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The warning bell rings to signal the start of school. I stand at my locker with Malia, our hands intertwined. We smile at each other, and I plant a quick kiss on her lips.

"You sure you're alright?" She asks, watching me warily.

I nod, offering a stupid smile. "Malia, I'm fine. It's just an...adjustment."

"I'm just...glad you're okay."

I squeeze her hand a bit. "I'm glad you are. I would never have let them hurt you."

She nods, and kisses my cheek before pulling me down the hall toward class.


The pack is sitting around the picnic table when I walk up.

"Hey bud," Scott says, smiling.

"Hey," I say, sitting down beside Lydia, across from him.

Everyone looks at me expectantly. I raise a brow. "What?"

I feel Scott's uneasiness radiating off him. I give him a look. "What's wrong with you? Why so nervous?"

The True Alpha sighs. "It's just--you're an Alpha now, and..." he trails off. I wait, my brows merging. "I just want to know what's going to happen. Are you...are you going to leave?"

My eyes widen. "Scott, why would you think that?" He shrugs. I let out a breath, exasperated. "Scott, this is my home. It's has always been my home. Just because my Supernatural status has changed doesn't mean I'm just gonna run off and never look back." I look around at everyone. "I am not leaving. Ever."

Malia reaches for my hand, and squeezes. Allison nods, smiling softly. Liam watches me with awe on his face; for what I don't know. Lydia says, "We're glad. We wouldn't be able to function without you here, Stiles."

I smile gratefully at her. Finally, I turn to Scott. His emotions are only happiness and relief, and he says, "We couldn't live without you, bud. We need you here."

"Then I'm not leaving. You still have me." I look around at the pack. "Always."

"Always," Malia echoes.

I feel my eyes flash purple for a moment, and the gathered werewolves flash theirs back.

And so, I forget about Nora, I forget about dying, or the fact that next time will be my last. I forget about all the hardships we've faced, about all of the challenges that have been thrown our way.

I throw all of that away, and focus on this moment. Because that's all that matters right now.

I feel the pull of family in these people. The thought of never leaving them makes me feel happy. That these people will look out for me, and I them.

That's all I could ever ask for.


That is it for Werefox Stilinski. I hope you enjoyed this story. It means a lot to me that you guys were so involved in my writing, and giving me amazing words of encouragement throughout every chapter.

Thank you for being such amazing supporters.

Love always,


Werefox Stilinski *BOOK 2* [A Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now