Chapter 5: Oli Sykes

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I shut the door slid down the wall. I pulled up my sleeves and saw the new cuts. They were red from where he grabbed my arms and slightly bleeding. I couldn't believe I said that to him. I feel like a bitch now, and I bet he doesn't like me anymore. I cried at the thought of never being able to call Jaime mine. I guess Vic and Mike were right, I could never be with a member of the band. Ever. I don't know how long I sat there crying, it felt like an eternity though. I heard a sudden knock on the door then it opened. "Holy shit Alice," Vic exclaimed running in. I looked down and I was holding the razor blade ,that was usually on my necklace, to my wrist. "Oh Vic I'm so sorry," I said dropping the blade. he ran to sink and grabbed wet paper towels. "Vic, speak to me please," I pleaded. He looked up and scowled saying nothing. Soon Jaime and the rest were in here. after Mike put bandages on my arms we left.

"Why did you say that to me Alice?" Jaime asked. "You grabbed my arm and it was cut and started bleeding," my voice quivered. "I asked you if you were cutting and you said no," he said bluntly. "I-I just didn't want to see you disappointed," I tried to hold back tears from escaping my eyes. "What disappoints me is that you didn't tell me not that you did it," he said compassion filled every word. "Where's Vic because he won't eve talk to me?" I asked looking around the bus from where I was sitting. "In his bunk," Tony answered.

I walked to his bunk and slowly opened to curtain. "Vic," I said peering in. "Go away," he said sternly. "No," I said confidently. He didn't say a word. I climbed in and laid next to him. "Why Alice can you tell me that?" he asked quietly, hurt flooded his words. "I was hurt, broken, and ashamed," I tried explaining. "Why ashamed?" he turned to face me. "Earlier Jaime had asked me if I was alright and if I had self harmed again. not wanting to disappoint him I said no, then he jerked me and my arms were in so much pain I couldn't take it," I replied tears streaming my face. "Does Jaime even like me anymore?" I questioned looking at Vic. "Of coarse he does. when you ran of he blamed I on his self and said you would probably never go out with him," he comforted. "Oh God I had no idea, I need to talk to him," I said getting up.

"Jaime can I talk to you, alone?" I asked pointing to the door. "Sure," he said uncertain. I grabbed my smokes and walked out side with him. "What did you want to talk about," he said as I lit my smoke. "Vic told me you said that it was your fault I um..." said showing him my arm. "And ran out." He tried hiding his face but I saw him blushing. I took another drag from the cigarette. "You're to pretext to smoke," he said taking the cigarette and putting it out. "Oh hell no. you did not just do that," I tried staying calm. "I did and I'm doing this to," he took the pack and threw it away. "holy shit! what the fuck did you do that for you ass!" I screeched. He looked at me and I looked at him. I couldn't take it anymore I walked up to him pressed my lips against his.

Jaime's POV

I looked at her not knowing what to do then I felt her lips against mine. I pressed he body up on the side of the bus. Her tongue on the bottom of my lip begging for entrance. I parted my lips and let her tongue explore my mouth. "What the hell," I herd some one say. We both turned our heads to see the rest of the band. Tony whistled and I looked down. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and my hands were on her ass. We both quickly let go of each other. I saw Mike and Vic walking towards us. Just then ice cold water was dumped on us. "Um what the fuck was that for," I demanded. "Don't grope my sister and I won't dump cold water on you," Mike smirked. "Whatever I'm taking a shower," Ali said walking in the bus.

"Listen Jaime you're one of my best friends and I care about my sister, so if you hurt her I will personally cut of you dick and freeze it so you have a reminder of what you did," Vic said in a friendly tone. "Ok," I stuttered. "Good now we're on the same page," Mike grinned. "I promise to respect her and not have sex with her when you're around," I prompted. "Deal," they said shaking on it. We started walking back to the bus. Then Tony started chanting, "Jaime was making out with Alice." He was so loud that every bus near us the people in were coming out. We quickly grabbed Tony and dragged him in before he made an ass of himself, and us.

Alice's POV

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed as the boys came in, Tony being dragged by his braid. "You made an ass of your self Tony and told lies," I heard Jaime saying. "No lies come from this mouth," Tony protested pointing to his mouth. I laughed to myself as I finished brushing out my hair. "Ali," I heard Vic whine. I walked in, "what do you want?" I asked looking at him. "Food," he begged like a toddler. "Get your own damn food ," I said sitting next to Tony. "so what did Tony get in trouble for?" I asked looking up at Jaime who was angrily staring a Tony. "After you left Tony thought it'd be funny to shout 'Jaime was making out with Alice'," he quoted through gritted teeth. "Did anyone fucking hear you?" I asked furious. "Ya all the damn buses around us, everyone came out," Jaime ranted. "What the fuck! Tony what the hell possessed you to do that," I practically screamed. "That's just it, I was possessed ," he said with a serious look on his face. "Fuck off," I said walking into the 'kitchen'. I made my self a cup of tea and went back in the lounge. They were watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "ok guys we hit the road in four hours so get food and do what you need to," I ordered. Everyone scattered to do all kinds of shit and left me alone.

I walked out of the bus and found the Sleeping With Sirens bus. I knocked on the door and Jack answered. "Hey pretty lady," he gestured for my to go inside. "What's up guys," I laughed walking in. "Hey Alice are y'all leavin soon?" Kellin asked. "Hell ya just four hours," I said sitting down next to Justin. "Ya were leaving then too," Gabe sighed. We sat around and talked for awhile then I got a call from Vic. "Hey Ali it's almost time to leave where are you?" he asked. "Oh just at the SWS bus hangin," I replied. "Ok come back to the bus," directed Vic. "I'll be there give me 15 minutes," I hung up the phone. "Bye guys I have to go back now," I said hugging everyone. As I walked out everyone yelled at me, "see you later."

I walked the bus lines in search of ours because I get lost every time. I looked down at the ground and saw my lace up heels wear untied so I bent down. As I tied my shoes my sleeve slid up and I saw cuts. I sat on the ground and pulled my sleeve completely up and looked at my rm and saw the red puffy welts that littered it. I took out the blade on my necklace and examined the the dried red blood splattered al over it. "Are you all right?" I heard a voice call to me. I didn't answer. "i asked if you're alright," it said again. I heard the thuds of their shoes on the pavement get closer. I felt a hand touch my shoulder so I looked up finally. "Oh my god are you alright?" he said more sternly. I then realized who it was. It was Oli Sykes.

I sat there with the blade in my hand, cut up arms exposed, and Oli Sykes in front of me. "Um, uh, er," I stumbled looking for the right words to say. "Here let me help you up," he offered politely. "Uh thank you Oli." "So you know who I am then," he said raising an eyebrow. "Ya I'm kinda a fan of Bring Me The Horizon," I mumbled looking at the ground. "Thank you for your support it's always a pleaser to meet a fan," he thanked me. "Let me see your arm," he insisted. I must not have answered for a while because all of a sudden his hand shoots out and grabs my arm and pull it to him. "Why?" was all he chocked out his voice filled with sadness and his eye welling up with tears. "Because I'm a stupid, useless, worthless, waste of space, slut who will never find happiness," I muttered. "That's not true," was all he said as he engulfed me in a hug and cried. We must've stood there for a while because my phone started ringing. I pulled it out and answered, "hello," tried sounding my perkiest. "Where the hell are you I had to hold up the bus and you're out running around like we have all the time in the world, ALICE RYN FUENTES! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS ON THIS BUS NOW!" and with that Mike hung up. I just burst into tears. "Honey don't cry," Oli comforted. "I'm sorry for the bother but I have to leave now," I say wiping the years from my eyes. "Where do have to go I'll take you there," he offered me. "Um the uh Pierce The Veil bus," I whispered. "You're Alice right, Vic and Mike Fuentes's sister?" he asked surprised. "Ya, but I'm lost and forgot where it is," I said still crying. ""Ok I'll take you back and since I have to leave to if it's alright may I stay?" He asked so politely. "Of course Oli," I replied and we started walking.

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