17. Meeting Fate

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It's gorgeous here.

The soft white light emanating from everywhere, everyone walking, talking, greeting everyone they see.

I sit on a marble bench, a book in my hand. My white flannel stays open, flowing in the warm breeze. My matching white pants wrinkle where my leg is crossed, yet they fit perfectly to my body.

I read through pages and pages of my favourite book, feeling enveloped in its universe. I drown out everyone else, focusing entirely on the knowledge of the hardcover.

Someone approaches me, and I look up. I smile when I see Mom, literally glowing in her white dress.

"Hello, darling," She says, sitting beside me.

"Hello, Mom," I answer. She puts an arm around me, leaning over my shoulder to peek at my book.

"Again?" She says, laughing. "Honey, you've read this so many times."

I smile, chuckling to myself. "But it's my favourite."

"Oh, don't I know it."

I close the book, turning to look at her. "Will I see them again?"

She gives me a look. "Hun, we've talked about this already. You can see them anytime you want, but you cannot speak to them. They don't see this place; it is a place for the ones who have passed, not the living."

"So this is the After." A statement, not a question. Mom nods. "Can I go back? To the living, I mean. Can I be resurrected again?"

Mom gives me the look again. "It was your time. Remember last time, when I said you weren't ready? It wasn't time for you to join me? Now it is."

"But I'm not ready to be here. I haven't lived, mom. I want to go back."

She sighs, getting to her feet. "Take it up with the Big Man." She laughs at her own joke. "It's fate's choice, not yours. So, ask fate." With that, she walks away, clasping her hands behind her back.

I lean back, sighing. I look up at the white glow of the sun, and say to no one, "What do I do?"


I walk down the cobblestone street, greeting the people who walk by. Gorgeous white and grey brick houses line the streets, beautiful streetlights placed evenly down the sidewalks. There are no cars, seeing as no one will get tired of walking here. It is a place of ease; nothing is hard to do. It makes the supernatural look humane.

I finally reach the big estate at the end of the street. It's quartz pillars, grand windows, and dark grey brick stand out against the glow of the air. Spotlights come out from under the roof, lighting up the house everywhere. The grand wooden door looms above me as I use the lion knocker. The sound echoes in the glowing streets, and stops only when the door opens.

Matthew, the boy with blonde hair and green eyes, smiles at me when he sees me. "Hello, Stiles. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I'd like to speak to Him, please," I say, the politeness of my words not feeling right on my tongue. But, I must be nice, if I am to speak with Him.

Matthew smiles, and holds out a hand to let me in. "Of course."

I walk into the manor, and wait for Matthew to close the door. Once it's locked, he waves me on, leading me through the house. We head up the stairs, and veer to the right. We stop at the huge wooden doors at the end of the hall, and Matthew knocks twice before opening them.

Inside, right in front of the window, sits a large birch wood desk. A white leather chair sits in front of it, facing the grand window panes. I see the head of brown hair popping over the top of the chair, and the strong arms resting on the sides of the chair.

"Sir," Matthew says. "Stiles is here to see you."

"Ah, yes," answers a deep voice from the desk chair. "Thank you, Matthew."

Matthew bows slightly before exiting the room, leaving me alone with Him. I shift uneasily, not knowing what to do.

The chair swivels around, revealing the man I wanted to see. His soft green eyes meet mine immediately, his brown curls covering one eye. His soft smile widens as he beholds me. Standing up, he walks around the desk to wrap me in a hug. I hug Him back hesitantly, but I warm at the embrace.

When he pulls away, he gestures to the chair on my side of the desk. "Please, Stiles, sit. I've been expecting you."

I obey Him, sitting down in the chair. He walks back to his own, and plops down with a happy sigh. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

I shift uneasily in my seat. "Well, Sir, I--"

"Oh, please," He chuckles. "Call me by my name, Stiles. It's only fair."

I nod. "Well, um, Fate, I wanted to speak with you about the timing of my passing. How I am not ready to be here."

Fate smiles knowingly. "Yes, I thought you would ask me about that. You are unhappy with your passing. You want to go back, am I correct?" I nod. He chuckles. "I understand why you feel that way."

"Can I please go back? I'm not ready to die. I don't want to be here just yet. I have so much more life ahead of me; I feel I was taken away from it too soon."

Fate gives me a patient look. "Stiles, I believe you were taken to soon as well, but I cannot change that. It is what I decided; what needed to happen. I feel it was the best way for you to go."

I look down at the floor, somewhat sulking. Fate quickly says, "Stiles, do not feel bad. It is not your fault. It was my decision. I stand by it."

I nod, moving to stand up. "Well, thank you for your time, Fate--"

"There is something you can do."

I turn.

Fate has a smile on his face again, his green eyes bright. "You can contact them. Ask them to find a way to bring you back one last time. But under one condition."

"Anything," I say, desperation showing through my voice.

Fate leans forward, clasping his hands on the desk. "You may go back to the living, but the next time you pass, you stay here, in the After. No more outs. You die, you stay dead. Is that fair?"

Is it? It means I could go back home; to my family, my friends. But then, if I die again, I'm done. No more choices. I'm stuck here in the After.

"Yes," I finally say. "Yes, that is fair. Thank you."

Fate stands, a smile on his face. "Then it is decided. Now go, before I change your course."

I nod, saying thank you again, and head out the door toward a new beginning.


Picture is of Fate :)

Okay, so this is basically my spin on the afterlife. I hope you enjoyed!

Stay tuned to see what happens with Stiles!

And, please go check out my new story called Direidus! The first chapter is out, so please give me your feedback on it so far! Thank you <3


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