Chapter 7: The Slaughter

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I woke up to the smell of smoke and my lungs felt like they were closing up. I looked around but nobody was there. I tried shouting their names but I couldn't. I rushed out hoping everyone was out. I looked outside and no one was there, no buses, no stages, no one was there at all. Just me and a burning bus. I collapsed to the ground tears gushing from my eyes and pouring down my cheeks. I then felt something being pulled over my head and seeing nothing but black.

"Hello my dear," I heard a familiar voice say as I open my eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" I scream as I try getting up, but I couldn't because I was tied to a chair. "Oh you don't remember me? you don't remember the day you left and never came back? The person who cared for you and loved you like nobody else could since you we're such a slut," he spat and then I knew who it was. "Cody where the hell is everyone, and if you did anything to them I swear I'll...." he cut me off. "Swear you'll do what? the worst you could do is leave again and that's never happening," he chuckled. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping someone could hear me. "No one can hear you darling," he said as if nothing were wrong. He walked away going out through a door. I sat there thinking of all the horrible things he was capable of doing to me and my family.

He came in about ten minutes later. I heard mumbling voices, and chains clattering. I couldn't turn my head to look but I am pretty sure it is the boys. "Stay there," he said carelessly as if had done this everyday. He walked over to me, "I have a treat for you my dear. You wanted to see your band family so here they are," he said with mystery in his voice. He walked away and then came back with Tony. "What are you going to do?" I asked my anxiety level rising. "Ali it's ok just calm down we'll be ok and get out of this," Tony tried reassuring me. "Shut the hell up," Cody yelled at him. He forced Tony's head to lay down on a metal looking table. Then he went to a wall full of weapons. He choose the giant butcher knife and walked back. Cody placed the knife on his neck and raised the blade and brought it down with great force and making Tonys head fall off. The blood splattered all over me. I felt sick and horrified as I feared what happened next.

He left again and came back with Mikey. "Mikey fight back! come on I know you can take him! Do it for life, for Tony, For the countless beatings and the pain he put our family through," I tried persuading him. "Haha no use," Cody grinned as he brought a gun to his head. I anticipated the trigger being pulled and again being hit with blood. He looked me in the eyes and gave a weak smile. The sparkle in his eye was not there, nor was the cute grin he gave me when we were thinking about the same thing. Once again another one was slaughtered and a wave of blood and brains hit me. I let a few tears escape but I didn't want it to seem like he was winning.

"Do you like the show my dear Ali?" he asked like a deranged psychopath. I didn't answer, I mean I couldn't it was a horrible question. Once again he went back and grabbed one of the guys. This time it was Vic. "Vic please fight I can't loose another brother," I pleaded. "I'm sorry it's no use baby sis it has to be done this way," he sounded so sad and helpless. Vic was going to be killed with fire is what it seemed like since Cody held a blowtorch in hand. I couldn't watch, so I closed my eyes tight and heard his cries. It bothered me that I wouldn't have a brother an that I couldn't cry.

I heard the door creek open and a smile grow on Cody's face. The man came into the light and I saw it was Oli. That devil came here to slaughter my family my boyfriend and destroy me. They put Jaime on a table and I feared what they could possibly do as I sat there trembling. Oli got a box and carelessly unlocked it and opened it. He took out knives, rope, and some chains. Cody came over to me and picked up my chair which he moved closer to Jaime an the table. "Say goodbye darling, it's the last you'll see of him," sneered Cody. "Fuck you! you worthless pile of shit!" I screeched at them. They laughed and each got two knives.

Oli stabbed the knife into Jaime's stomach and jerked it down grinning the a maniac. Then Cody took the knife and started carving lines in his face, hands, and arms. It's all my fault I ran away and put them in danger, I did this and now they're dead. I had spaced out and now they were taking his organs out. Oli took his intestines out and warped them around Jaime's neck along with the chain while Cody was tiring him up in the rope. Tears were coming out my eyes non stop as I watched the man I love be hanged and torchered for what I did. As they did all this they were laughing demonically as if having fun.

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