Chapter 30: So Long, and, Goodnight

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*day of funeral*
*Vic's POV*

"I stand here today as a person who lost a loved one. Like many of you, I hardly knew Alice. In fact a little over two and a half months ago she came back to us. Brought before my band mates and I was this broken girl in trouble, but thanks to Jinxx we helped fix her," I gestured to Jinxx.

I paused for a moment to see weeping friends and family. For some reason I was inraged. They have no right to cry over her! They never truly knew Alice Ryn Fuentes. They never saw what I saw, and they never heard what I heard!

"At least I knew her better than most of you and can truly morn without telling myself lies. I can stand before her lifeless body and wish she'd come back. Only few can do that, and most who can were on warped tour. Rest in peace Ali, may you live on forever in your friends hearts," I finished with a sense of relief.

I came here with a soul purpose to honor my sister. I came before people to express my love. I did and now I can really let go.

Mike then got up as I sat down and proceeded to the front.

*Mike's POV*

Vic was right that they had no reason to cry. They really didn't know her at all yet they act as if they do. Those soulless bastards to lay their own minds at ease.

I finally start to talk after composing myself, "Ali is not a person who can be summed up in a sentece or two. She is not the kind of person you'd get to know easily either, but I'll try to explain her."

Good start I think. One problem though, how would I explain her without taking hours. "Ali is was a depressed girl with no fun in her eyes. The moment she stepped on the bus I could tell she was in pain. Not only physical pain because of bruises and self inflicted wounds but mental. She never talked much after the fight her and I had over a silly threat to leave again," I began to cry but only a single tear left my eye.

"After that she fell for Jaime. At first Vic and I didn't approve but a little while later we came around. Ali did have her ups and downs though. One day we found her drunk in the lounge. It was then I realised that she was really fucked up. She'd drank all my whiskey and she had tear stained cheeks covered in makeup. My only wish is that I could go back in time and get her help. May you forever live on Ali," I walked back and motioned for Tony to go.

*Tony's POV*

I couldn't do it. I can't do it. I can't let her go, I love her.

"Um, Alice. She told me something once. We were at the park and she went to go look at the little pond. She sat down and saw a line of ducks. When she saw these ducks, she began to cry," I started to get sad tellin this story. It's so personal but so important.

"At first I didn't understand so I asked her why she crying. She said she wished her family was like that, all happy and following one another. She then cried harder and told me she knew because of her that wouldn't happen," I looked to her mom and dad who had stopped crying and looked up.

"I wanted to tell her it would be like that one day but I didn't want to lie to the girl I loved. After that we were closer. She came to me for things and I even gave her a nick name. My Ariel. May we never forget your lovely face," I finished.

*Jaime's POV*

It came my turn to give a speech. I started feeling sick as I walked to the front. I saw the picture of her and nearly bolted home.

"Alice is the love that I lost. I proposed to her with the thought that I was going to live happily with her and our baby. Now our baby didn't die with her, our baby died on it's own and we were heart broken. I'm just glad Ali didn't take the little ones life. However I'm so scared how I'll live without her," oh god I can't do this.

"She was anything an everything to me. My Alice was my best friend then my girlfriend. Then for a few weeks my fiancé. Now I'm left to pick up my broken pieces and move on like she wants. In her note she told me to move on and forget her. We I won't. I'd rather live alone and carrying on her memory then with someone else," I finished and sat down.

So this is it. Her body will be lowered into the ground and we are suppose to live on. I guess life is funny like that. Then again this I a reminder of how fragile and short life is.

Last chapter. End of story. Hope you liked it and enjoyed this fan fiction.

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