7. Visiting the Woods

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I watch as Nora grabs her stuff from her locker, Daniel standing close behind her. She speaks quietly to him, enough so that I can't hear what she is saying. Daniel rolls his eyes at her comment, and she giggles. Before I can look away, her eyes drift to mine, a smirk crawling onto her face.

Liking the view?

I blink twice, stunned by her voice in my head. Again. I can't figure it out. How can she speak to me without actually speaking? I just--

"Stiles? Are you even listening?" I jerk at the sound of Scott's voice. I look back to find him staring at me with a face of confusion.

"Uh, yeah, sorry." I cast a glance back to Nora, and I see her smiling, amusement clouding her eyes. "What were you saying?"

A sigh, then Scott says, "I was saying, that I think we need to confront Nora."

I whip around to him, my eyes widening slightly. "What? Scott, you can't be serious, right? That is a stupid idea." My hands flail as I rant. "That's suicide. You know that it is, right? 'Cuz I'm not gonna stand up behind you if you do--"

"Alright, alright, Stiles. Jeez. It was just an idea."

"Yeah, a stupid one." I cross my arms. "One that only you would think of."

Scott's smile disappears. "What do you mean?"

I loose a breath. "Scott, I'm kidding." He gives me a look, and I roll my eyes. "Sorry. Just a little on edge lately."

Scott nods knowingly. I glance back to where Nora was standing to see her still watching me. I look back to Scott, and find his eyes going from Nora to me. His eyes narrow. "Stiles, is there something you're not telling me? Something between you and Nora?"


Nora's voice reverberates in my head. I furrow my brows slightly, but resist the urge to look back at her. Lie, she says again. Lie.

I look Scott right in the eyes, carefully controlling my heartbeat when I say, "No. nothing is going on between us."

He looks skeptical, but after a moment he nods. "Okay, well, uh, I have to go find Kira, so...see you later."

I nod, watching him go. I try to ignore the slight jump in his heartbeat, and start walking the other way down the hall towards my locker. I register the fact that Nora vanished after I see her standing in front of my locker door. A small smile--a genuine one, for once--is on her face, her blue eyes bright.

"Hey," She says casually.

I eye her carefully. "Hi."

She sighs. "So, I though that you might want an explanation for the whole 'I can speak to you in your mind' thing. So that's why I'm here."

"To give me an explanation?"

She purses her lips. "Not exactly."


"So, why exactly are we driving into the middle of the woods?" I ask, keeping my attention on the road. Nora sits in the passenger seat of my jeep, her hands tucked in her lap. She had asked me to drive her here, saying she wanted to show me something. I agreed, only because her voice in my head is starting to creep me out even more.

"I needed somewhere private." That's all the explanation I get from her. I sigh through my nose, but don't say anything. I see her smile.

We reach the entrance to the Beacon Hills forest, and she tells me to pull over. I park the jeep off to the side, and we get out. I look to Nora, and she waves me over, entering the trees. I follow her.

We walk for a while, the only sound being the crunch of leaves under our feet. Nora stays a step ahead of me, not once looking back to see if I'm following. Instead, she talks to me in that weird way.

Not much further.

I try not to bristle at her voice in my head.

Her answering chuckle is enough to set me on edge. We continue walking for a bit, and I try to keep up with her as she walks faster. Finally, we reach an open clearing in the middle of the woods; only, there are multiple tents set up, a huge bonfire in the middle, and five other people sitting around. I recognize them as members of Nora's pack.

The fox Alpha looks over to me, smiling. "Welcome to our camp."

At her words, all five members of her pack stand, coming over to us. The two sisters, Maddie and Sarah, look at me with calculating eyes. Daniel keeps his gaze on Nora, ever the concerned brother. Cole stands beside him, arms crossed. Luke, the huge brooding male, stares at me with cold eyes. I try not to forget under his gaze.

Nora notices my discomfort, and quickly says, "Luke, what did I say about staring? It's rude. You're making him nervous."

Luke nods, and loosens his stance, instead keeping his eyes on Nora. I look from her to the gathered crowd, and raise my brows expectantly. "So," I say, dragging out the word. "Why am I here?"

Because I want to introduce you properly to my pack.

I try not to flinch at her voice again. The Shadow Pack chuckle at my movement, but they stay attentive. Can they hear it too?

"Yes, they can." Nora smiles. "It's a fox thing; especially in packs of them. The Alpha has the ability to talk to his or her members. You will develop the same attribute soon enough. Every fox learns how to do it." She moves to stand in front of me. "I could be the one to teach you, if you want."

I blink. "How--how long would it take?"

Her smile turns into a beam. "Not long for you, I don't think. You're...you have something special, Stiles."

"Anyway," She goes on, "I want to introduce you again to my pack. My brother, Daniel, has the position of my Second. Meaning he is always by my side, here to protect me as a Beta.

"My Third is Cole. He is a step down from Danny, but still the same in power. Maddie and Sarah are sisters, both alike in level and loyalty, making them my Fourths. Finally, there's Luke. He is one of the strongest, as you can tell. But, he was the last one to join the pack, therefore he is the lowest ranking member."

Nora sighs. "So, now that they've been introduced, now it's time for you. Everyone," she says, gesturing toward me, "this is Stiles Stilinski. He's a sophomore, and a fox, just like all of you. We met when we arrived here in Beacon Hills, yet we didn't speak until I enrolled at Beacon High."

So, she says in our heads. Who wants to tell Stiles why we actually brought him here?

I look around at all of them, not following. I notice a smirk creeping up on Luke's face. My heart thumps wildly in my chest.

Nora smiles smugly, her eyes brightening at my expression. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Before I can react, Luke's fist collides with my temple, sending me spiralling into darkness.


I am so sorry for the upcoming anxiety. I guess you'll just have to stay tuned for the next chapter! *huehuehue*

(Picture is of Luke, AKA Paul Wesley, 'cuz I love my little vampire.)

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