3. Jealous of the Coyote

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"Stiles, please, can we talk about this?" Malia says for the millionth time today.

I turn to her, stopping in front of the classroom. "Malia, its fine. I understand. We don't need to talk about anything." I walk into class, dragging her with me. She sighs, but doesn't say anything else. Scott is already seated when Malia and I take our places. I offer a closed-mouth smile and sit down. Scott looks taken aback, but I turn before he can say anything.

The bell rings, and the teacher starts to write notes on the board. I listen intently, trying to drown out Scott, who is trying to get my attention. I don't so much as flinch when he taps my shoulder, completely ignoring him. After a while, he gives up, and I continue to listen to the teacher for the whole class.


I walk to my locker with Malia, exchanging my books with the ones for my next class. The werecoyote waits patiently, smiling to herself. I turn to her. "What?" I say.

She moves closer and brings me in for a kiss. I gently hold her face as our lips meet, passionately but softly. Her arms wrap around my neck, deepening the kiss.

When we finally pull away, both of us smiling, she says, "Don't worry about Scott. He's always like this when new people--specifically the supernatural--come to town. He'll realize it eventually."

I nod, and plant another kiss on her lips. "I know. Thank you." I lean forward and whisper in her ear, "I love you."

"I love you too," She answers. We hold hands while making our way to History. It was dull without her here yesterday; She had said she was sick, but Malia skips History a lot. It's the class before math, so that's understandable.

I make my way to my seat, sitting down. I furrow my brows when Malia stops. I look to her usual spot, and realize why she hasn't sat down.

Nora is in her seat.

I see Malia's mouth form into a growl, and I quickly say, "Uh, Nora, that's Malia's seat."

She turns to me, furrowing her brows. Her eyes move between Malia and I, and I watch as she realizes how mad Malia is. "Oh! I'm sorry, no one was sitting here yesterday--"

"That's because I wasn't here," Malia says, her words clipped. "But now I am."

Nora glances at me before grabbing her things, moving to another seat behind me. Malia lets out a small growl before plopping into the chair. I reach over, grabbing her hand. She meets my eyes.

"Don't worry," I whisper to her. "She didn't know if anyone sat there. Just calm down."

Even though Malia and I have been out of Eichen for a while, the werecoyote still has trouble maintaining control. I mean, it's progress; she used to full-out transform when she got mad.

Malia nods, taking a deep breath. I let go of her hand, but my eyes stay glued on her. I watch as she smiles, showing off her pearly whites. I feel myself get lost in those brown eyes, like I do every time I look at her.

The bell rings, and I reluctantly tear my gaze away from her, focusing on the teacher. She does the same, but I hear her whisper, "I love you."

"I love you too," I say with equal quiet, just so the two of us can hear. I see Scott smile out of the corner of my eye, and I ignore him, instead focusing on the lesson.


I say goodbye to Malia and watch her retreat down the hallway to the parking lot. I pull out my phone, about to call my dad when a voice, belonging to the last person I want to see now, says, "Hey."

I reluctantly look up to see Scott standing there, his backpack thrown over a shoulder. "Hey," I say back.

"Are you...okay?" He asks, eyeing my facial expression.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know." He shakes his head. "Just because of last night. I wanted to talk to you about it--"

"Scott, you don't have to say anything else, okay? I get it. You don't trust Nora and her pack. But you're accusing a fox of killing that boy. That definitely hits home." I shrug. "It's fine. I'm over it."

I go to walk away, but he stops me. "Stiles, im not accusing you in any way. It's them I'm worried about." He looks over my shoulder, and I turn to see Nora standing with--Daniel? Since when did he enrol here? "I don't trust them, just like I don't trust every new 'pack' and threat. It's just an instinct of mine, being the Alpha. I need to protect you guys."

I meet his gaze, and I say, "I understand. But now that I'm a werefox...I don't know. It's sort of...personal, now. I hope you understand that."

He nods, and a smile twitches on my lips. "Okay, well let's go. I need to start on my homework."

He laughs, and we walk down the hallway together, Scott's arm around my shoulder.



I almost blew it today.

I tried so hard to resist the urge to laugh at the two of them. How he was giving her a look of pure happiness, how she whispered "I love you" to him. It's the classic high school love story. But, what's interesting is the fact that she is a werecoyote. I could smell it on her as soon as she walked in the door.

The first part of the plan had worked; introduce ourselves, make acquaintances, share smiles, all that stuff. Now, we just have to work on the next part.

Breaking apart their world.

I listen in to his conversation with that True Alpha as they talk about a boy that was killed. Funny how the fox was offended when he was accused of killing him. The Alpha assures him he doesn't think he did it, and I chuckle softly as they look in my direction. My brother murmurs in my ear, "Where to?"

I smile smugly, not giving an answer as I hear the Alpha apologize. I scoff, and turn to my Second. "Let's go to the trees."

Once we are out of the school, we make for the treeline, joining the gathered pack members. When I arrive, they all stop their chatting, and await my orders.

I smirk. "To the Station."


Ooohh, could that be some foreshadowing? I wonder...*evil laugh*

Okay, so I think you guys know who's POV That was, but I'm keeping it unknown for now.

So, I've decided I'm going to somewhat follow the storyline of S4, but I'm skipping ahead of the whole Derek-turning-into-a-teen thing, to make things easier for myself.

Stay tuned for the next chapter! It's gonna be good :)

PS- SO SORRY for the late update. I've been slammed with homework lately. Frequent updates coming soon!


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