. We looked to make sure no cars were coming then crossed the street. "Can't I just be with you without being questioned," he said innocently. "No," I bluntly replied. "Well then, my motive is to get close to you then bang you," he sarcastically said to me. I laughed. "In that case why not save me the trouble and let's do it now," I chuckled. "Ok," shrugged. "Though we should probably get a hotel room first," he stated with a complete serious look on his face. "You're not kidding are you?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Hell ya," he declared.

Vic's POV

"Where are they?" I asked walking outta the shower. "They left forever ago," Tony complained. "They got a bunch of whiskey," Mike claimed. "It doesn't take that long to get from the store to the bus. I mean there was a liquor store a block away," I added. "Maybe our little Jaimie is getting some," Tony laughed. "Tony don't you even fucking go there," I fumed. "Aww you do have a heart," Tony cooed. "She is old enough to do whatever and whoever she wants," Mike said. "I don't want to think about y little sister doing those disgusting things. You know what I'll just call her," I said worried.

I grabbed my phone and stepped out of the bus. I started to call and she picked up right away. "Hello," it was Jaime who picked up the phone. "Where the hell are you two?" I asked calmly. There was hesitation before he answered, "oh you know, out doing things." The 'doing things' was emphasised. "What things?" I said through gritted teeth. "Getting booze. Don't worry well be back in ten minutes," he assured me. "I'm timing you," I said and hung up.

I walked back in. "So did she pick up?" Mike eagerly asked. "No. It was Jaime. I'm so pissed right now. They've been out for and hour and a half and are going to be back in ten minutes. I bet they were screwing each other too," I must've been yelling because they all were all looking at me like they were surprised I cared. "Well as long as they have bought my jack I'm fine with whatever they want to do," Mike said obviously not caring.

I heard laughs and giggles outside the bus. Suddenly the door opened and Jamie and Ali walk through. "Hey guys," Ali greeted us laughing. "What's funny?" I ask. "Stuff," Jaime replied chuckling. "So what took you guys so long, and where is my jack?" Mike eagerly asked. "In bags outside the bus. We took so long because we decided to take sometime to out selves," she casually said. Mike jumped up and sprinted out of the bus. "Next time you go somewhere else call us or text us," I told them. "I need some help. To much whiskey," Mike complained. We all walked out side to find about 10 bags of the stuff with almost 3-4 bottles in each. "What the hell. Why did you get all of this?" I asked shocked. "I thought he'd be happy. I mean he is MikeyWhiskeyHands," Jaime laughed. "It's all fine with me so calm yourself Vic," Mike said opening a bottle and chugging it. "Ok since that's over can I just go to sleep I'm super tired," Ali asked. "Sure lil sis," I told her. She turned around and walked off. "Now that she's gone you can tell us why the hell you did what you did," Mike exploded.

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