16. The Death of a Best Friend

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I'm still shaking him, even though he has already closed his eyes, his heart has already stopped beating. But I can't. Stop. Shaking. Him.

He isn't dead. My best friend isn't dead.

He isn't.

Malia is crying. Her tears are falling onto Stiles's limp body, her hands still wrapped around his palm. Liam is standing over us, watching with a stricken look on his face. Nora--that awful fox--stands off to the side, watching with the same expression.

I shake him one last time, trying desperately to wake him. But he's gone. I know he is. But I can't accept it. Not yet.

"Scott," Liam says. "He's gone."

I finally let go of my best friend, slowly getting to my feet. I look down on Stiles, seeing his face slowly turning pale. I turn slightly toward Nora, then fully facing her.

She doesn't realize I'm looking at her at first. I'm filled with anger and hate immediately, and my eyes glow red. Before she can react, I tackle her, pinning her body to a tree trunk.

"Why did you do this?" I yell at her. "You caused this! You killed my best friend!"

Nora tries to form words, but I cut her off. "You are going to pay for this. I don't usually kill, but you killed him. You killed Stiles."

I look to Cole, and drop Nora. Her Third looks mortified, and fear crosses his face when he sees my expression. Before he can move, I lash out a hand.

Cole clutches his throat, dark red blood dripping down his neck. He sputters and coughs, falling to the ground. Soon after, his eyes glaze over. Dead.

Nora watches with a shocked expression, and it turns to anger when she looks at me. "You--"

I push her against the tree again. "No, you. He deserved it. Cole killed the only person in this world with a kind heart. He has been through thick and thin, and now he's dead. Because of him. Stiles is dead." I growl at her, low and hard. "You killed your own investment. And for what? Because he was trying to save the ones he loves."

A tear slips down her cheek. "I'm sorry--I'm so sorry--"

"Leave Beacon Hills," I say, every word laced with fury. I let go of her. "Take your stupid Shadow Pack and get out of this town. If you ever return--if I ever see you again--I will kill you. You won't even have time to blink before your blood is spilled on the ground. Got it?"

When she doesn't respond, I repeat myself. "Got it?" She nods.

Turning to her remaining pack members, she says, "let's go."

They nod, and shift as one. They run into the trees, and soon the sound of their paws disappear. Nora shifts as well, looking back over her shoulder at Stiles's body. She meets my eyes one last time, an apology in her gaze, before running into the forest.

I immediately fall to the ground, tears brimming my eyes. I hear Malia's non-stop sobs, not having to look to know she has her head hung over his body.

Bushes rustle to my right, and Lydia and Allison burst out of the trees. Lydia searches, and lets out an anguished sob when she sees him. She runs to him, falling to her knees, and breaks down. She puts her head on his chest, right over the wound that stopped his heart.

Allison's mouth is parted in silent sadness. Her eyes move to me, and she kneels in front of me.

"He was saving Malia," I say, my voice breaking. "He saved her. Cole was--" I look over at his dead body. "Cole was going to kill her. Stiles pushed her out of the way and..." I cover my mouth.

Allison grabs my hands, mumbling words like "it's okay" and "it's not your fault," but it is. I failed him. I couldn't save him.

For the first time in a long time, I allow myself to break. I sob loudly, my face contorting in anguish and sorrow. Allison just holds me, allowing my tears to fall onto her clothes. She murmurs condolences into my ear, trying desperately to comfort me. But it won't work.

My best friend just died. How can I ever get over that?


Telling John Stilinski was the hardest.

I went over myself with Mom, the tears still in my eyes, the blood dried on my clothes. He opened the door with a smile on his face, one that immediately disappeared when he beheld me.

"What happened?" He'd asked, and I saw him look for Stiles behind me. When he didn't find him, his face filled with confusion. "Where is he? Where is Stiles?"

Mom had put a hand on his shoulder, and asked to come inside. John had let us in, and we sat on the couch.

We told him, straight up. He denied it, repeating "no, no, that isn't true!" About four times, before he broke down in tears. Loud sobs escaped his lips, and I had to look away to keep from crying myself. I enveloped him in a hug, and we clung to each other, both of us disappearing in a puddle of tears. We told him we'd take him to see the body.

He didn't stop crying.


Okay, so super short chapter, but you'll see why I ended it here in the next update.

Stay tuned for chapter 17!


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