Chapter 23: Jaime Alberto Preciado!

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*****my ass is lazy and I have extreme writers block, beyond belief. So in light of that, I'm skipping down to the last day of tour. By the way, Alice is 6 weeks pregnant.*****

Jaime's POV

"Mike? Vic? I need to talk to you in the back room please," I told them. Their faces wore a confused expression, but they shrugged their shoulders and got up.

We walked past Ali and kept moving along. "Shut the door," I told Mike a little worried. "Calm down man it's not as if we're under attack," he joked.

After Mike close the door we all sat down. "What's so important that you have to drag us in here?" Vic asked still a little confused.

"I want to ask you a very important question," I kept dragging on.

"Ok. Go ahead, we have the last show in three hours," Mike pointed out.

My hand kept wandering over to my pocket and fumbling with the things in it. I must've been silent for a while because Vic sounded annoyed, "Jaime cut it out and tell us already."

"I want to ask Ali to marry me. I'm going to ask her today at the show, on stage in front of all the fans. I do however want your blessings," I finished and pulled the ring out to show them.

"Jaime Alberto Preciado. Of corse you can marry Ali!" Vic practically yelled.

"Dammi Vic! She's sleeping in her bunk so you need to be really quiet," Mike scolded him, "but you can definitely marry my sister. If you break her heart though I'll kill you and I won't be nice about it."

He was really assertive about the death threat. At least it can marry Ali under their consent. "Thanks guys. I'm gonna go wake up Alice so we can walk the grounds one last time," I told them.

"Ok Jaime you have to tell me what song you want to do it after," Vic told me.

"I want to do it after Props and Mayhem, her favourite song," I told them, "well good bye now." I walked out if the room and went to my bunk.

"Ali dear it's time to get up," I shook her a little.

"What time is it?" she asked in a hoarse voice. I looked at my phone and it read 12:37. Show in about 2 hours.

"Ali it's 12:37. Now please get up so we can go around warped grounds together. I mean it is the last day," I tried shacking her again.

"Too early. Fuck off. I want sleep," she mumbled and rolled over to the far side.

"Dammit," I mumbled. I crawled in the bunk and laid next to her. "Ali honey you have to get up," I tried again.

She rolled over and looked at me, "I'll only get up if we go see Ghost Town." Of corse she wanted to see Ghost Town. Her favourite band and she hadn't seen them since the beginning.

"Fine just get up and ready. We have a show in 2 hours an Ghost Town plays in about 30 minutes," I told her. She sat up an climbed over me. "You know you could have asked me to move," I chuckled.

"Move," she smirked. I jumped down from the bunk.

"It doesn't work when you're already down," I laughed.

"Well you moved didn't you?" With that she hopped over to the bathroom.

Alice's POV (hour and a half later)

"Jaime that show was amazing!" I squealed. He pulled my arm to go to their stage. "My favourite song by them is definitely 'That's Unusual (Jump)' it's so much fun to dance too," I said.

"Let's just get going before I'm late," he tugged on my arm even more.

"Slow down my legs hurt," I whined. He didn't slow down but I did. "Jaime, please. I don't think I can walk anymore," I told him.

"Ok Ali. There is that better?" He asked. Jaime picked me up and carried me to the stage.

"Very, thank you," I said. When we got there he put me down and got his gear ready. Someone had brought his bass so he didn't need to go and get it.

I watched as All Time Low finished their set and ran off. Over the last few weeks the ATL guys an I have gotten to be great friends. A couple of times they got Vic to do 'A Love Like War' with them.

"Hey little chickie! How's it been going?" Jack asked me. As I was about to answer him, Alex ran up and gave me one sweaty hug. Jack ended up joining in, and let's just say I was soaked in sweat when they released me.

"Anyway I was going to say it's been great, and between you guys and me the baby is being a huge ass," I smiled. They just laughed, then Jack bent down and put his ear to my belly.

"I can't really hear it in there," he frowned. He got up and looked at me. I assume he wanted an explanation.

"Sometimes it's hard to here the heart or feel it kick I guess," I tried to explain my best. He just shrugged his shoulders an left.

"So Ali. Between you and I, when are you telling the fans?" He asked wide eyed.

"We don't know yet, but when we get to San Diego I'm going for my 6 week ultrasound," I was so happy about it. I get pictures of my baby.

"Well good luck with that. Since it's the last day of your do you mind if I watch with you?" Jack asked. Why they had to ask I don't know.

"Sure, it's not my show to say you can't watch," I giggled. Everyone laughed and then we continued to watch as the boys ran on stage.

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