Chapter 17: You're Lying

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Alice's POV

I woke up and looked down at my stomach. I ate so much in the past day or two. 'You're so fat'. My mind was doing it again, shouting at me, making me feel worthless. 'You're so fat, just throw it all up, just skip the next three meals. Do it!' The voices screamed at me and I instantly felt sick.

Dammit there is always someone in my way out of the bunk. I climbed over Jaime and escaped to the bathroom. It was only 5 am so all the boys and crew were sleeping, thank god. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail and knelt over the toilet. My fingers slipped into the back of my throat and all the food in my stomach started coming up.

I heard a knock on the door followed by the voice of a worried member, "who's in there?" Shit. "Go away," I tried yelling back but my voice was coarse. "Ali?" The troubled voice asked knocking louder on the door. Shit shit shit shit shit. It's Jaime. "For fucks sake can't I have a shred of privacy?" I gathered my voice so he could hear it better. "Let me in please," he begged now banging on the door. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I let the door open and walked out.

"Happy now," I snapped not intending it for Jaime. 'You're still an ugly pig' my mind fumed at me. "Why are being such a bitch? I've tried to be nice to you and do anything and everything you fucking wanted, and you're treating me like shit all of the sudden," Jaime spat. "I'm just not feeling well I'm sorry. I am truly sorry for bring a bitch to you baby," I apologised. "It's okay," he gently pulled me into a hug and held me there as he rested his chin on my head.

"There back," I mumbled into his chest. Jaime pulled me away from him and looked at my worriedly, "who's back?" "There are, but they were never really gone to begin with. Just silenced by my joy. Their voices murmur in the background. They claw my mind trying to gain control of my thoughts, trying to gain control of every movement and action," I mumbled. Jaime shook me forcefully as tears streamed his face. "Alice what are you talking about," he whispered. His voice dripping with sorrow and pain. "The voices Jaime they've taken control and I've lost my mind. It's like a dark tunnel that never ends. I'm trapped forever in my own mind. Forced by greedy faceless voices to do awful things to myself and the people around me," as soon as the last word left my lips my body collapsed and all I saw was darkness.

Jaime's POV

"There back," She mumbled into my chest. I pulled her away from me and looked at Ali worriedly, "who's back?" "There are, but they were never really gone to begin with. Just silenced by my joy. Their voices murmur in the background. They claw my mind trying to gain control of my thoughts, trying to gain control of every movement and action," She mumbled. I shook her forcefully as tears flowed freely from my face. "Alice what are you talking about," I whispered. My voice dripped with sorrow and pain. "The voices Jaime they've taken control and I've lost my mind. It's like a dark tunnel that never ends. I'm trapped forever in my own mind. Forced by greedy faceless voices to do awful things to myself and the people around me," as soon as the last word left her lips the pain filled body collapsed.

"Ali, Ali please wake up. You'll be better I promise. Please wake up, please wake up I need you," I pleaded to the body I grasped close in my arms. "Vic! Mike! Tony! Anyone please call 9-1-1. Please someone wake up," I screamed. The crew and band slowly emerged and the first to gather what was going on was Tony. "I'll call 9-1-1. Bus driver pull over," Tony instructed. He left the room and called 9-1-1. "What the hell happened?" Vic asked falling to the ground beside me. "She was talking about voices and he sounded so scared. When she finished talking her body collapsed to the floor. What if she isn't ok?" I stumbled through the words hoping it was all a dream, but the pain is to real to be fake.

In a matter of time the ambulance showed up, and loaded Ali up. The bus followed closely behind the ambulance, but I just sat thinking about Ali. I wondered what was wrong, what she was talking about, and would she be okay. "Hey Jaime are you gonna be ok?" Tony asked. He sat down beside me then I replied, "yeah Turtle I just need to know she's ok." He leaned over have my a little hug then walked away.

Ali's POV

"Be quiet y'all will wake her up," I heard a voice speak. "I'm just saying what if she never wakes up," a different person spoke. "Why don't y'all shut the hell up," I suggested in a hoarse voice. They all looked at me in complete shock. "You're awake. You're finally awake," Jaime cheered. "How long have I been out?" I asked quietly. They all looked around at each other as if to figure out which one would tell me.

"Someone tell me now," I demanded. Mike got up slowly and walked to my bed side, "well um you see it's been about three days." My jaw nearly hit the floor when he said that. "Are you telling me you guys missed shows because of me?" I asked hoping I didn't fuck everything up. "Well two were off days and since you're awake now we can get on the road if the doctor says you're ok," Vic told me.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked scared of what the answer might be. They looked around at each other once again. "Will someone fucking tell I mean it's not that hard to say it!" I yelled. "Well the doctor said when you ate all that good you're stomach wasn't big enough to take all of it, and you were also dehydrated. He's also concerned with the self harm. I'm sorry my little mermaid isn't ok but as a family we will get through this," Tony said.

"There's also one other small detail," Jaime said cautiously. "What," I grumbled. "Oh yeah bro you better tell her this one," Mike laughed. "Tell me what," I was agitated by this point and not in the mood for games. "Well the doctor also told us why you've been sick," he told me. "Quit dragging it out," I said. "We're pregnant!" He exclaimed.

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now