22. The Death of A Foe

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"Where are we going again?" Malia asks me for the thousandth time tonight.

I roll my eyes at her, and say, "I told you, it's a surprise! Plus; I know you'll love it anyway."

I look back at her to see a look of annoyance on her face. I hold in my laugh, knowing it'll make her even more mad. I just grab her hand and lead her through the forest, my other arm clutching a blanket and a bag of food. We walk trough the trees, the sunset peeking through the leaves. Bushes rustle in the light wind, and I smile to myself at its beauty.

We reach the clearing I was looking for, and I drop Malia's hand to lay out the blanket. She stands there, waiting, and I turn to her, smiling. She shakes her head at me and says, "Romantic."

I smirk. "Just wait for it." She raises a brow, but I just beckon her towards where I'm now lying down. She sighs, but sits down beside me.

"What are we waiting for?" She asks, but I ignore her, instead fumbling with the take-put containers of Chinese food I brought; her favourite at the moment. But I don't think anything will top her all-time favourite of deer.

She sees the food, and her question is momentarily forgotten as she immediately digs in. I do the same, and we slowly make our way through the take-out. I watch her stuff her face, and laugh when a whole spring roll vanishes into her mouth. She gives me a look, and keeps going.

When she's finally swallowed the mouthful, she turns to me. "Wait for what?"

The sun finally disappears over the horizon, and I say, "This."

As if on cue, little orange dots start to glow in the bushes. Some keep glowing, some going on and off.

Malia let's out a small gasp. "Fireflies."

I smile at her emotions; the mix of amazement and awe she is feeling. Her eyes dart all around, before finally settling on me. She narrows her gaze at my expression. "What?" She asks.

I just shake my head slightly. "You're just...so beautiful."

She blushes, and I don't give her time to speak before I'm leaning in and touching my lips to hers. I kiss her softly, my hand gliding to the back of her head. Her arms pull me closer, and I smile into the kiss. Now we're so close our knees are touching, Malia deepening the kiss. Our lips move melodically together, our arms moving up and down. I slowly move on top of her, causing Malia to drop down on her back.

I'm reminded of that time in Eichen House, where we kissed and--I shove the thought away and focus on right now. We pull away for a split second, and I brush a piece of hair from Malia's face. She smiles at me, and I waste no time crashing my lips onto hers again. Our hands intertwine on the blanket, and Malia lifts her head up into the kiss.

A loud crack of a branch fills the silence, and I jerk up, immediately alert. Malia stills underneath me, but I scan the trees for danger. All of the fireflies are gone, leaving us in darkness. Bushes rustle to my right, and I let out a low growl as I get to my feet, guarding Malia.

A shape emerges out of the shadows, and I wrap a hand around Malia's as she growls. The shape becomes a human one, and I try to control my surprise as I recognize her.


She sees me first, and her eyes widen profusely. She opens her mouth, but no words form.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Malia snarls from behind me.

Nora shakes her head. "How--Stiles, what--"

"Answer the question," I say, narrowing my eyes at her, trying to contain my own growl.

Werefox Stilinski *BOOK 2* [A Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now