6. A Voice

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I grab my bag, checking to make sure I have all my books before heading out the door. I'm about to exit the house when dad comes from the living room.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks.

I turn towards him, seeing his look of concern. "Yeah," I say, nodding. "I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

His eyes flicker, and I realize exactly what he's thinking about; the days leading up to the Nogitsune, when I would have almost five nightmares a night, running on only 30 minutes of sleep.

I sigh. "Dad, I promise. I'm fine."

He looks reluctant, but gives a little nod before saying, "Get your butt to school, then."

I offer a genuine smile, and walk out the door.


"So, wait, tell me again? What happened?" Scott asks as we walk into school. I told him immediately about my dream, and he had the same face as Dad.

I sigh through my nose. "We were fighting Nora and part of her pack. It was you, Malia, and I against them. You were fighting Nora, and she overpowered you."

"Then what?"

I'm about to tell him about Malia, but I stop myself. Something tells me I should keep that part to myself. "Then, Nora scratched you across the stomach. I woke up shortly after that." Not a lie, but not the whole truth. It should be enough to keep my heart steady.

Scott seems to accept that, for he nods and changes the subject. "Did you see Nora last night? You know, at the station?"

I stop in the hallway. Scott turns to me, waiting. He must have caught her scent outside. I'm about to answer when Malia comes up behind me.

"Hey you," She says, poking me. I turn to her, and offer a smile. Trying to remind myself that she's still here; she's alive. It was just a dream.

"I'll see you guys in class?" Scott says before leaving, casting a smirk over his shoulder at me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes before turning back to Malia.

She smiles, grabbing my hand, and pulls me down the hall. Which happens to be the opposite direction than where our classroom is located. "Where are we going?" I ask. She stays silent.

We end up in Coach's office. I raise a brow at the coyote, not knowing the reason for our presence. Malia just laughs, and drops her bag before crashing her lips against mine.

I grab her face, holding her there, not willing to let her go. Her arms wrap around my neck, deepening the kiss. My hands move down to her waist, and staying there. I massage little circles down her back, and she shivers slightly. Her lips move smoothly against mine, as if we've been doing this for years.

Finally, we pull away, both of us panting. A smile twitches onto my lips, mirroring Malia's. "What was that for?" I ask, still breathless.

A shrug. "I dunno. I can't just kiss my boyfriend?"

My cheeks warm. I avert my gaze and say, "No, you can. I never said I didn't enjoy it."

It's her turn to blush. Before she can speak, the warning bell rings. We both let out a small chuckle before exiting Coach's office. Completely oblivious to the eyes watching from the locker room.



I watch as the werefox is pulled into an office by that awful coyote. Telling my Second to get to class, I quickly follow the pair. Remembering the information given by my shadows, I walk into the boy's locker room. Through the little window on the coaches door, I can see the coyote and the fox making out.

I hold in my gag, and watch quietly as they kiss each other, both of them getting into it. I roll my eyes when they pull away and smile. What everyone calls 'true love'; what I call a waste of time. What is the point of having a significant other if you are just going to leave them soon after? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

People are supposed to love the same person forever, and not just drop them when a prettier one comes along.

The coyote and the fox rush out the door when the bell rings. I feel my eyes brighten at their smiles, but I control it enough to walk out the door, as if I had stumbled into the wrong room. I smile bashfully at the people standing outside the door, and scurry towards first period.

Once I've slipped into my seat behind the werefox, successfully flashing him a smirk that made his heart skip, I lean in close to him and whisper, "You didn't tell anyone, did you?"



A voice whispers from behind me. "You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

I turn, seeing Nora leaning close to me, that same smirk on her face. I try not to fidget when I say, "No. Why?"

She gives me a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure, Stiles? Because if you did--"

"I didn't. I don't want to cause more trouble."

She nods, but doesn't look away from me. After a minute, I finally break the contact, turning around in my chair. Suddenly, a voice comes to life in my head. One that doesn't belong to me.

You have to trust me, Stiles. All of this is part of something bigger. Something all about you.

I accidentally jerk in my seat. I blink a couple times, making sure I actually heard that. That I actually heard Nora's voice in my head. I turn around again in my seat to see her staring at me, smug smile on her face. I hear the voice again.

Yeah, that's right. It's me. Weird, huh?

My eyes widen.

"Stiles?" I turn to see Malia staring at me weird, her eyes darting between Nora and I. Inhuman curiosity crosses her face.

"I'm fine," I say, offering a smile I hope is convincing. She nods, and looks back to the blackboard. I loose a breath, and I hear Nora snicker behind me.

Oh, Don't worry. There's more where that came from.

It's all I can do to stay seated.


Woah. Nora's psychic! Lol, jk. You'll see what this is about in the next chapter or two.

Stay tuned!

PS- thank you guys so much for 7K on Where He Went, and 5K on One Less Stilinski! This means so much to me! All my love. <3


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