4. Attack

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I'm almost home when my phone rings. I keep my eyes on the road as I fumble for it, cursing when I almost drop it. Finally, I grab it, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering.


"Stiles!" My dad's voice is strained as he says, "Get to the station, now."

"What?" My heart skips a beat. "Dad, what's--"

"No time to explain, just get here--" the line goes fuzzy for a minute before I hear him yell at someone, "Don't! Don--"

The line goes dead. My hand shakes as I put my phone away. I take advantage of the open road and do a U turn, heading back toward the station. As hard as I try not to think about it, I can't help but wonder what is going on, and if my dad is okay.

I barely give myself time to park the jeep before I'm rushing into the station, into the smoke and fire. I cough as soon as the smell hits me; the smell of something burning.

"Dad?" I cry out, not being able to see anything. "Dad!" No response. My heart skips a beat.

I try to make my way through the station, pushing past running officers. I trip over someone's foot, and look down to see a young-looking deputy. One I immediately recognize.

"Parrish!" I yell, kneeling down over him. His eyes are squeezed shut, his mouth contorted in pain. All I get is a grunt in response.

"Where?" I ask, not being able to get any other words out.

He moves his hand to his abdomen, where three huge gashes cover the exposed flesh. They--my breath hitches. They look like claw marks. I try to place my hands on the wound, but my squeamish thoughts get the better of me.

"Stiles!" Someone yells, and I turn to see Scott rushing in through the front door. His eyes widen at Parrish, but he says, "Your dad--he called me. What happened?"

"I don't know," I say. "I can't find him."

He sees the tears forming, not from the smoke, and nods. "I'll help Parrish. You go find your dad."

I slowly stand, Scott taking my place. Coughing, I make my way through the rampages desks toward the Sheriff's office. The door is hanging open, and more smoke billows out. When I walk in, I see my dad's desk overturned, his papers all over the floor, and my father himself lying on the ground. I cry out, rushing over to him.

I roll him onto his back, trying to tell if he's breathing. My fox hearing kicks in, and I pinpoint a faint heartbeat. My sigh is short before dad starts sputtering, his eyes opening.

Once he's calmed down, his eyes find mine. "Stiles?"

I laugh shakily. "Yeah...yeah, it's me, dad. You're okay. What happened?"

"I don't know," He says. "I was in my office, and I saw everyone start to panic. Then things caught on fire and--ahh," he winces. "I didn't see who did it."

"I think I know who." We both look to see Scott standing in the doorway, holding something in his hand. The Sheriff gets into a sitting position, leaning against the desk while I get to my feet again.

Scott moves closer to me, holding out the object. I realize it's a claw. Scott's face is filled with anger, but not at me. No, it's directed at the claw. One I am completely sure belongs to a fox. I can't find words; they are lost in the haze of the smoke.

"It was them, Stiles." Scott's eyes have no sympathy in them. "You can't deny that anymore."

I meet his gaze, but not for long. I shake my head, and turn back to help my dad to his feet. After a few grunts, he's standing next to me, holding a hand to his side. Keeping my eyes away from the Alpha, I say, "I should get him to the hospital, just in case. Are you--could you stay to help everyone?"

All I get is a nod before Scott is out the door. I slowly follow him out, Dad's arm over my shoulders. We make our way to the jeep, and I get him into the passenger seat with little trouble. I'm about to hop in myself when I hear a rustling sound. I whip around, trying to pinpoint the noise in the few trees covering the other side of the road. My breath hitches when I again find those purple eyes staring out at me.

"Nora?" I yell out, not letting silence flood the moment. It's time for a confrontation. "Nora, I can see you."

Blood red fur transforms to jeans and a hoodie when the fox steps into the open, a smirk on her face. "Hello, Stiles."

"Did you do this?" I spit at her, anger flooding my thoughts. "Did you attack the station?"

She walks towards me, her hands in her pockets. Her curls are pulled up in a messy ponytail, making her blue eyes seem all that much brighter. "What would you do if I said yes?"

"I would ask you why."

She hums, a knowing smile curling onto her face. "Well, if I had done it, I would say it was all part of a bigger plan. But, I never said I did it."

I roll my eyes at her. "Right. How about you just admit it so I don't have to act way duller than I am. You attacked the station, and I want--no, I need--to know why."

Nora laughs. Taking a few steps so she's only a meter away from me, she says, "It's all part of something bigger. But just be thankful no one was killed."

I cast a quick glance back at the jeep, and loose a breath when I see him asleep. I turn back around to find Nora a hair's breadth away from my face. I blink at her, my brows raising in confusion. Her face doesn't lose the smile.

"Can I tell you one more thing?" She says quietly.

"Um, can you tell me when you're not so close to me?" I say, anger finding its way back into my mind.

She subtly shakes her head. "Just know that whatever happens next, it's all for you."

Confusion ripples through me, and before I can back away Nora presses a kiss on my cheek. "What the hell?" I gawk at her.

She laughs, retreating back into the woods. "What can I say? You're kinda cute." With that, she disappears into the trees.

I stand there like an idiot, a hand on my face. As much as I try to suppress it, I can't ignore the tingle I felt when she pressed her lips on me. I shake it off, and climb into the jeep, sending a prayer up when it starts without any trouble. I pull out of the parking lot, heading to the hospital.

Trying desperately to ignore that tingle in my bones, and the new feeling of calm washing over me. The reason, I'm not sure.


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