Chapter 28: Hold On To Me, Don't You Ever Leave

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Alice's POV

"Ali why don't you get changed then I'll drive you to the park?" Tony asked way to cheery. He always wants to make things better, but what if this had been his child? His miscarriage? Would he be like this?

"Ok," I complied and got changed. As I tugged on my vans a thought crossed my mind. What would happen if I just hung my self from the ceiling?

"Knock, knock. Are you ready?" He asked bragging in my room. I stood there wide-eyed with my jaw hanging open. "Hello?" Tony called again.

"Oh uh, yeah I'm ready," I answered quietly. I grabbed my bag and dragged my feet out the door. As we walked through the house all I could see were images of me killing my self.

I saw pills when I passed the bathroom. Shooting when I walked down the stairs. Slit wrists when I peered through the kitchen. 'Anyway you put you'll wind up dead, anyway you go colour drains from you head," my mind sang to me.

I sank deep into the car seat once I sat down. I leaned against the window an watched the world pass by. "Can we go somewhere else?" I asked him quietly.

"Like where?" He looked over to me. I thought for a moment. Where to go on a lovely day.

"How about to a bridge? You know like over a river or lake. Somewhere I can look down and see something beautiful," I suggested. He shrugged his shoulders and just drove on.

We soon came to a big bridge and Tony pulled over. I hoped out and ran to the edge. I leaned over to look down an saw the most peaceful, calming, tranquil waters.

I jumped up onto the railing and sat with my feet dangling over the edge. "Ariel!" Tony screeched as he sprinted toward me.

He ripped me off the edge. "What are you doing?" I asked puzzled.

"Don't you dare jump!" He said sternly. I was going to jump wasn't I. I deserve it anyway. I pushed him down with stubborn force and climbed to the edge.

What they didn't know was that I had already written my suicide note knowing this would happen soon. It sat in the middle of Jaime's bed where I had been for days.

I looked back to Tony one last time only to catch a glimpse of his saddened eyes ready to cry. I was about to cry myself. Knowing there was so much I hadn't done that I needed to.

Like apologise to my parents, see them one last time, kiss Jaime goodbye. I hadn't appreciated anything they'd done for me for the past two months. I'm a total both to them.

"Goodbye Jaime, my love. Find someone better. My brothers, carry on and stay strong. Tony, it's time me to swim with the fishes once again. I hope you forget about me. Mom and Dad, I'm so fucking sorry for the way I am," and with those last words uttered from my mouth I jumped.

As I fell the wind blew through my hair. It engulfed me in cold and the sun baked me. My life flashed before my eyes.

Jaime's POV

We were at the store when my phone went off. Tony. I answered wondering if everything was ok. "Hello?"

"Oh god! Jaime get down here now I'll send you directions but you have to hurry!" Tony yelled and cried. What had happened now?

"Come on guys. Tony sent me directions to a bridge and he said to hurry," I called to them. We didn't even bother to buy anything, we just ran out to the car.

"What's wrong?" Vic asked just as puzzled as me.

"He didn't tell me. Just said to hurry," I told him. Mike drove as I told him directions and we were there in less then 20 minuets.

Flashing lights were everywhere. Ambulance. Cops. Then I saw Tony in the grass. Mike parked off the rode and I shot out I the car.

"Where's Alice Fuentes!" I screamed. Then I saw her. Down by the water on a tarp. Her pale skin shined and her hair was dripping wet along with her clothes.

I dashed over there but a policeman stopped me. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm her fiancé! Let me through! Please," I pleaded. He let me through then Mike and Vic followed.

It wasn't until I stepped over to her I realised what happened. She jumped. "God dammit! WHY!" I screamed out to the sky.

I pulled her lifeless body close to mine. I burst in to tears as I clutched her figure. I stroked her face and looked into her eyes. "If you can hear me at all Ali. I just want to know why you would do this. How could you do this to me!" I sobbed into her hair.

"Jaime you need to let go," Vic nudged me. He was also crying but not like me. Mike just stood there, he didn't look like he felt anything. That BUSTARD. Then he a tear slipped from his eye. Everyone was crying and sat there holding her.

For hours I sat there. Same spot just holding her close and not wanting to let go. I love her. I'll never forget my girl. She didn't even say goodbye.

"Sir you have to let go of the corpse now," a woman said.

"Alice! Her name is Alice!" I yelled at her. I didn't want to leave Ali. I knew I had to though, and with one last chance I kissed her on the lips and let go.

Maybe it'd bring her bak to life, just like in Snow White. This ain't a fairy tale. Nothing ever ends in happily ever after.


Please oh please don't hate me. This is how I wanted it to end from the beginning. It was a long trip but I'm finally here. At the end. I'm still goin to post one more chapter then it'll be done for good. You should tell all your friends about this story an to read it!

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