11. Sharing Emotions

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"What?" I say, surprised, and a little scared.

Nora scoffs. "Stiles, I've came here for you. We heard there was a new fox in Beacon Hills. We wanted him. We wanted you."

I blink, completely flabbergasted. "Why? Why am I so important?"

"We heard that this certain fox had gone through a lot. Something about a possession, dying and coming back to life?"

I shake my head, my gaze moving to the ground. "I--I don't understand."

Nora moves toward me, grabbing my hand. "You don't have to right now. All you need to know is why I want you in my pack. You're special, Stiles." She pauses, looking down at our joined hands. "Do you know that not every fox can speak with their mind?"

My head shoots up. "Really?"

She nods. "It's a special power that only a select few can have. There's some sort of history behind it, but it was never proven. Some say it is given to those who have been through too much, but some say otherwise. It's given to foxes who have lost a part of themselves, for example, dying--" she meets my eyes when she says it "--and coming back to life."

I shake my head once again. "So I'm...gifted?"

Nora smiles. "Why do you think I picked you?"

I let go of her hand, stepping back. "But your whole pack can hear you. Are they gifted too?" A nod. "That's why you chose them." Another nod. I ponder all of this information.

"Like I said," Nora continues. "I don't expect you to understand all of this. But as long as you know I want you in my pack, then we're good."

I start to agree, but then I remember what Nora said earlier. "Wait, but you said I don't have a choice whether or not I join. What do you mean by that?"

Nora moves closer to me, and stands there for a moment. Suddenly, I can't really remember what I was asking her about. I'm about to speak when she says, "I'm glad you understand. I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nod, and she moves back to a bush. Pulling out my jeep battery, she looks at me sheepishly. "Sorry."

I take the battery from her, and shake my head, stifling a laugh. "It's fine. See you tomorrow."

She nods, and dashes into the trees. I quickly put the battery back into the jeep, close the front lid, and hop into the driver seat. I send a prayer when it actually starts, and I move back into the road and drive towards my house.


The next day at school, everything seems to be muffled. Whether it's my friends talking, the sound of the bell ringing, or even my own thoughts in my head. It's like someone has turned down the volume a couple notches, and I can't figure out why.

"Are we still on for our study session after school?" Malia asks me. She's leaning on the locker next to mine, watching me grab my books.

"Yeah, of course," I say, turning to smile at her. I almost lean in to kiss her, but then I remember what happened with Nora. It's stops me before I go through with it.

Malia notices the change, and raises a brow. "You okay?"

I blink a couple times, then smile again. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you walked out on us yesterday without explaining what happened."

I sigh. "I'm telling you. I'm fine. It's just a whole in my memory, that's all. People have them all the time," I say, convincing her, but...also myself.

Malia nods, and grabs my hand once I close my locker. She squeezes my hand, and I can't seem to find the will to do it back. I just start walking, trailing her behind me.


Nora is sitting in her seat when we enter the room. She smiles at me, and I find myself smiling back. I take my seat, and resist the urge to turn around and talk to her. I just pull out my book, and start reading. I feel her presence in my head before she speaks.

Hey you.

I hold in my smile, instead focusing on the task at hand.

You know I can feel your emotions, right?

I let out a breathy laugh, shaking my head. I hear her chuckle.

Are you that attracted to me, Stiles?

I don't look back. I don't even move.

Wanna talk after class?

I nod slowly. I hear the smile in her voice when she answers.

Great. Meet me at my locker.

It's so hard not to look back.


I walk down the hallway, and immediately spot Nora right where she said she would be. I walk over to her, a goofy smile forming on my face.

"Hey," She says, and I try so hard to contain brain my blush when she smiles at me.

"Hi," I say, and I curse my voice for sounding tight.

She chuckles. "I think we need to have a private discussion." She leans in to my ear, whispering, "without ears on us."

I casually look behind me, and I see Liam, Scott's Beta, watching us. I nod, turning back to Nora, and we enter Coach's office; he isn't in there, for a reason I don't know.

Nora pulls me inside, and closes the door behind me. She leans back on the desk with a sigh. We just stand there awkwardly for a moment, neither of us saying anything.

Finally, I say, "So, um, about last night--"

"I know I dropped a lot on you," She blurts out. "And I'm sorry. I just--I needed to tell you as soon as possible. You needed to know why I came here."

I nod, somehow understanding completely. "I get it. I'm--im glad you told me." I shove my hands in my pockets, putting my head down. "Umm, do you..." I drift off.

Nora smiles. "What?"

I sigh, exasperated. "I don't know how to phrase it. I don't..."

She laughs. Once she stops, we stand in silence, no one saying a word.

Are you trying to ask me if I like you?

I blink, meeting her eyes. She laughs again. "Stiles," She says, speaking with her mouth this time, "is that what you wanted to ask?"

I avert my gaze to the floor, blushing bright red. I didn't mean to ask her like that. I was just...curious, I guess.

When I look back up at her, I see pink in her cheeks, too. Before I can speak, she pulls me to her, our lips crashing into each other. My hands immediately move to her cheeks, holding her where she is. Her arms move up and down my back, our lips moving melodically against each other.

The next thing I know, she's throwing off my flannel, and taking off her hoodie, leaving her in a tank top that doesn't have much coverage. We pull away for a second, both of us taking in the other. I take the lead, pulling her close and connecting our lips again. We continue to kiss, both of us completely ignoring the sound of the bell ringing.


Shorter chapter, I know, but I thought I should end it here.

So, I was going to go into depth for this ending scene, but I should not be writing this at my age...sooooooo yeh XD

Stay tuned for the next chapter! I hope to get it up soon-ish <3


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