14. Nora and Her Pack

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I scramble for the surface of the haze, climbing my way up only to be pulled right back under. I feel the presence of multiple people around me, hearing their muffled voices and whispers. I finally find the strength to cling to consciousness, and I pull myself the last few inches.

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the darkness around me. I find I'm laying on my side, nothing forbidding me from getting up. I let out a quiet groan, getting to a sitting position.

"Took you long enough," Someone says from behind me. I whip around, immediately regretting it when my head pounds. I see Luke laid out against a tree trunk, a book in his hand. He watches me with an amused expression, a smirk curling his lip.

"Where am I?" I say, and I'm surprised when my voice comes out calm and clear.

Luke snorts. "Where do you think, idiot?"

I roll my eyes at him. "Well, you're a great help. Why am I here again?"

"Because I've changed my mind," Says Nora, walking over to me from a place in the trees.

I get to my feet. I try to find something in her eyes, but all of that feeling she showed towards me is replaced with cold, hard ice. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

Nora sighs. "Think, Stiles. Jeez. For someone like you, I thought you would be smarter."

It stung more than I thought it would. But, I had already put the pieces together. "Let me guess," I say, covering up the hurt from her comment. "Your offer still stands?"

She nods, smirking. "Really, Stiles. You should have realized all that wasn't real. Yet, you believed it. You're the one with the power. You should be able to detect that--"

"What are you talking about?"

Nora closes her mouth quickly, almost like that wasn't meant to be said. "Don't worry about it. But, for now, we need to get going." The Alpha heads towards the trees again, and I hear, rather than see, Luke stand up. He nudges me from behind, urging me to follow Nora. I obey, only for the fear that overcomes me in where they're taking me.

We walk through the trees, and arrive at a small campsite with six tents set up. I spot Daniel with the two sisters sitting by a fire, and Cole is watching us approach with crossed arms.

He smiles darkly when he sees me. "Well, look who's back." Glancing to Nora, he says, "Can I have my fun with him?"

Nora shakes her head. "Not just yet. But, if you could please tell me if his friends know where he is, that would be great."

Cole nods, and Luke pushes me forward. I stumble a step, but keep upright. Cole's eyes bore into my own, and I suddenly feel a sharp prick in my head.

I wince, but don't move. The tiny point of pain turns into a throbbing sensation, my blood starting to thump in my ears. I squint my eyes against the pain, my hands coming up to my temples. I let out a sound along the lines of a moan as I fall to my knees.

"Where are they?" Coles voice says through the pain. It feels as if his voice is inside my head, pounding against my skull.

"I don't--" I'm cut off by the pain again.

As quickly as they came, the shots of pain extinguish, and all that's left is a dull ache. I let out a breath of relief, and my hands fall from my face. I keep my eyes closed, trying to find my bearings.

Cole clicks his tongue. I open my eyes as he speaks. "He was supposed to meet someone by the name of Malia tonight. His best friend Scott hasn't seen him since fourth period."

"Anything else?" Nora asks, her arms crossing over her, a bored expression on her face.

Cole shakes his head, and I realize he hasn't moved an inch since we arrived. What happened to my head?"

Nora senses my confusion, and smirks. "Cole has the gift of digging, as I like to call it. He can get into people's heads, recover thoughts, feelings...secrets." She chuckles. "It's quite extraordinary."

I shake my head. "What did he just do to me?"

"I searched your mind for answers," Cole says simply.

"We need to be aware of our threats, Stiles. Otherwise, we will be caught before we even begin our plan." Nora offers a hand to help me up. I just glare at her, and stand up on my own. She shrugs.

Daniel walks over, smirking at the situation. "Hello again. Too bad you didn't take me up on my offer. I would have been real fun if you took me with you."

"Go to hell," I say, giving him the rudest glare I can muster.

I feel a slice of pain across my face, and I fall to my knees. I look up to see Nora's hand out, as if she had just slapped me. "You do not speak to my pack that way," She growls. "If you are to join us, you must respect each other."

I meet her eyes. "Who said I will join you?"

Her eyes harden. She nods to Luke, who is waiting beside her expectantly. He smirks, and pulls my off the ground before I can react.

His hand bunched up in my shirt, he lifts me off the ground, my feet a few inches above the dirt. His other hand backhands me across the face.

Before he can go again, a scream ripples through the air, shattering our inhuman ears. Luke drops me, and I fall to the ground.

I don't bother covering my ears as I recognize the voice. Lydia. I feel my eyes grow orange as I look back at the pack.

"They may not have known where I was, but they do now," I say, a smug smile on my face. "When they get here, you won't stand a chance."

Fear ripples across Nora's face before the cold icy expression returns. Her eyes flash purple for a moment before she smirks. "They may find you, but who's to say they'll find you alive?"

All of the confidence drains from my body. Nora's smile grows, and Cole steps forward, his eyes glowing a darker orange than mine.

I feel my animal instincts take over, the feeling of being threatened overwhelming me. I transform into my fox before I can stop it, and a low growl rips from my teeth. Cole doesn't shift, but his snarky expression tells exactly what he's about to do. I try to make a run for it, but his hold on my mind stops me dead.

The pain is excruciating this time, and I let out a loud whimper as I fall on my side. I feel Cole making his way through my head, sorting through thoughts, feelings, anything he can get his hands on. I try so hard to block him out, but he is in too deep for me to do anything. And so, I just lay there, unable to do anything but whine and wince.

I feel Cole's hold rip out of my head when something rams into him. He cries out in surprise, falling to the ground under his attacker. Nora whips around, icy blue eyes settling on the werewolf on top of her Third. Cole manages to throw him off, but the werewolf just skids away, poised for another attack.

I know exactly who it is without even looking at his face. The bright red eyes tell me enough.



Anticipate a fight scene....:))))

Okay, totally lied about how many chapters are left. I decided to pre-write the rest of the book, and I already have about 5 and I'm not finished. Sooo, expect maybe a total of 20-25 chapters for this book?

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