1. The New Threat

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UNKNOWN POV (Three Days before Stiles Awakens from Coma)

I saunter through the trees, careful not to make any sound. Several sets--six, to be exact--of paws follow me through the forest, all head in to the same place.

Beacon Hills.

The night masks our pelts, making us nothing more than shadows in the darkness. All seven of us prowl through the trees, keeping a slow, but brisk pace. The sounds of leaves crackling are barely a whisper in the wind as we tiptoe over them.

Keep close, I tell my pack as we near the town. Do not wander. We are in enemy territory.

They obey my orders, all of them closing in the gaps around me. It is their duty to protect me, and they shall do it well.

The moonlight finds a space between the branches, and its light rains down on me, illuminating my pelt with a blood red tint; the fur of a leader, coloured with the blood of my enemies.

The trees start to spread out, revealing more light and empty clearings. We change our pace into a run, and soon we are sprinting through the forest. My night vision helps me to see the sign along the road to my left, saying 'Welcome to Beacon Hills.' Not much further, now. We continue through the trees like a black abyss, never once breaking our formation. We are a trained, I breakable force.

And we have a purpose.


STILES POV (Present Time)

The pack of foxes stand their ground, not flinching in the slightest at Scott's bright red eyes.

A growl escapes his throat. "Who the hell are you? Why are you here?"

The foxes are silent. The Alpha Female--the one with blood red fur--takes a few steps forward so she's standing at the foot of the pack. Her purple eyes bore into my normal ones, and I let out a hiss of sorts. I swear she smiles.

I hear the flick of claws, and look over to see Scott in a defensive stance. I feel my eyes glow on impulse, and I stare down the red fox.

Suddenly, the Alpha's body starts to morph, almost exactly like mine does when I shift, only she is much more graceful. She starts to look more human, yet still hunched over on the ground. Slowly, the girl stands, wearing a grey V-neck tshirt with black leggings, white Converse covering her feet. Her long brown hair falls into curls stopping at her belly-button, and her no-longer-purple eyes are a beautiful icy blue.

I blink. She's--she's beautiful.

Scott doesn't even twitch, yet I find myself loosening my position. My mouth betrays me when I say, "Who are you?"

The brunette smiles sweetly. "My name is Nora." Turning to the pack still in formation behind her, she says, "These are my pack-mates."

One by one, Nora names them off as they shift into human. "This is my Second, Daniel." Daniel has hair matching the colour of Nora's, yet his eyes are a darker shade of blue. Maybe her brother?

"Cole is my Third." The boy has dark dark brown hair and green eyes.

Two girls, one with auburn hair, the other with golden brown, along with the same brown eyes, are introduced as "The Sisters, Maddie and Sarah, are my Fourth and Fifth. Lastly," Nora says, smiling. "This is Luke. He is my Sixth, but definitely not the weakest."

She's got that right. As the last fox shifts, a human body takes its place. Luke is super tall, maybe six foot one, with golden brown hair and bright green eyes. Muscles create ridges along his arms, and I can almost see the six-pack through his sweater. Scott only just fidgets now.

Once the introductions are finished, Nora smiles only at me, showing off pearly white teeth. "We like to be called the Shadow Pack."

"Why do you have ranks?" I ask, trying not to acknowledge her comment.

"So we know where we stand in the pack," Julie says, a snarl curling her lip. "You wouldn't understand that, considering your Alpha's choices for his pack."

I look over at Scott to see him blink away the insult. "I'm going to ask again. Where did you come from?"

"Far away," one of the Sisters--Maddie?--answers. "None of your concern."

"What you do need to know," Sarah continues. "Is why we're here."

Cole smirks as Nora speaks. "We want a new pack member."

I scoff. "Okay, but why? That's the only reason you're here? You're not here to hurt, maim, or kill? No skin will be shredded? Because trust me, we've dealt with it before, and I personally don't want that again."

A beautiful soft laugh escapes Nora's lips. "Funny. I like it. All the more reason we're here." She takes a step forward, her brown curls bouncing. "But, you don't need to know that just yet. Shadows, let's go."

Nora flashes one last brilliant smile before turning around, walking into the bushes. Before she breaks the tree line, her human body morphs into blood red fur, and she walks on all fours. Her pack--the Shadow Pack--follow suit, all of them disappearing into the woods.

Once they're all gone, I turn to Scott, relieved to see him back to normal.

"What the hell?" He says, looking to me. "What was their purpose?"

I shake my head. "I don't know, but I don't think we should worry. Let's just...go."

Scott looks reluctant, but nods. We both walk towards the path, where my jeep is parked. We hop in, and I drive down the road.

Only, I can't seem to get that face out of my mind. The beautiful white teeth, the gorgeous brown curls, the piercing, icy blue eyes. Beautiful.

It's all I can think about for the rest of the night.


Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Lots of descriptions, but I'll touch up on those later.

For now, stay tuned for the next chapter!


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