Chapter 18: Jaime Jr. Or Little Ali

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Alice's POV

"You're lying," I bluntly stated. "No I'm not," he replied. "That's not true and it can't be. It won't be. I'm not pregnant dammit, I just can't be," I screamed. Jaime pulled me close to him and whispered softly, "why can't it?" I held back tears as I tried to explain, "because I can't take care of a innocent life form when I can't even take care of my self. It just won't work, do you understand now?" He looked into my eyes and said, "I didn't realise that. I'm sorry."

"Can I leave now?" I asked. "Let me go search for a doctor," Vic said jumping up. "How are you feeling Ariel?" Tony asks walking over to me. "Sick but I guess that's just the little devil," mumbled. "Aren't you just a little excited you're havering a baby because I know I'm bursting with joy that my little mermaid is having an even littler mermaid," he laughed. "And what if it's a boy?" I countered. "Then my little mermaid is having an even littler merman," Tony teased.

"Alice how are you doing today, my name is Doctor Caliborne," the doctor said as she walked in with Vic. "I'm good. What the news, can I go home finally," I eagerly waited my answer as she walked closer. "Yes, but there are some things we need to go over. First it about you're eating habits. You need to be gradually eating more and not all at once since you are anorexic. Second, drink lots of water because you passed out from dehydration, and what could be stress or emotional instability. Third, I don't know if anyone has told you this but congratulations you're about two to three weeks pregnant," she finally finished. "They told me and I took it pretty well," I forced a fake smile.

"You call that taking it well," Mike muttered. "Shut the fuck up Mike I'm trying to get y'all back on the road ok," I snapped at Mike. "There was another thing I need to talk to you about. The depression, anxiety, and self harm aren't healthy for you nor the baby so you will be put on medication for that," she explained. "Fine. Just get me the stuff Mike and Vic will sign me out ok," I told her. "That's fine. Mr. Fuentes, Mr. Fuentes if you would follow me this way," she lead the out of the room.

"Please be happy Ali. It's not like I'm going to leave you, we are in this together," Jaime reassured me. "I am happy, but I'm also scared shitless that I'll fuck up especially on medication," I told him. "I know you are but you're gonna be the best damn mother in the world. I mean look at us. Ever since you came on this tour you have been like our mother," he tried cheering me up. "Then if I'm caring your child and I'm also your mother...Incest child," I joked.

"What about incest children?" Mike asked. "Jaime said I was like your mother ever since I came on tour. So I called incest child on Junior here," I said pointing to my stomach. "That's just. Well that's just strange," Vic chuckled as he walked in holding a bag.

"What's in the bag?" I asked. "Most likely not what you think," he replied. "Aw man so it's not weed," I complained. "It's medicine dumbass," he told me. "So that means we can go right?" Tony jumped up. "Yeah. The medicine was actually ready to go yesterday but you ha to wake up and you needed to be told everything," Vic informed me. "Well then that's just fucking great. Now let's haul ass an maybe we could get to the next show," I said getting up and walking to bathroom to change.

I heard giggles and sharply turned around, "What are you laughing at?" Mike had a huge smile plastered on his face and tried to contain the laughter. "What?" I shouted. "I thought you said you didn't have a monkey on your ass," Mike said still trying to keep a straight face. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed. I turned around and saw the back of my gown had no back. I run over to the bathroom quickly and changed.

"Ok let's go," I said as soon as I walked out. "Cool. Everybody get their shit together an lets hit the road," Vic announced to everyone in the room. We all picked up our stuff and left. I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I looked down to see the one tattooed arm of Jaime. His hand rested on my belly and he rubbed little circles. "Please don't," I whispered. "Ali why won't you cheer up. It's not that fucking hard. Do think I'm not freaking the fuck out that I'm going to be a dad, or the fact that the mom is someone that could self destruct at any moment," he practically shouted at me.

"Jaime if you don't want the child or me all you have to do is say something," a tear slipped down my cheek and I turned away. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it like that. I just can't lose you or a baby. You never have to worry about me leaving, like I said before I'm here and I'm never leaving you," he reaffirmed. "I love you so much. Don't ever forget that," I raised up and kissed his cheek before entering the bus.

The bus driver immediately started the bus and we were off. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my cigarettes. "You know you can't smoke right?" Mike asked. "I'm not blonde Mike. Of course I know that's why I'm holding them. To make sure I don't smoke them," I told him. "A better way is to give them to me," he added. "But in nine months I can smoke them," I countered. "Then they will be stale," he argued. "I said no Mike now quit asking," I ended the conversation.

"Jaime," I whined. "What," he whined back. "I'm tiered," I complained. He give me a 'what the fuck' look and replied, "you slept for nearly three damn days." "But I'm still tired an I want to sleep. Carry me to my bunk, pleaseee," I begged. "Fine," he caved in. Jaime picked me up and carried me to bunk. "You're going to lay with?" It sound more of a question than a statement. "Fine just let change fist," he said.

"You said you were changing not stripping," I giggled as he climbed in next to me. "I changed out of my clothes," he smirked. "At least you kept on your boxers on," I said. "You spun sad maybe I should take them off," he said in a low voice. "Nooooooooooooo, keep them on," I pleaded. "What's the worse that could happen?" He questioned. "Well I'm not doing it with you so the worse you're naked and I have a boner poking me all night," I teased. "Fine I'll keep them on," he agreed. "Goodnight Jaime," I said. "Goodnight Ali and little Jaime," he said as he pulled me closer and laid his hand on my stomach.

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