Chapter 20: I Doubt It

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Vic's POV

I can't believe she's pregnant. Out of everything that's she's done this worries me the most. What happens if can take cafe of it? I'm so scared for her and I shouldn't even be. This is just one more thing that she fucked up since she's back. At times I wish she never came back, but I know if she left I would miss her. "Hey Vic I need to talk to you in the back room," I was so out of it I almost didn't hear Mike. He practically sprinted to the back room, and I dragged my feet to the back room.

"What do you need Mike?" I asked not caring. We sat down, and he looked my deeply in the eyes. "I need you to talk to me. You've been so distant since you found out about Alice and it's killing me that you're like this," he told me. "I'm fine," I lied. "No you're fucking not Vic. You're sitting there lying to me. Just talk to me Vic, it's not that hard. Please talk," He pleaded with tears in his eyes.

"Fine you want to know why I'm fucked up right now? Well let's start, my best friend got my sister pregnant. They've known each other for like what? A month and a half? What if god forbid Jaime doesn't want the kid and Alice is left there helpless and mom and dad still won't have anything to do with her. I'm so scared that something will happen to the baby because Ali isn't healthy or that when she has the baby she self-destructs," I confessed.

Right then I broke. Tears streamed my face so Mike just pulled me close and hugged me. "Thank you. I didn't think I could talk this trough but I'm glad you made me," I wiped my tears back and thanked him. "Whenever you need to chat just come get me. I'll always listen. Don't worry once we get back to San Diego mom and dad will want to talk to her," he assured me but I doubt it. We walked out and shut the lights off.


I won't update for a little while on a count of the summer an parties. So no time for me to update, but I managed to get some chapters done in my free time.


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