19. His Plan

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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up. I let out a surprised groan, and roll over towards my nightstand. My phone vibrates, moving all over the side table. I pick it up, seeing it's almost two in the morning, and almost drop the phone when I see the Caller ID.

It says Stiles.

My hand shaking, I press the answer button.

"H-hello? Who is this?" I say, the scared sound of my voice betraying me.

"Scott?" A very familiar voice says. "Scott, it's Stiles."

I'm silent for a while, only because I'm trying not to scream into the phone. After a few moments, I say angrily, "whoever this is, if this is a prank, I swear to god--"

"No. no, Scott, it's me! It's Stiles!" The voice says. And I can't stop thinking it sounds exactly like my best friend. "I know this is confusing, but I need you to trust me! I know a way to bring me back; you need to take my body to the Nemeton. Fate will do the rest."

"Who--what...?" I fade out, feeling utterly terrified. This can't be Stiles. Stiles...died...three days ago. He is gone.

But, I ask anyway, "What is the only thing that you can't be without?"

There's a long pause. Then, the voice says, "my pillow. I can't sleep without my pillow."

I almost let out a cry of relief, but I hold it in. "St-Stiles? This is really you?" I can't contain the joy in my voice.

I can almost hear his smile. "Hey bud. You missing your sarcastic fox?"

I laugh, the sound filled with so much happiness that my voice breaks multiple times when I say, "you have no idea. But wait, what did you mean before?"

"I know a way to bring me back," He says.

"Well, how?" I ask, frantic.

"You need to bring my body to the Nemeton, just like last time. I'll tell you the rest there."

"Okay, I'll go to the hospital now." I rummage through my stuff, sighing. "If I could just find my keys..."

"On your dresser, in front of the lacrosse team photo."

I pause, feeling utterly confused yet again. I look at my dresser, and sure enough, there sits the keys to my bike. I stand there dumbfounded for a moment. "How did you--"

"Not important. Just grab them and get to that God-damned tree stump."

"Okay." I hear the sounds of him hanging up, and I quickly say, "Stiles?"

"Yeah bud?"

"I--" I pause, containing my emotion. "I couldn't deal with your death. It was...breaking me. If this doesn't work, and you stay dead..."

I hear Stiles sigh. "Scott, it'll work. Trust me. I have Fate on my side."

I don't question him on that last sentence, instead just saying, "okay. I'll...see you soon."

"Bye man."

I hang up the phone, and rush out the door.


I make it to the hospital at the same time Deaton does. He sees me, and immediately walks over.

"What's going on?" He asks, his eyes drawn down in concern.

"Stiles. He contacted me somehow, and told me there's a way to bring him back."

The vet's eyes widen, but I don't give him time to ask questions as I rush to the elevator. We both get in, and I hit the button for the basement; the morgue.

Werefox Stilinski *BOOK 2* [A Teen Wolf Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now