8. Leave a Scar

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"How hard did you hit him?" I ask, annoyed.

The new fox has been unconscious for an hour now, no sign of him awakening any time soon. Luke stands off to the side, sulking due to my scolding. He was ordered to knock him out for a few minutes, just so we could tie him down. Instead, I guess Luke hit him too hard. Stupid brute. I should've gotten Maddie to do it.

"I'm sorry," Luke grumbles. I wave him off.

"Doesn't matter. Just...wake him up somehow."

"By doing what--"

"Figure it out!" I rub my temple, massaging away my headache. The rest of the pack stand around, watching with bright eyes. I turn to them and say, "Well. Now that Stiles is tied up, will you please bring him to that cell we found underground?"

They nod, and move towards the sophomore's limp body. We only tied his wrists and ankles for now, but more will come once we are in the cell. Maddie and Sarah grab his arms, Cole and Daniel grabbing his legs. Together, they carry him back into the woods, following the scent of ashes.

When we arrived in Beacon Hills, I had sent Daniel to scout the forests in the area. He soon came back to tell me of a house; one that was severely burnt down, and hardly standing. We snooped further, and found an abandoned cell below it, perfect for torture and other things. Cole suspects that that's what it was used for, but he won't voice it to me. We are using it anyway.

It takes a while to even get halfway, and by then, Luke just grabs Stiles and hauls him over a shoulder. It makes the rest of the trip to the house way faster.

We reach the burnt-down house, and veer to the left towards the cell entrance.



I'm doing chemistry homework when my phone rings.

"Hey, have you talked to Stiles since school?" Malia says before I can speak.

"Uh, no? Why?"

"He won't answer his phone, and he didn't drive me home from school."

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean? He always drives you home."

"I know!" Malia exclaims. "Something's off. He said he needed to go somewhere before heading home."

"Did he say where?"

"No. but I thought I saw someone else get into his car with him. Do you know who that could be?"

I ponder this, racking my brain for any explanation. Then, it hits me. Anger boils in my veins, sending me right down the stairs and onto my bike.




Pain pinches my cheek, arousing me from the dark abyss. But my mind stays foggy, filled with unnecessary thoughts. That pain hits me again, and I offer a moan in return.

The pain comes again, and I vaguely recognize it as a slap of someone's hand. My whole body awakens, and I feel a strain on my arms; as if they are raised above my head, slowly falling asleep.

I slowly open my eyes, and they go wide when I see Daniel standing in front of me, Nora beside him. His hand is raised, and I realize he was the one who was hitting my face, trying to wake me up. They both smirk at me.

"What--" I wince, and angle my head to see where I am. I gaze down at my bare chest, my stained jeans; I finally notice I'm elevated off the ground, held up by my arms. "Why did he hit me?"

"Who, Luke?" Nora questions. She glances at the wall of muscle standing off to the side. "Well, we couldn't necessarily show you where we were going, now could we?"

"Well, that was time well wasted. I know where we are. We're in the cell under the Hale house, right?"

The smiles fall off their faces like lead. "How do you know that?" Daniel asks.

I scoff, ignoring the strained sound of my voice. "Please. I see the Sourwolf every day. He used to live here, until a family burnt it down years ago. I've been down here many times."

Humility flashes through Nora's eyes for a split second before it's replaced by amusement. "Well, too bad your friends won't find you. We've covered up yours and our scent."

All the hope I could muster falls to the depths of my heart. Nora smiles. "So, let's get started then. Cole?"

Nora's Third steps out from his spot on the wall. My blood thumps as he steps closer, revealing his claws. Before I can react, Cole lashes out a hand, taking me across the chest.

I hold in my yell, leashing my pain. Nora purses her lips, and nods at Cole. Another swipe across my arm this time. I loose a breath, but do not scream. Another attack down my stomach. He's coming at me too fast for my healing ability to go in effect.

After a couple more blows, Nora holds up a hand, stopping her Third. "We shouldn't bloody him up too much. Let him heal, but leave a scar. Got it?"

Cole nods, and moves towards me, placing a hand on my strained arm. I narrow my eyes, not sure what he's going to do, but then my eyes bulge wide as his clawed hand plunges into my stomach.

I let out a choked breath, looking down at his arm. His claws are invisible, completely embedded in my flesh. Blood dribble from my mouth, flowing down my chin. I cough, not mov by an inch; I don't want his wound to grow bigger.

Nora watches from her spot beside Daniel, with a--a grimace?--on her face. Almost like she isn't enjoying this one bit. I try to focus on something else, but the pain is too excruciating to think straight.

Nora's face flickers back and forth between contempt and happiness. Cole's hand turns slightly in my abdomen, and I groan quietly.

Suddenly, my fox hearing picks up on a cell phone dinging. I recognize it as my text tone, and Nora seems to as well, for she rummages through my backpack and pulls it out.

"Oooh," She croons. "New text from Scott: where are you? Are you okay?" She scoffs. "Wow. Such true friendship. He didn't even know where you were going."

All I can do is scowl at her, but the pain twists my features. She laughs, but it doesn't sound menacing. All she does is nod at Cole, and her Third slowly pulls his claws out of my flesh.

I gasp, sucking in my lost breath. Blood stains my whole torso, still dribbled down my face. I look down at the wound, and see the claw marks close up slowly. Instead of disappearing completely, four white lines cover the space from my waistline to the underside of my chest. I feel the muscles mold back together, the blood moving once again.


I wait until his breathing steadies before saying, "Well. I've had a lot of fun, Stiles. But, I'm afraid we have to end it here." I step closer to him, tilting his chin up so he looks me in the eyes.

Delving into my Alpha fox, I look deep into his golden brown irises. "You won't remember a thing. All you will remember is that I introduced you to my pack, we had fun for an hour, and then you went home."

Stiles's eyes remain unblinking as he murmurs, "I won't remember a thing."

I smile. "Good. Now, why don't you go home? Luke will drive you home. You won't remember that either."

He blinks, and his eyes close their far away look. His head droops once again, and his breathing becomes shallow; He's asleep.

I smirk, and walk right out the door, not looking back.


(So sorry for the confusion at the end of this)

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