15. A Mistake

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"I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up," Nora says to Scott, malice coating her words.

Scott looks to me, concern filling his face. I just subtly shake my head--as well as I can in my fox form--and he nods, understanding. He turns to Nora, rising from his crouch and saying, "You aren't taking him anywhere."

Nora laughs, a cold and heartless sound. "Really. And who is going to stop me? You? By yourself?" She laughs again.

I let out a low growl, slowly getting to my feet. Before I can take a step toward Nora, Daniel blocks my path, now in his own black fox form. He returns my growl, scraping a clawed paw through the dirt.

Scott's brow knit together. "Who says I came alone?"

As if on cue, Malia and Liam--Scott's new Beta--step out from the trees, both of them transformed, Malia still human. They exchange growls and snarls at Nora's Shadow Pack. Nora watches them as they move to stand beside my Alpha.

"I'm afraid you're still outnumbered," Nora says. The sisters, Maddie and Sarah slink around their fox Alpha, their midnight-black pelts blending into the night around us. Their bright orange eyes pulse, their sharp canines exposed.

Scott's face hardens before he lashes out at Nora. She quickly dodges, but swipes out a claw as well. The fight is on.

Daniel tackles me, trying to pin my body to the ground. I whip out of the way, trying to bite at his shoulder, but missing. He turns, swiping out a paw, but I whip my tail into his muzzle. His head jerks to the side at the impact, but it doesn't slow him down.

My claws scrape down Daniel's back, making him yell out. He growls, and uses his paws to throw me back. My four legs keep me upright, but I stumble nonetheless.

All around me, the pack is fighting Nora's group. Malia and one of the sisters--Maddie?--are neck in neck, both of them in their human forms. Malia's face is contorted with rage, snarls escaping her mouth. To my left, Scott is fighting with Nora, two Alphas pitted against each other.

Daniel and I circle each other, and I get a flash of déjà vu. I think of my dream, how I was in this same situation, and it ended in Malia...no. I will not let this happen.

My attention is brought back to my foe as Daniel tries to swipe at my chest. I easily dodge it, jerking around him to counter with a swipe of my own. It lands across his shoulder, and I immediately attack again with my tail to his side. He stumbles, but doesn't falter. Claws take down my back as I run past, and I can't help the cry that escapes.

Scott looks over at me for a split second, concern clouding his face. That pause gets the better of him as Nora advances, her human form exchanged for her fox. She lashes out with a heavily-clawed hand, catching Scott on the face. The True Alpha whips back, and Nora strikes again, this time to his chest.

No, I think. I see my dream unfolding before me, seeing what will happen next.

Scott reels back, falling to his knees. Blood stains through his jacket and shirt, turning brighter and brighter as it leaves his body. I let out a small whine, as he shifts back into his human face. Even that is covered in blood, one of his eyes red and purple.

Nora shifts back, kneeling to grab Scott by the throat, hauling him up. Scott coughs and sputters, fighting against the Fox Alpha's strength. I quickly shift back into my human form, rushing toward them.

Nora laughs, and it stops me dead. "I wouldn't do that. You know what I am asking of you, Stiles. Choose. My pack, or your Alpha's death."

I look at Scott, his eyes pleading with me. I just look at him, feeling the anguish on my face, the guilt and fear written in my gaze.

"I don't have a choice, Scott. I have to." Tears sting my eyes, but I know I have to do this. I turn to Nora, but I don't even have to say anything.

She smiles darkly. "I knew you would realize what the right decision was." She looks to Daniel, who is now in his human form, and her Second pins my arms behind my back, pushing me to my knees.

Scott lets out a whimper, watching with a stricken expression. Nora pushes him to the ground, and steps toward me. "Let's go, then."

Malia rushes to Scott's side, checking the damage to his chest. The next part of my dream is about to happen, and I don't--I won't--let it happen.

Malia turns her head, and I see the anger on her face. Her eyes glow blue, and she stands with her claws outstretched.

"Malia, no!" I yell, knowing exactly what will happen. Only she doesn't listen.

She rushes forward, about to charge Nora, and I see Cole emerge from his hiding place. He runs to her with his claws out for the kill.

I summon the last of my strength and rip myself from Daniel's grip. I run to Malia, trying desperately to push her away. But Cole doesn't have time to stop. Has too much momentum to change his course.

Before he can stop himself, his sharp and deadly claws go straight into my chest.

Pain explodes in my heart, splintering throughout my body. I hear Malia scream, the sound pummelling my head, but it's muffled. Everything is muffled, even my heartbeat seems to grow quieter. Or maybe that's the sound of it slowing.

Cole's face is full of shock, fear, and everything in between. He pulls his hand out, and something between a groan and a gasp escapes my mouth. I fall to my knees, my hands against the open wound.

Scott is suddenly holding me, helping me to the ground. I try to form words, but nothing comes out. His face is contorted with sadness, with shock, and fear.

"Stiles, stay with me! Don't close your eyes," He says as I blink slowly. I can feel my healing ability trying to knit my flesh back together, but failing. The wound is too deep, too awful to be healed.

I feel everything slowing down, everything blurring. I try one more time to speak, but all that comes out is, "It's okay."

I try to repeat it, over and over again. Scott just shakes his head, and keeps saying, "stay with me, Stiles. Don't you dare close your eyes."

He grips my wrist, and I focus enough to see the black veins moving up his forearm. I move my gaze over to Nora, seeing a look of pure panic on her face. She shakes her head over and over again, disbelief showing in her features as well.

Malia comes to my other side, tears streaming down her face. "Stiles, no. You aren't leaving me--leaving us! Keep your eyes open, don't close them!"

"But..." I say, a mess of words coming out of my mouth. "So...tired...need...sleep..."

"No. Stiles, no!" Scott shakes me, trying everything he can to keep me with him. But I don't want to be awake; sleep sounds really good right now.

I meet Malia's eyes. "I...I love you," I say, but it's quiet and slightly slurred. Her eyes blur with new tears.

My mind goes fuzzy, and I can't really remember anything. Who is shaking me? Who is that holding my hand? I can't remember. Why am I feeling sleepy? I don't know.

I feel my eyes close, and I see some sort of light emanating from somewhere deep in my mind--it's inviting, and nice, and I'm drawn to it. Is this what it feels like to die? I think I've died before. I don't know. I just really want to see that light close up.

I take a few more steps, ignoring the yells from those people holding me. They aren't important; that light is. Because now I see her, I see my mother--her beautiful brown hair, those golden eyes that match my own. Her arms, open and welcoming, and I want to run into them. To smell her flower-smelling perfume.

I take that final step, right into her embrace, and we walk into that light together.


I am so sorry. But, I'm kinda not XD

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and please don't kill me in the comments. Sorry again! •_•


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