Chapter 13: Mini Tony

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Alice's POV

I decided that with all the time on my hands I'd dye my hair back again. I got up went to my box of dye in my bunk and dug through it. As I thought about what colour to put in it a thought popped into my head. Ariel! I'll dye my hair red and then I'll really be like Ariel. I grabbed the dye and put the box away. I dug through all my clothes until I found an old shirt that I didn't care about and a pair of shorts. I heard foot steps behind me as I cleaned up the other clothes around me. "What do you plan on doing until the show Ali?" Jaime's voice rang through my ears as he got closer. I felt his muscular arms wrap around me and I saw his tattoos. "I'm thinking about dyeing my hair a different colour," I replied still cleaning my bunk up. "What colour are you thinking about?" He asked looking over my shoulder. "Red. Like Ariel," I said turning to face him. The expression from his face dropped and he bluntly said, "isn't that what Tony calls you." It was really more of a statement than a question. "It's catchy don't you think. I kinda like the name Ariel. I always wanted to be a mermaid," I told him playing with my hair. "Can't you keep it purple. I really love that colour on you," he pleaded. "No, now if you can please leave me to my business I'd appreciate that very much," I urged him away getting irritated at the fact he was still mad about my and Tony hanging out. "Fine," he walked away with a disappointed look on his face. I just collected my things and left the bunk alley for the bathroom.

Jaime's POV

I walked away from her. I was on edge about her doing something because of Tony, but I since it's just her hair colour it would be alright. Everything will all right. I didn't know what to do since we had a few hours left so I thought of going off to get something to surprise Ali with. "Tony do you mind coming with me to grab a few things from the shops?" I ask politely. "Sure I'll go with you. What do you need?" He asked putting on his shoes. I thought for a bit because honestly I had no idea what I was going to get her. "Just some things and I need your help so hurry up bro," I told him walking out of the bus to wait for him. I leaned against the bus and slid to the ground. What do I get Ali? That was the most important question right now.

The door popped open and out walked Tony ready to go. " let's hit the road Jaime," he cheered and jump in the air a little. We walked out of the grounds and started to an antique store around the bend. I remembered her saying something about old books of poems and antique jewellery. The store was called 'Auntie's Antiques' and was quant little place. "Hello there boys what can I help you two find today?" A kind elderly woman asked us. "What are we exactly liking for Jaime? Whatever it is can we grab it and go because I get tired of looking at old stuff," he complained. "I just want to get Alice some antique jewellery because she likes it and I want to surprise her," I told him looking at the racks of jewellery.

After looking through the racks for what seemed like hours I finally found the perfect piece. "Tony get your ass over here I think I found it," I gestured him over to the tiny table that was covered in bins. He got up from where he was and trudged over to me. "What is it?" He asked boredom dripping from his every word. "It's an old pocket watch with a few caged emeralds hanging on it. The chain is bronze and it screams her name doesn't it," I excitedly told him. "Whatever can we just get the necklace or whatever it is and go. We've got to play in an hour," he reminded me. "Go outside and I'll pay," I directed.

Paying for the watch I walked out to find Tony sitting ground playing with a turtle. "Ok Tony let's go," I told him. "I am playing with Mini Tony, going back can wait," he answered. "Take 'Mini Tony' with us then," I said agitated. "Ok little Tony were going on an adventure!" He cheered jumping up. We walked to the bus and the whole time Tony was talking to his turtle. I walked to the couch and Mike, Vic, and Ali were all sitting down. Vic and Mike by each other on one couch and Ali laying on the other one. At first is didn't recognise her because of the bright red hair but then I saw the face piercings and instantly knew it was her.

"Hey guys we're finally back," I gladly said sitting down next to Ali. I pulled out the bag with her present and turned to her. "I got you something Ali," I told her grabbing her hand, placing the small bag inside. "Thank you Jaime and babe I go by Ariel now," she declared. I was crushed. "Do you like it?" I asked trying not to show her how hurt I was. She pulled the watch out of the bag and just stared at it. "Jaime I love it," Ali confirmed. She pulled the chain over her head and stood up to go to her bunk.

I got up and followed her. She stood in front of a mirror with the time piece around her neck. "I love this so much where did you find it?" She asked. "An antique shop," I replied sitting on the edge of one bunk. She twirled the emeralds in her fingers. The glow of green around the watch was so her it was unreal. "I don't think I could ever take this off Jaime," she giggled. "Good," I laughed with her.

"So what was thing tony was holding," she asked. "A turtle, he calls it 'Mini Tony' ," I replied trying not to laugh. "Wow," was all she said. "How did he find this turtle?" She asked with hesitation. "Nothing bad happened. While I was paying for your gift he was outside and just sort of found a turtle and took it," I explained. "So he kidnapped a defenceless helpless little animal," she chuckled. "Yeah pretty much."

"Guys we have to get going," Vic yelled through out the bus making an echo. "Ok!" Ali screeched at him. I walked to my shoes and slid them on then grabbed a water bottle and walked out the door. I waited forever by the stage for the rest of the band and Ali but I was 15 minutes early. I saw them running up to me then Mike said, "sorry we're late but Tony wouldn't leave the turtle so we had to argue with him." I looked at Tony and sure enough he was holding onto little turtle. "Ok guys y'all need to get on the stage as soon as BMTH gets off," our tour manager said. I looked at Alice and she was slowly backing into a corner. "Hey it's ok Ali, Oli isn't going to hurt you," I assured her. "First it's Ariel and second I'm not scared I'm just tired," she sneered pushing me away. "Ok guys let's go!" Our tour manager cheered as we ran up on stage.

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