Chapter 10: Parks, ducks and pranks

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"What's there to be sorry for? By the way it's Tony, Tony Perry," he said with sass. "I jut know how it feels to deal with that, and do you mean Tony Perry, Tony Perry. Like from Pierce The Veil?" She said a little excitedly. "Yeah I am," he replied a little quiet. "My daughter loves your band!" She exclaimed excitedly. "I'm glad to hear that," he replied. "So who is this girl you got with you?" She asked picking up my head to examine the back off it. " Vic and Mike's sister Alice," Tony told her. " I think she'll be ok but you need to get her back to the bus," the lady said. "How did you know we are on tour?" He asked. "Duh, my daughter loves y'all and her dad is taking her to Warped with a couple friends today," she said. "What does she look like so if I see her I'll let her and her friends hang out with the band," he offered. I opened one eye and saw her showing him her phone. I saw her turn around and quickly closed my eye. "Well we should be getting back to Warped grounds. Come on Ali it's time to get up and leave," Tony said laughing. "Ok Turtle," I replied hopping up.

I looked around and everyone was staring at us in shock and disbelief. Me and Turtle looked at each other, falling on our asses laughing everyone walked away except for the woman. "So what's your name?" I asked walking up to them. "My names Shara," she said extending her hand. "As you know I'm Alice but you an call me Ali for short," I cheerfully told her as I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Alice," she said, "well I have to go now. Tell Dani and my husband I said hi and be safe," she laughed turning her back. "Will do Shara," Tony yelled as we walked away.

It was really awkward since neither of us are talking and we're just walking around the park. I spotted a bench by a small pond and walked over to it. Sitting down I looked across the water. There was a group of ducks. The mom was leading and the babies were swimming closely behind in a row. I sat staring at them, then Tony flopped down next to me. "Why are you sad Ariel?" He asked taking my hand. I realised I was crying. Wiping the tears from my face I simply replied, "I don't know." I really didn't know why I crying at all. "There is something wrong. Come on, you can tell me. Just trust in me," he pleaded. I thought for a second and before I knew I started talking. "I saw the ducks an I knew my family could never be like that. My mom and dad probably don't know I'm back," my voice quivered, "Our family will never be happy like that. We will never ever be like that again," tears started pouring down my cheeks. Tony pulled me into his lap and hummed a tune. It was my favourite song, 'The Balcony Scene'. How did he know that was my favourite song?

"Your family will one day be like that again. Until then you need to get in touch with your parents, spend quality time with your brothers, and stop the cutting," he said getting up and leaving me on the ground. "I'll try Tony, I really will this time," I assured him. "Let's head back to the bus. It's 12:45 and our show starts at 1:30," he took my hand and lead me to the street. We walked for about 15 minutes then came close to the grounds. We walked to the busses and got in ours. "We're back," Tony called out. No answer. "Is anyone there?" Silence. "They must've left already. Let's go walk around," I suggested. "Anything you want Ariel," he said grinning. "Quit calling me that already," I demanded. "Never!" Tony exclaimed as he took my arm and pulled me out of the door.

We walked by booths and tents. Occasionally people would come up to Tony for autographs and he would sign what the fans had. "So what does Dani look like?" I questioned. "Tall, blonde hair, purple contacts, and lip piercings," he answered. "Kinda like that?" I asked pointing to a girl with two friends and an older man. "Exactly!" We walked over to them and the girls looked at Tony in shock. "Hello, I just wanted to say that your mom Shara saved my life at the park today. She also wanted us to tell you hi and that it was ok to come with us to the bus until the next band you want to see," I told them. Tony stood behind me shaking his head yes. The girls stood silent for a while then started screaming with joy. "So I see they are excited, I just need your permission for them and you of corse to come on the bus," Tony politely said. "We aren't seeing anyone after you, so we can go hang out with you," the dad replied. "Thank you! thank you! THANK YOU!" Dani and he friends screamed jumping up and down. "Ok girls calm down. Let's get to the show," he coasted them into a group next to him, "my name is Mark by the way." He stuck his hand out to shake ours. "It's like fifteen minutes until the show, so let's get going," I cheered, pointing in the direction of the stage just to the left.

We walked over to the stage and Tony went to the security guards to get ready. Me Mark, Dani and her friends went in. "Do you think I have a shot with Jaime?" one of the girls asked. "Oh hell no. he is mine, all mine," I laughed. "I call Mike!" Dani yelled. "He is a bad influence Dani you're not getting him," I said, "ooo the music is starting! let's rock!"

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now