18. Observation

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On my way out of the manor, I ask Matthew where I can find the building I'm looking for. He shows me on the map, and I thank him before heading out into the street.

I follow his instructions, making right turns, following curving streets, and once in a while stopping to make sure I'm going the right way. I walk down yet another cobblestone street, admiring the little shops and market stands lining it. People of all ages are bustling about, asking about quality, quantity, everything in between. Some turn and wave to me, some offering smiles, and I return their gestures.

I take the last left turn, and I see my destination.

The Observation Tower.

I walk up the quartz steps, and open the stone door. I make my way inside, and I see two others sitting down at one of the many screens. They turn when I walk in, and one of them, a girl in her teen years, comes over to me.

"Hello," She greets me with a smile. "May I help you with what you are looking for?"

"Umm, yes," I answer her. "I'm looking for Beacon Hills. I want to see Scott McCall."

She nods her head, sending her shoulder-length brown curls bobbing. "Sure. Follow me."

She leads me to one of the screens, gesturing for me to sit. I do, and she leans down beside me, immediately clicking on the keyboard. She opens tabs, search bars, and some other things I don't know the name of and types in the information I told her. Finally, she pulls up a video feed of the "Welcome to Beacon Hills" sign.

"There we go," She says, sighing proudly. Turning back to me, she asks, "Where would he be at this time? It is almost 12:00pm there."

"Um, Lunch, at Beacon Hills High School." I avert my gaze back to the screen as she searches a few more things. After a few seconds, there is a new video feed of the picnic tables outside of the school.

"See this button?" She points at the screen. "If you press it, it will show you different camera angles throughout the school."

"Thank you so much," I say to her. She smiles.

"You're most welcome. If you need anything else, my name is Lilley." With that, she walks back over to her original seat, digging into her computer at once.

I turn back to my screen, loose a deep breath, and begin searching for my friends. I check the hallways first, but I don't see them. I think about where Scott would be, and I check the locker room. There are only freshmen in there, so I check somewhere else.

I finally click on the underpass, and thats when I see them.

My friends.

I zoom in, and I find Scott, Malia, Lydia, Allison, and Liam all huddled in a circle. Even though they block anyone else from seeing inside their huddle, my video feeds allow me to see everyone's face. Maybe that's the power of the After?

I notice the sad expressions on everyone's faces. But most of all, I see Scott's face, and it breaks me. His eyes have bags under them, almost looking sunken in. His mouth is a sad frown, almost like it hasn't moved from that position in a while. But then, I look to Malia, and there are tears in her eyes. She grips her hands together, and wrings them hard. She looks...so depressed. It breaks my heart.

"Mr. Stilinski is selling his jeep tomorrow," Scott says, and the sound of his voice brings tears to my eyes. He sounds awful, like a teacher who's lost their enthusiasm while teaching a lesson. His voice breaks once on my last name, and everyone's face grows sadder when he speaks.

"When can I see him?" Lydia asks. Out of everyone, she seemed to be hit the hardest. Her eyes look the worst of all; deep black circles, makeup still under her eyes, lip quivering. She almost looks...dead.

Scott shakes his head. "I don't know. The funeral is on Friday. I don't think there will be a viewing."

Lydia nods, the quiver in her lip growing bigger. She puts a hand over her mouth, but the tears do not fall. Allison is standing beside Scott, and I see her lace her fingers in his. Where is Kira? Shouldn't she be here?

As if he heard my question, Liam says, "so why did Kira leave again?" I guess it's his way of changing conversation.

"Her dad had a interview in New York, so they all went for a summer vacation a week early."

Liam nods. I feel a tear escape my eyes, and I wipe it away. My death...broke them. All of them. They don't know how to move on from it. And I don't know how to get back there. I can't leave them like this. It's breaking my heart.

I don't know what to do.


I use the lion knocker three times before Matthew answers the door. "Stiles? Are you alright?" He asks, seeing my face.

I nod, but quickly say, "I need to speak to Fate again. Please. It's urgent."

Matthew nods, letting me in, and I don't wait for him to lead me upstairs. I just run and knock on the office doors, opening them when I hear a "come in!"

I rush inside the office to find Him rifling through paperwork, a pen in His hand. He looks up when I enter.

"Stiles, are you okay?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "How do I get back? How do I live again?"

Fate puts down his pen, and folds his hands on the desk. "How do you think you do?"

"No games," I say. "Please, just tell me. How do I get back over there?"

Fate sighs. "You know how to do it. You must contact someone on the Living Side, tell them how to do it. You know the way. You were a Werefox, am I not mistaken?" I nod. He smiles softly. "Then tell them to resurrect you the way they would resurrect a supernatural."

My brows merge, and I try to make sense of what he just told me. Suddenly, it hits me.

"The Nemeton."


So, I am basically just writing the rest of this book right now lol

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stay tuned for the next update :)


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