2. Accusations

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Scott and I walk into History together, heading for our usual spots. I say a quick hello to Lydia as I sit down. She smiles at me before going back to her drawing. It's a sketch of a person, but I can't tell if it's male or female. I avert my attention back to unpacking my backpack. I take out my textbook, and turn to Scott. Only, my eyes whip to the door when I see her walk in.


She looks around the room, and to the teacher. Mr. Yukimura gives her an outline for the course, and she sits in the seat to my left. Offering a smile, she says, "Hello."

"Hi?" I say, but it sounds like a question. I turn to Scott, communicating with my eyes. He shakes his head in confusion, at me or Nora, I'm not sure.

The bell rings, and the teacher tells everyone to turn to our last reading.

"What page?" Nora asks me, her voice silken and sweet.

"Uh--45," I say, trying to calm my feelings. Why is she here?

"Thanks." She offers another smile. Turning back to the front, she puts her nose in the book. I sigh, and turn back to Scott again.

"What the hell?" I mouth. He shrugs, his eyes widening. I shake my head, and just try to focus on the lesson.


Once class ends, I head to my locker, telling Scott to meet me at my jeep. I grab all my things from my locker, and am about to walk away when I sense someone walking up to me. I turn to see Nora approaching, a small smile on her face.

"Hi," She says.

"Uh, hi?"

"I wanted to apologize for last night. We--my pack--definitely came off as creepy. So, I want to re-introduce myself." She smiles bright, and holds out her hand. "Hi. I'm Nora Williams. And you are?"

A smile creeps up on my face. "Stiles Stilinski. Nice to meet you...again." I chuckle.

She laughs as well, and we shake hands. Before she can say another word, I catch a wiff of the scent I've grown accustomed to.

Scott comes around the corner, and heads toward me. He stops a few feet away when he sees Nora, and slowly comes to stand beside me. "Stiles...what--"

"Uh, Scott," I say, cutting him off. "I know you've already met her, but this is Nora."

The brunette smiles, holding out her hand for Scott as well. All the Alpha does is glare at her. Her hand slowly falls back to her side.

Turning to me, Nora says, "Well. It was nice to meet you properly, Stiles. See you in History tomorrow?"

I nod, and she offers one last award-winning smile before heading off down the hall, brown curls bouncing. Scott glowers after her, and I scoff at him. "What?" He says, looking back at me.

"What is up with you?" I ask. "She was properly introducing herself to me. She was being nice."

"Yeah, well, considering she's the Alpha of the Shadow Pack, I don't trust her."

I shake my head. "I don't know. Maybe it's the werefox thing, but I get the feeling she can be trusted. Fox to fox, you know? Just like you felt you could trust your new Beta, Liam, right?"

Werefox Stilinski *BOOK 2* [A Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now