10. Unexpected

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Malia stops me in the hallway before we can get to my locker. "Who were you talking to in class?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

Malia sighs. "You were talking to someone in class. Who was it?"

"Nora," I say. "She was asking me questions."

Malia's face twists into even more confusion. "Nora wasn't in class today."

My heart thumps louder. "What? But, she was behind me--"

"Stiles," Malia says, taking my hand. "Nora isn't here today. She...she wasn't in class."

My mind goes fuzzy. My heartbeat gets louder, pounding in my ears. She wasn't...there? I swear she was sitting behind me, talking in my mind and asking me questions. How couldn't she be at school?

"Stiles?" Malia shakes my shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay? You--nothing else happened last night that you didn't tell us?"

I shake my head, bewildered. "I have no idea," I say, and my heart proves the truth of my words.

Malia nods. Taking my hand, she keeps me close, and walks with me towards my class. We pass Scott and Kira, and Malia pulls the Alpha aside.

"We need to talk. Privately." Her eyes dart to me, and Scott nods.

We enter an empty classroom, and everyone looks at Malia and I expectantly. Liam had seen us, and followed.

Malia sighs. "Stiles saw Nora in first period today."

Scott raises a brow. "But Nora wasn't in first period today."

"I know. I don't understand it. Stiles doesn't either." She looks at me.

Scott looks concerned when he says, "Stiles? Are you okay?"

I shake my head, bewildered. "I--I don't know. I swore she was sitting behind me."

Kira's brows merge. "How could you have imagined it? She wasn't there, so how is it possible?"

I open my mouth to say something, but then I hear her voice.

Don't say it.

I blink. It's Malia's turn to raise a brow. "What?"

Don't say anything. They can't know.

Something tells me to say it anyway, but I end up keeping my mouth shut. As much as I feel it's wrong, I can't seem to speak the truth.

"Stiles, you okay? Why aren't you saying anything?" Scott asks.

"I'm fine." I shake away the daze. "Um, I have to get to class...yeah. Class. I'll, uh, talk to you guys later."

Before they can answer me, I dash out of the room. Instead of heading for second period, I run to my jeep.


I arrive in the middle of the woods, and momentarily forget why I'm here. Who was I trying to find?

Nora. Nora is here somewhere. But where?

I quickly shift into my fox form, and dash through the trees. I try to pick up her strawberries and vanilla scent, but find nothing so far. I keep running, looking around for a camp, or even just...her.

I stop at the rock overlooking Beacon Hills, and a familiar fragrance washes over me. One that vaguely smells like me in this form. Another fox.

Werefox Stilinski *BOOK 2* [A Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now