Chapter 29: Suicide Season

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Jaime's POV

I ran off to the Mike's car and luckily the keys were in the seat. I quickly started the car and speed away from the bridge.

Tears exploded from behind my eyes, and stained my cheeks. The quicker I got home the quicker I could stop thinking. As the beautiful city passed by me all I could think about is how it's all going to die one day soon.

When I finally pulled into the drive way I sprinted into the house. I ran all way to what was our room and collapsed on the bed. I heard a crinkle beneath me. "What?" I mumbled. Picking it up I read the envelope. 'My love Jaime' it read.

'If you're reading this I hope I'm dead. This is my suicide note. I'm not going to say I'm sorry I did this. I'm not, I'm just sorry I put you through the pain. I took your child and wasted your time. This is a painful thing to say but move on and please forget about me. I don't want to burden you life with my presence in your thoughts. I want you to get married, have children, an make fans happy. I don't want you to even visit my grave because I don't deserve it. I didn't deserve anything I was given except for one thing. I did deserve Cody and what he did. I deserved every scar I have because of Cody and myself. I didn't deserve being saved by Jinxx in the shop and brought back to my family. I didn't deserve such a kind hearted friend like you. I wanted death ever since I could remember. I was always the out cast, freak, emo, and so many more things. I wished and wished though, and now I'm dead. Please forget about me now.

Goodbye forever Hime. Love,

Alice Ryn Fuentes.'

I cried an cried. The tears rolled off my cheeks and onto the paper. I threw the paper off the bed. "I'll never forget you, I'll always love you," I whispered and buried my head into a pillow that smelled like her.

I heard my door open abruptly, "Jaime!" Shit they found me. Still I was too lazy to move from my spot.

"Jaime! There you are!" Tony burst through my bedroom door. "Are you ok?" he asked. I felt around the edge of the bed for the note. Once I found it I threw it in his general direction.

All went quiet for minutes which made me assume the rest were in here. I laid on her pillow for minutes until I hear crying. "She deserved everything except for Cody and now she's gone," Vic mumbled.

"She never saw mom and dad. Not even one phone call. As far as they know she's either dead or with Cody," Mike yelled toward the end and kicked the wall.

"I just want my love back," I whispered. Everything went quiet again but then I had a thought. "We need to tell her parents," I suggest.

Everyone just nodded an Vic pulled out his phone. "Can the guys and I come over. We have something to tell you," Vic said into the phone. "Come on Jaime, let's go see my mom and dad," he says tugging on my shoulder.

"I'd rather die than be here right now," I spat. I sunk lower into the sheets an tried to wake up from the nightmare. "Please make it stop. I don't want have this pain. I want to wake up to a healthy fiancé who is carrying my child an know everythin is going to be fine!" I yell.

"Please Jaime let's just go. In a couple of days or so we will be able to put her to rest properly," Mike says.

"But you don't fucking get it. She doesn't even want me to visit her grave or remember her!" I shout at him.

"Please Jaime! Don't you think this is hard on all of us? She was my goddamn sister for fucks sake! I just got her back into my life like 2 months ago and you're bitching! Yes I get that it was your child but seriously don't fucking think for a second that you're alone in this!" Vic screams at me.

I finally give up and stagger to my feet. I reach over for my jacket and head out the door. "We're taking my car," Mike says as he slides into to drivers seat. I just climb in the back and wait patiently until we arrive.

"Come on Jaime, get up," Vic urged.

"I don't wanna talk about her," I told him. He still pulled at my arm to get me up. I finally caved in and slowly picked myself up.

When we got to the door Vic opened it but not before looking back to us. "Let's just get it over with," Tony practically yelled. Vic turned back around and open the door.

We were greeted by Mrs Fuentes with hugs. "How are you boys?" She asked with joy in every word. If only she knew what was coming she wouldn't smile like that.

"We need to tell you something but promise you won't yell or get mad," Vic said. She looked at us and shook her head slowly. "At the start of Warped Tour about two months ago Alice was brought to us," Vic told her.

"Don't you dare say her name. Why would you come all the way here just to tell me about her," she spat.

"Look! She came to us abused, with cuts and bruises all over her! She found true love with us, with Jaime. On top of that she got pregnant and lost her child! For Christ sakes we came here to tell you that just hours ago jumped to her goddamn death! She was so broken, depressed, and scared of what y'all would think if she came back to you!" He yelled at his mother.

Her face at first was furious at the sound of Ali's name but quickly change to disgust. Then as he told her Ali fell for me her face mophed into shock. Honesty I was offended because I'm a pretty damn awesome person to be with.

As soon as she heard I got her pregnant and then lost the baby she was saddened. The worst part of it was when Vic told her of Alice's death. Then about Ali's state of mind an she broke down in tears.

She feel onto the couch and sobbed into her hands. My shaking had gotten worse but I reached out and gave her the note. She read it and cried even more. "How could se do this," she mumbled into her hands.

"She didn't feel like she was worth anything. She lost a child because she was weak. She felt like a burden to us. She felt unloved. All reasons for her to want to take her own life," I said.

"Please can we focus on something more important. She needs a proper funeral," Tony said quietly. We all looked at him. That's the first time since the accident that I thought about the fact I will have to lay her rest forever.

"Ok. Let's just do it as fast as possible please," Mike murmured.

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