20. Confusion

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I'm not sure where I am.

One minute, I was standing over that radio, giving instructions to my best friend on how to...how to do what? I can't seem to remember.

But now, I don't know where I went to. I'm definitely no longer in the After, but I'm not in the Living, either. So...where is this place? What is this place. Sounds filter through my ears.

Voices. They're voices.

I concentrate on those sounds, putting all my focus into it. Some sort of heightened hearing picks the sounds up faster than anticipated.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Someone says. The voice is familiar, male. How do I know that voice?

"I don't know." Another male. Deeper voice, almost as if they were older.

I pick up on the sounds of people walking around, and something like a growl from my right side, where I feel a hand grasping my own. But...that growl is moving. Two different people on my right.

That's four people surrounding me. But who are they? I can't seem to remember. But that question moves to the back of my mind when a new one sprouts.

Why can't I move? Why can't I open my eyes?

I am vaguely aware of a hollow feeling in my chest, like something is missing. But...is it just a feeling? Is it flesh, bone? Something isn't there, when it should be.

"Wait," That first male voice says again, so familiar to me. I can somehow sense their unease and nervousness. "Do you hear that?" No one here says anything. "Malia, listen!"

I hear footsteps approach from my right, and a suck-in of breath. "His heart--its beating," the female says, relief flooding through me.

True enough, I hear the faint sound of my heart thumping in my chest. But, it's too slow. Too slow for someone to function, which makes me even more confused. But I focus on that lack of something in my chest.

As if my thoughts propelled it, I feel some sort of power move through my body, going right into that empty hole. I feel muscles and skin stitch together, confirming my small suspicion of a wound. Once it is healed, the void gone, I hear my heartbeat speed up just a bit; so close to what a living soul's heart should sound like.

"Look, the wound is gone!" A new voice says, completely feminine. That hand squeezes my own. "S-Stiles?" I can somehow feel the emotion rippling off her.

Ah. Is that my name? It sounds right. Feels right. But is it really? The voice speaks again. "Stiles, please. If you can hear me, show me something. A sign, a signal." Concern and--love?--come to me as she speaks. But how?

I try to move anything, wanting to answer that voice, but my bones aren't working. That's okay for now.

I feel my mind open up, and emotions flood it, filling it up with thoughts and feelings and everything in between. Feelings of pain, sorrow, love, anger, and more. It just makes me more confused.

"Stiles," Says that beautiful female voice. "Stiles, come back to us."

I can feel my mind reaching for her, and suddenly a thought comes through so fast and quick, and I can see it as she reads it too.

Scream, Lydia. Scream. Just like the last time.

The grip on my hand stills, then disappears completely. The female--Lydia?--seems to have stood up from whatever I am laying on.

Without warning, a loud, piercing scream fills the air.

Oxygen floods my lungs, giving me too much, too little, and I gasp for air, my eyes jolting open wide. I feel pressure on my irises, and I see darkness and trees all around me. I feel my body jerk upward, and I get into a sitting position. Panic starts to rise in me, and I look around frantically, not being able to focus on anything.

"Stiles? Stiles! It okay, you're okay!" Lydia yells, clinging to my arm again. But I can't. I can't...breathe...

A short roar shatters the panic swarming my body, and I feel myself calm down enough to lower my heart rate. To concentrate on the things around me, to put the panic aside.

I finally realize where I am.

Trees surround me, with bushes and bramble and leaves. My friends--my family--stand around me, all with nervous looks on their face. Scott is standing directly in front of me, eyes losing their glow like they were just vibrant red. Lydia is holding my hand on my right, Malia standing behind her. Deaton and Allison stand off to the side, watching with wide eyes. I finally realize I'm not on the ground.

I'm laying on the Nemeton.

My gaze focuses on Scott as Lydia let's go of me, moving to stand beside Malia.

I crack a goofy smile. "I may be a pain in the ass, but I'm sorry to say you're stuck with me now."

Scott lets out a relieved laugh, and rushes over to pull me into a hug. I squeeze back, ignoring the stiffness in my limbs. Tears fill my eyes, and I hear sniffling from the people gathered.

Scott breathes in the smell of me, already crying, and says, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

We pull away, and the Alpha helps me to my feet. I'm barely up two seconds before Lydia tackles me, arms immediately going around my neck. I pull her to me, wrapping my own around her middle. She cries in my ear, and I grip her tighter. "Didn't think you'd get rid of me that quick, did ya?" She laughs through a sob.

She pulls back, looking at me straight on. "How did I hear your voice in my head, telling me to scream?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. I just felt the thought leave my mind and go to yours." I pause, surveying her. "Why are you still nervous?"

She furrows her brows. Before she can ask, Malia is ripping me from her grasp and kissing me full on the lips. I grab her face, holding her there, until we break away and I pull her to me. She doesn't cry, but I hear sniffles muffled on my shoulder. "You didn't lose me," I whisper for only her ears. "I'm still here."

She nods, pulling away.

"I believe I have some explaining to do," I say, facing everyone. "But first; Where's my dad?"

Scott glances at Allison, and I can feel their discomfort. I loose a breath. "What?" I ask.

Scott turns to me. "Your dad is..." he sighs. "He hasn't talked to any of us since we told him about your death. I'm not sure what he's been doing."

I feel tears brim my eyes, and I nod slowly, processing. I look up at Scott--my best friend, my Alpha--and ask, "Can you take me to him?"

Scott nods, and leads me through the trees toward his bike.


Yaaaayyy!!!! Our baby is okay! :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for the next one!


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