Chapter 14: The Accidental Kiss

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Alice's POV

All of BMTH stayed behind for a couple of minutes after PTV went on. I didn't want Oli to notice me so I stayed in the corner but that didn't stop him from approaching. "Hey babe. What are you doing all alone?" He asked getting a little to close. "Get away from me," I said weakly. He pressed me up to the wall and tried to kiss me. I turned my head and said, "fuck off Oli. I'm with Jaime." "That didn't stop me before princess," he sneered. Oli grabbed my head and turned it to him. He looked on stage and saw Jaime turn his head and then he forced my lips to his. Pressing hard as I looked to Jaime trying to tell him I was in trouble. He didn't get it and his eyes seemed to say 'why would you do this again' and 'I'm gonna fucking kill him if he doesn't get his filthy hands off of you'. Oli pulled back and flashed a devilish grin at Jaime who was chocking back tears as they played Hold On Till May. I looked from Jaime to Oli and back to Jaime. I tried to turn to run but I feel over something.

My vision was blurred and I was dizzy but then I heard Jordan's voice, "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I paused for a second not knowing to say yes or no let alone how. I tried to say yes but all that came out were sobs. "Alice are you ok. Please talk to me," Jordan begged. "I...I...Oli he...kissed...Jaime...mad," I tried saying. "It's going to be ok Alice just take breath and speak slowly so I can understand you," Jordan instructed. I took a deep breath a tried to start again, "I was watching PTV then when Jaime looked over Oli kissed me and pressed me against the wall an Jaime was so mad. Jordan I have no clue what to do please help me," I begged. He stood there trying to comprehend the situation but I knew was hopeless. "I'll take you back to the PTV bus and stay with you, but first text all four members and tell the manager where you're going so no one is worried out of their minds," Jordan offered. I nodded and took out my phone while I walked to the manager. "If the boys don't check their phones tell them I'll be at the bus," I told him.

Jordan held onto me as we walked to the bus because I kept tumbling over. "Jordan I can't thank you enough for walking me to the bus, but seriously when we get there you don't have to stay with me," I said looking at him. Jordan stopped and pulled me into a warm, engulfing hug telling me, "I insist. There is no reason for me to leave you when you are clearly unstable and there is no one to take care of you." I smiled, thinking about how I was cared for and that there are actual people that care for me. "Thank you so much Jordan, but I'm fine and there is nothing wrong with me," I assured him. "I don't care Alice I'm staying with you and that's that," he ended the conversation and we walked in silence until we got to the bus.

"Thank you Jordan but I think I can take it from here," I I turned to open the door but he grab my arm. There were still a couple of cuts on my arm so I winced at the sting of pain. "I said I would take care of you and that's exactly what I'm doing," he said sternly as he dropped my arm and reached for the door. He pulled the handle but it wouldn't open. I rolled my eyes and stuck my hand in my pocket. The wad of keys and security passes jiggled as I jammed one of the keys in the lock. "Did you really think that they would level our bus unlocked?" I smirked.

Jordan and I sat in the lounge and flicked on the TV. "Do you want any food?" I politely asked him. "I don't want to be bother by eating your food," he replied. "Really it's no problem because I was all ready going to make myself a veggie burger," I told him while I got the stuff from the fridge. "Oh well in that case I'll have a veggie burger," he smiled. "Ok I'll have two ready in a couple of minutes. Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. "Sure. What do to wanna watch?" He asked. "How about Batman," I suggested. "That's cool with me. Where is it and I'll pop it into the player," he offered. "In the stack of five DVDs next to the player," I directed him. He got the movie set up and by the time that was done I was finished with the burgers. "Here ya go Jordan enjoy," I smiled handing him the plate. "Thanks Alice you're amazing," he said. "Shit I'm so rude. Do you want a drink?" I asked. "Yeah. Do you have any beer?" He asked as if already knowing the answer. "Jordan do you even know my brother Mike at all," I laughed. "Right, so I'll take that beer." I grabbed two beers then headed into the lounge and the fucking best movie in the world was already playing.

"Why the fucking hell is it playing already! That is my favourite damn movie in the whole fucking world and you started it without me!" I screamed. "I'm sorry I didn't kn-" I cut him off half way through. I sat beside him and started laughing, but instead of laughing with me he just looked at me with his mouth hanging open. "What I'm just kidding," I explained to him. "Ok just please don't scare me like that again. I think you made me shit myself," he chuckled. "There is one thing I'm serious on though. Start the fucking movie over," I said. "Fine," he. Agreed and restarted Batman.

"Jordan do you like the burger?" I asked. "Hell yeah. This is the most amazing fantastic wonderful delicious piece of tofu ever!" He declared. I laughed a little at his enthusiastic response. "Ok it's not that good so don't go that far," I told him. He picked up the last piece of the burger he had and shoved it in his mouth eating it quickly them downing the rest of the beer.

"Hey babe I'm home," I heard some say as the door opened. I turned my head only to see Jaime and the ban behind him. I jumped up and ran to him. As I hugged him, he picked my up and carried me to the couch. "Jaime are you mad at me?" I asked dumbly. "Of course not babe it was Oli's fault not yours and I know that you would never so anything like that to hurt me," he said looking at me.

"Wait wait wait, back the fuck up. What went on and who's ass do I have to go kick now?" Mike asked sitting across from us. "Um well you see while y'all were playing Hold On Till May, Olicameuptomeshovedmeagainstthewallandkissedmewhilejaimewatched," I said really fast. "I'm can you repeat that all I heard was blah blah bla," Mike said. "Oli came up to me, shoved me against the wall and kissed me while jaime watched," I carefully stated. They all looked at me except for Jaime and Jordan. "Hey Jordan wanna take a walk will me and show me where Oliver Sykes is so I can kick his fuck ass and cut his dick off and rip his face to shreds. Therefore he can't reproduce, he lives his life in pain, and people will make him feel as bad has he has made us," Mike described. "Ok let's go," Jordan offered getting up.

As they walked out the door I pressed play on the movie. "Hey babe do you want to go make me some food," Jaime batted his eyes at me. "Who the hell do you think I am. I am no damn maid I am your girlfriend so if anything you should get me stuff. I'll have a monster ultra red, my favorite," I requested. "Damn dude I think you just got told," Tony laughed. Jaime just rolled his eyes and got up. He picked me up and threw me over his should and continued to walk to the fridge. "I don't think this is what I asked for," I told him. "Hey you said you wanted a drink you didn't say you didn't want to go with me," he teased. "Jackass," I laughed.

Alice FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now