12. Daniel

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Over the next few days, I completely ignored Scott and the pack--all except for Allison. She had survived instead of Isaac about two months ago, and decided to keep to herself; for a reason I'm sure no one knows. But now she's the only one who doesn't judge me for the whole Nora situation.

We are reading over some notes on Math when she says, "Have you talked to Scott yet?"

I look up at her. "About what?"

She raised a brow. "Stiles, he doesn't understand what's going on with Nora. You need to tell him."

I sigh, putting my head in my hands. I didn't feel I could trust anyone else with the information, so I sought out Allison and told her about Nora's and my...situation two days ago. She just nodded, like she completely understood. She told me, 'you have no control over that, Stiles. If you like her, go for her. Just...don't break Malia in the process.' I listened, but I didn't tell anyone of the pack.

"I know I do," I say, answering her. "But I just...can't. Malia will be heartbroken. And I don't even know if I want to keep going with Nora! The whole 'we want you in our pack' thing--" I make air quotes with my fingers, "--is making me nervous."

Allison nods as I speak, still watching me with that look of calculation all the Argents have. She takes in a deep breath. "Well. You're going to have to say something. Because Scott will be here in two minutes."m

My eyes bug out of my head. "What?!"

Before Allison says anything else, Scott walks in, coming straight toward us. I glare at the hunter, flashing my orange eyes at her. She just rolls hers and greets Scott with a smile.

"Hey," She says, and gives me a look. I offer a small smile before looking back to my book. Allison grunts, and grabs her things. "I'll let you two talk."

Before I can stop her, she walks off, casting a glance at me, her eyes darting back and forth to Scott in a silent 'do it!' motion.

Scott watches her go, and slowly sits in her now-vacant seat. He rests his arms on the table, trying to meet my eyes. I keep my gaze on my book, looking through it like he isn't even there.

"Stiles, come on." He laughs bitterly. After a pause, he sighs and says,  "I know what happened between you and Nora."

That gets my attention. I open my mouth, but before I can say anything Scott speaks up again. "I understand, okay? I know those types of feelings can't be controlled. I don't blame you. Just...the one thing I don't understand is how you can trust her so fast."

My brows merge in confusion. "What do you mean? It wasn't easy to trust her, Scott. She gained it--"

"Like hell she did."

I flinch at his comment, something inside me--something like anger--boils up. Scott seems to see my discomfort, for his eyes widen. "I'm--I'm sorry--"

"No you're not," I say, my face hardening. "But I understand. Just because she wants me in her pack doesn't mean--"

"Wait, what?" Scott says, true surprise on his face. "She wants you in her pack?"

"Well, yeah. She needs another fox, and I'm the best candidate."

"Are you going to go?" He asks, and I see all the emotions crossing his face. "Stiles, you can't."

I nod. "I know. Trust me, I do. But...I don't know what to do. She has good reasons for it, Scott. Besides; We cause enough damage in this town. What's one less supernatural creature?"

Scott stands up, his chair skidding away from the table. "No. You aren't leaving. You aren't going with her."

I stand as well. "And why not? Like I'm actually going to listen to you."

Scott glances around the library before looking back at me. His eyes glow bright red, going deep into my own. I don't blink, don't look away. I feel the strong urge to listen to him, and I follow it. I sit back down, defeated. Scott's eyes lose their glow, and he sits down as well.

"Please, Stiles." Scott's eyes plead with me. "You can't leave. You have family here. You have me."

I nod, completely understanding where he's coming from. And I know what is here for me. Nora just...made it seem like such a good idea. It sounded like the best thing for me. Now I realize it isn't.


I unlock the door, and walk into my house. "Dad, I'm home!" I tell, hearing his heartbeat in the upstairs bathroom.

"Dinner's on the counter!" He yells back, adding on a "help yourself" at the end. I make a detour to the kitchen island and see a full box of pizza on the counter. My mouth waters, and I grab two pieces for each hand.

Biting each slice back and forth, I wrestle my bag off my shoulder, dropping it on the couch. Quickly finishing one piece of pizza, I use that hand to pull out my phone. I immediately text Malia, needing to talk to her.

S: You free tonight?

After a minute, she texts back:

M: Yeah. Curly fries?

S: You got it.

She says goodbye, and I scarf down my remaining slice of pizza before running upstairs. I yell, "Dad, I'm going out!" as I pass his room, and I quickly clean myself up; changing my shirt, spraying some cologne on myself, and brushing my teeth. I laugh at myself when I check my teeth in the mirror, feeling utterly stupid. Before I can do it again, I hear the doorbell ring.

I run downstairs, rushing to the door. I swing it open only to find the last person I expected.


"Wha--why are you here?" I ask, looking up the stairs for any sign of dad.

Daniel offers a somewhat-friendly smile, and says, "I'm just here to check on Nora's pet."

"Pet? I'm sorry, I don't own a dog." The sarcasm in my voice makes him scowl.

"You, idiot."

"I know, idiot."

Daniel rolls his eyes, but the smile is there again. "May I come in?"

"Um, no," I say. "I'm going out."

"Well, can I come with you? I'm great company."

I shake my head, closing the door slightly. "Sorry, no--"

Daniel's hand stops the door from closing all the way. His smiles turns ravenous as he says, "I'm afraid you have no choice."

His eyes start to glow the same orange colour as mine, but I see a hint of vibrant green in the irises. I try to close the door again, but my eyes are glued to his.

Before I can react, I feel an enormous wave of exhaustion come over me. I sway on my feet, and fall into darkness, the last thing I see being the hardwood floor under my feet before I'm gone completely.


I hope this was a good chapter; It's a little shorter than usual, but I'm really busy with school so I don't have much time to write.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


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