13. Where is Stiles?

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I sit down in a booth at the fast food restaurant, and wait for Stiles to show up. The manager walks around, and asks me if I'm going to order. I just wave her off, instead pulling out my phone to pass the time.

After a couple minutes, I send a text to Stiles, asking him where he is. He only lives five minutes away; it shouldn't take him this long, especially on a clear night like this.

After about ten minutes of waiting, I press his contact name, and hit the call button. The phone rings a couple times, before his voicemail comes on.

"Hey. This is Stiles, and you missed me. Leave a message. Beep."

"Stiles, where are you? Everything okay? Call me back." I hang up, and try again.

"Hey. This is Stiles, and you--"

I hang up again, getting frustrated. I stand up from the booth and walk out to my car. Hopping into the driver seat, I call Scott instead.

He answers on the third ring. "Hey."

"Have you talked to Stiles today?" I ask him, skipping introductions.

"What? No, not after seeing him at school today. Why? What's wrong, Malia?"

"He said he would meet me at that fast food place he loves--the one with the curly fries--but it's been ten minutes and he hasn't shown up."

"But he lives so close to it."

"I know," I say, sighing worriedly. "Which is why I called you. I'm gonna head over to his place, can you meet me?"

"Yeah," Scott answers. I hear him rummaging through something. "I'll be right there."


I hang up the phone, and start the ignition, pulling out of the lot and onto the main road.


I knock on the door a couple times, shifting on my feet. After a few seconds, Mr. Stilinski answers the door.

"Malia?" He says, looking surprised to see me.

"Is Stiles home?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "He said he was going out. I guessed he was going to meet you. Why?"

"He was supposed to meet me, but he never showed up. Do you know where he could have gone instead?"

The Sheriff's eyes widen. "Wha--no, I thought he would just go see you."

I nod, and I'm about to speak when Scott pulls up on his motorbike. He comes straight to the door, and immediately asks, "so he isn't here?"

I shake my head at the same time Mr. Stilinski does. "We don't know where he is," he says.

I sniff. "I think I caught his scent. Can I grab one of his shirts or something? It'll help strengthen the smell." When the Sheriff nods, I walk past him into the house. I head up to Stiles's room, and grab a shirt from his laundry basket; dirty clothes always work better.

When I come back downstairs, I see the Sheriff and Scott searching the living room. When they hear me, Scott comes to my side. "We didn't find anything," He says, and I nod solemnly.

"Okay. Well, let's follow this, and see where it leads us." I bring the shirt to my nose, taking in a deep breath. Stiles's distinct smell fills my nostrils, and I momentarily forget about the situation at hand. All I think about is his arms around me, his comforting presence in my daily life. I'm brought back to the present when Scott says goodbye to John, stepping outside.

I follow him, and he takes the shirt from me, taking a whiff as well. We both nod at each other, and abandon our vehicles and exchange them for our legs. We run into the forest, following our friend's path.


Scott and I run through the trees, following the line of scent from Stiles. We make our way towards the rock overlooking the town, both of us keeping pace with each other.

I stop abruptly. "Wait," I say. "The scent stops here."

Scott looks at me, then back at the rock. "I can smell it too. It doesn't lead anywhere except the way we came."

"What does that mean?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"It means someone either covered it up," The True Alpha states, "or he's close by."

I nod to myself more than to him, and go into a search of the area. I take in a few huffs of air to find his scent, but it has completely and utterly stopped. No trace of it anywhere. "I can't find any--"

A scream of pure agony and fear ripples through the air, cutting off my sentence and producing a crack in my gut. My eyes widen, and I look to Scott, my face crumpling. We look at each other with horror-stricken expressions, both of us recognizing the owner of that scream.



We waste no time trying to contact her, instead, we just run to the source of the sound, which happens to be the school. I spot Lydia's red-gold head first, and I rush over to her.

"Lydia!" I yell, putting a hand on her shoulder. "What is it? What happened?"

I notice Allison is with her when she says, "I don't know. We were trying to find Stiles when she just screamed."

"Wait," Scott says. "Why were you looking for Stiles?"

Lydia keeps her gaze on the ground, her face filled with panic. "I got this feeling. The kind I only get when something bad is going to happen. And it was revolving around Stiles."

"She said she could tell he was in danger of some sort," Allison continues for the banshee. "It lead us here."

Scott and I exchange a look before I say, "He was supposed to meet me at a fast food joint tonight, but he never showed. Scott hasn't talked to him since school."

"So Stiles is officially missing." Allison lets out a breath, wringing her hands.

"He isn't missing." Scott looks around at all of our confused expressions. His eyes glow bright red when he says, "Nora has him."


Hehehe, I'm evil when it comes to shortening chapters for the use of cliffhangers...;)

Okay, so I promise to make the next chapter somewhat longer, but I think this book is coming to an end, and I don't think I'm gonna make another one. I have my new story starting, and I want to focus on that, since I'm strictly (or somewhat strictly) following the plot of Teen Wolf.

So, with that being said, I'd say maybe 3-5 more chapters? I'm not sure; we'll have to see.

Until next time, stay tuned!


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