Chapter 25: What Can I Say...I'm a Princess

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Alice's POV

As I looked around my eyes landed upon a dancing Jack. "Jack! I'm here!" I called over the music.

His eyes drifted toward mine and he flashed a huge smile. "Ali, baby. So glad you came. Now let's dance, because you've gotta keep that pretty little body for Jaime," he pulled me into the crowd.

We danced to the music and laughed for a while. "Do you want a drink?" Jack asked me.

"I'm pregnant. So no I can't have a drink," I said trying to resist the temptation.

"Well I'm gonna get me one. Be right back baby girl," he chuckled. I swear to god that he's already drunk.

I walked off the dance floor and looked for Jaime. I found him talking to Justin Hills, Alan Ashby, and Carlile.

"Hey sweetie," I piped up.

"You're not drinking are you?" he questioned like my parent.

"Are you my damn mother? No. But I haven't the baby's alright," I said.

"Good lets keep it that way. I would hate to have a miscarriage," he said in all seriousness.

We all talked for a while. Mainly about your and what we all going to do after it. Some how though, it got on our engagement.

"So let's see the ring Ali," Alan said happily.

I stuck out my hand for all of them to see. It's a 14k white gold princess cut diamond ring. I love it to death, it's so beautiful.

"Damn Jaime how much was this?" Justin asked.

"Price doesn't matter. I sell everything for my princess," he said sweetly.

"Awwwwwww," Austin cooed.

I blushed a little and drew back my hand. "Why don't we go dance?" I asked turning to Jaime.

"What ever you want Ali," he said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the floor. We danced to fast songs and slow songs. We talked to other people and finally said our goodbye as the night came to an end.

To my surprise when we got on the bus he wasn't drunk. I smiled a bit to myself. He didn't drink because I couldn't drink, now that's a gentlemen right there.

"Ok guys we are driving back to San Diego. It will be about 9 hours so get food now or well stop later," the driver yelled trough the bus.

Everyone but me and Jaime went to bed. "So boy or girl?" He smirked.

"I'm a girl," I said playfully.

"I'm talking about the baby," he laughed.

I thought for a moment. With a boy I don't have to teach him to piss, teach him about his dick, or talk about sex. With a girl though, there's everything.

"This little fucker better be a boy," I told him.

"Oh you don't want a girl to dress in bows or frilly pink things?" he asked.

"No because then well have to deal with a hormonal teenage girl," I giggled.

"True. Dear lord let it be little boy please," he joked. "When the baby doctor appointment?" He asked.

"Tomorrow at three," I said.

"Ok so we have six hours from the time we get to San Diego to the time we go see the doctor," he stated.

"Yurp," I agreed.

"Well on that note, we better get to bed. Off you go," he shooed me to the bunks.

"Love you Jaime night," I kissed him.

"Love you too Ali. Goodnight," an with that I drifted into a deep sleep.


Two or three more chapters left or maybe even five I don't know. I do however know it is coming to an end. Warning though, it will be sad maybe tear worthy. Anyways you should share this story with your friends.

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now