Chapter 26: The Sadness Will Never End

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"Alice Ryn Fuentes come out of that room now," Jaime belted out from the hall. We were in his house and I locked my self in his room. I hadn't been to sleep ever since we got back from the doctor.

"I'm calling your brothers and Tony if your ass does not come out of that room," he raged. I didn't reply. I didn't have too. He knows I don't care.

I deserve this hell I'm in. It's all my fault, I'm the fuck up that killed it.

I spent what felt like hours than minutes. Suddenly there was ringing through out the house.

I heard muffled noises from down stairs, then a loud bang on my door. "Fucking hell Alice come out explain to me what's going on," a voice boomed.

I guess that's one of my brothers, most likely Mike. I don't think Vic is talk enough to hit the top of the door.

Again I was quiet, but then my door split in two and half fell on me.

I still remain still, not budging from my spot on the floor. I was sprawled out near the edge of my bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Alice!" Jaime yelped. He ran over too me and pulled my body toward him. "Please Alice talk to me," he pleaded almost in tears.

"It's all my fault. I deserve to die," I choked out in a hoarse voice.

"Explain to me now Alice or so help me I'm calling Mom and Dad," Vic threatened. I sat up instantly.

"They hate me Vic. They think I'm a whore, you wouldn't dare," I said.

"Fine then tell me," he challenged.

"Ok then. It started two days ago. When we went to the doctor....."


Filler, but only for suspense. I will be updating later today. When I do though don't hate me, this was the plan from the beginning.

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