Chapter 4: Of Mice & Men

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Alice's POV

My eyes fluttered opened to a bright flash and the giggles of the boys. "That is so cute," someone said. "I know right, now let's put it on twitter," a different voice said. I sat up the second I heard that. "What are you doing and who are you?" a
I asked still trying to get up. "It be Vic and I, Jaime, who were taking a photo of you sleeping with Mikey's arms around you," Jaime said smiling. "You guys just look so cute," Vic said with a high pitched voice. "Shut up and delete the picture," I told them almost falling out of my bunk. "Mike get your lazy ass up, I almost killed myself getting out," I said shaking him. "Fuck off I'm sleeping," he said still partially asleep. "Get up you play soon," I said nudging him. "What time is it?" he was sitting up now. "Like 11 but you play at 12:30," I explained as he got out of my bunk. "Why were you in my bunk?" I asked. "You don't remember wow, but I guess that makes sense you were tired. Well you left, smoked illegal drugs, came back, and went to bed then asked me to sleep with you because you were cold," he explained. "Shit I remember now," I muttered. "I'm taking a shower now, anyone need in the bathroom before?" I asked getting my bed fixed. Nobody needed in so I shut the door and turned on the water.

I undressed and took off my bracelets. I waited until the water was warm enough then hopped in. I let the water fall on my long purple hair and on my skin. The water was soothing. I washed my hair, face, and body. I got out and wrapped the towel around my body and walked out. I walked over to my bunk and grabbed some clothes. I shut the door that separated the bunk room from the lounge and Kitchen areas. I let the towel drop to the floor as I reached for my underwear and put it on. I looked through some clothes Mike and Vic bought me while they were locked out. I grabbed a SWS tank and a pair of ripped skinnys with a pair of Batman Vans. I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked back out.

"Hey Ali," Vic said as I walked by. "Hey baby bro," I said back. "I am so older than you, I'm older by 8 years," he defended. "But I'm taller and you're 30 and I'm 22 so you're old. I also heard some people think you look like a teenage girl," I giggled at the last part. "Damn I am old but at least I look 15," we all laughed. Mikey was laughing so hard he fell on his ass. "You are a retard Mikey, you know that," Vic said laughing. "Ya well you're a teenage girl," Mike said getting up. We all got up and composed our selves. "Let's go guys show starts soon," I said rounding everyone up. We headed out the door and down the bus rows. We got to our stage and Of Mice & Men were just getting done.

After the switch and everyone was set up with their instrument Austin came up to me. "So I heard you and Jaime are a thing now," he grinned. "I don't know it's complicated. I mean with my brothers and everything," I tried explaining. "I understand," he said hugging me. "Why the very sweaty hug?" I asked pulling away. "You seem down so I thought a hug might pick up," he cheerfully said. "I'm not down jut upset at my brothers reaction as how they almost forbid me even though I'm over the age of a legal adult," I said irritated. "Maybe you should respect your brothers wishes for now," he advised me. "But I might actually really like Jaime, I mean like like Jaime," I tried explaining better. "Well talk to your brothers and tell them that and say you won't fuck each other when they're around," he laughed. "Ew boys are icky they have cooties," I squealed like a little girl. We started laughing a lot. "Hey guys," Alan walked up behind us. "Hey my ginger princess," I said sweetly. "Hey buttercup," he said back. "Hey Alan what ya doing back over here?" Austin asked. My eyes wondered away and I tuned out. looking up in stage I saw Jaime staring at me. I waved to him. Vic started walking towards me and was saying something. He pulled me up but I ran back down. Then Mikey got up and picked me up and put me in the front of the stage.

"Everyone this is my sister Alice, fans say hi to Alice," Vic said into the mic. I was greeted by a bunch of screaming fans. "Say something," Vic whispered. "Hi everyone I'm a big fan of the music and proud of Vicy and Mickey, my brothers," i said. The fans were giggling and so was Jaime and Tony. Vic pushed me of the stage and started the next song.

"Well that was funny," Austin said walking up to me. "It was funny I was trying to embarrass them," I chuckled. "You did that buttercup," Alan said. "yup," I grinned. "You wanna go back to our bus?" Austin asked. "Sure I want to leave its hot," I said. "Off we go princess and buttercup," Austin laughed. "Carry me austin," I pleaded like a child. "Ok," he said picking me up.

We walked to the buses and down the rows till we got to theirs. we walked in and found it empty. "What you wanna do now?" Alan asked. "Watch a movie," I yelled. "Not now maybe later," Alan replied. "Fuck you I wanna watch batman!" i yelled playfully. "You would fuck him wouldn't you," Austin laughed. "Ew I wanna fuck Jaime not Alan," I giggled. "Is that an insult," Alan said in defence. "No you're just my princess not my fuck buddy or boyfriend," I explained. "I'm still offended," Alan pouted. "Be offended, just smilie and act like you're not," Austin said. "Never!" Alan got up and went to the 'kitchen'. "want anything to drink guys?" he asked. "no, I don't drink a lot," I replied. "none for me," Austin agreed too. "Yay more for me," Alan cheered. My phone buzzed.

'Where are you?'
'On the OM&M bus'
I replied
'Come back to our bus we are going out'
'Okay bub'

"I gotta go guys. see ya later," I said grabbing my stuff and walking out the door. I forgot where the PTV bus was so I was just wandering. I thought I was lost so I looked for a familiar bus and found Bring Me the Horizon's bus. I walked up and knocked on the door. "Hello," Oli answered the door. "Hi Oli do you know where the PTV bus is I'm lost," I asked. He gave me the directions and I was back to the bus in no time. "Vicy I'm home," I said walking in. "Ok guys time to go everybody," Tony said getting up and putting his shoes on. We all walked out and got off the Warped grounds. "I want Mexican food," I proclaimed. "let's go then," Mike said.

We walked till we came to a small Mexican café. We all crammed into a booth and look at the menu. "I want a taco and Dr. Pepper to drink," I told the waitress. the rest order and the girl walked away. "Alice is something wrong you didn't order a lot," Jaime whispered into my ear. "Nothing's wrong," I said faking a smile. He just smiled back and went back to talking. "Wait Ali let me see your arms," he said turning back. "I didn't do anything Jaime calm down," I replied playing it cool. "All right then," he said suspiciously. The truth is I did cut again. When I'm by myself I just don't like to feel like I'm a ghost, so I do it. I do it because I'm in control and to make sure I'm real. "Ali, Ali. Ali!" Vic said rather loudly while Jaime shook me. "ow! let go of me," I shrieked standing up. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You! You're such a dick don't touch me again!" I yelled running to the bathroom.

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now