5. Dream...or Reality?

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I make Dad head up to bed immediately once we get home. There was nothing wrong with him that I hadn't seen before, so Melissa sent us home to get some sleep. He gives little fuss before climbing up the stairs, eyes already drooping.

I make my way into the kitchen, glancing at the clock to see it's almost two in the morning. I sigh, rubbing my eyes, and open the fridge. I squint at the bright light, but I grab the water filter and pour myself a glass.

I plop down on the couch, pulling out my phone and calling Scott. He answers on the third ring.

"Is your dad okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, just some sore ribs. Apparently he had been knocked out and fell on something. Other than that, he's good. Your mom sent us home."

A soft mumble before he says, "I didn't find any other evidence of who attacked the station, except for that claw. There's too much rubble to look through this late. I'm heading home, wanna meet up?"

I sigh. "Scott, its two in the morning. I'm going to bed, just like you should."

"Alright, alright. See you tomorrow."

"Bye," I say, hanging up. I loose a deep breath. My thoughts drift back to Nora. How she attacked the station for something "bigger." What could that mean? What could she and her pack want that puts us in danger? No matter how hard I rack my brain for an answer, I can't seem to find one. It just doesn't make sense.

I turn on the tv, looking through the channels for any sort of show. I come across one called "Supernatural", and I put it on for the heck of it. I try to conceal my laugh when one of the main characters' eyes change into black sockets. Who makes this storyline? Demons like that don't exist. Jeez.

I turn the volume down, and place my glass on the sid stable. My eyelids droop, but I try to focus on the show. After a while, I lose myself to sleep, and I dream.


My claws scrape down Daniel's back, making him yell out. He growls, and uses his paws to throw me back. My four legs keep me upright, but I stumble nonetheless.

All around me, the pack is fighting the new arrivals. Malia and one of the sisters--Maddie?--are neck in neck, both of them in their human forms. Malia's face is contorted with rage, snarls escaping her mouth. To my left, Scott is fighting with Nora, two Alphas pitted against each other.

My attention is brought back to my foe as Daniel tries to swipe at my chest. I easily dodge it, jerking around him to counter with a swipe of my own. It lands across his shoulder, and I immediately attack again with my tail to his side. He stumbles, but doesn't falter. Claws take down my back as I run past, and I can't help the cry that escapes.

Scott looks over at me for a split second, concern clouding his face. That pause gets the better of him as Nora advances, her human form exchanged for her fox. She lashes out with a heavily-clawed hand, catching Scott on the face. The True Alpha whips back, and Nora strikes again, this time to his chest.

Scott reels back, falling to his knees. Blood stains through his jacket and shirt, turning brighter and brighter as it leaves his body. I let out a small whine, as he shifts back into his human face. Even that is covered in blood, one of his eyes red and purple.

Nora shifts back, kneeling to grab Scott by the throat, hauling him up. Scott coughs and sputters, fighting against the Fox Alpha's strength. I quickly shift back into my human form, rushing toward them.

Nora tsks a rhythm. "Come any closer, and he dies. You know my rules, Stiles. You know what I'm asking of you. So choose."

I gape at her, at Scott fighting to get out of her grip. Blood drops from his multiple wounds, creating a small puddle underneath him. He meets my eyes, shaking his head. "Don't, Stiles," He manages to get out.

"I--" my voice breaks. "I don't know what else to do."

Tears well up in the Alpha's eyes, his last attempt at changing my mind. But I can't do anything else. If I say no, he dies, along with everyone I love and care for. This is the only way.

Nora smirks, realizing my decision. She nods at Daniel, and her Second grabs me by the arms, trapping them behind my back. Scott lets out a strangled yell as I'm forced to my knees. Daniel holds me there as Nora throws Scott to the ground. He grunts, not finding the strength to get up. I guess that was the point.

Nora walks over to me, her icy blue eyes boring into mine, that...whatever it is, connecting us. She smiles that beautiful sweet smile, and says, "Well then. Let's go."

Daniel pulls me to my feet, dragging me to the rest of their Shadow Pack. I risk a glance back to see Malia helping Scott up. Once he is up on his feet, she whips around to Nora and I. Growling, Malia does the most stupid thing she could do.

She runs at us, her eyes bright, claws outstretched. Suddenly, Cole comes careening from the trees. A sickening sound fills the air, along with a very feminine scream.

My answering scream shatters the world around me.


The scream reverberates through my mind, pulling me into a deep subconscious until I can't breathe.

Can't breath can't breath can't breathe--

"Stiles! STILES!"

Arms wrap around me, trying to provide comfort, but I can't concentrate. Someone is yelling--so loud, my ears are ringing.

"Stiles! It's okay, you're fine! Stiles, you're fine!" Dad tries to say, his arms holding me tight. I realize that I'm the one screaming. I let out a huge shuddering breath, a sob escaping as well. My heart hammers in my chest, going a hundred miles a minute.

I fall limp in Dad's grasp, my whole body shaking. That dream--that same scene over and over in my head. My mind keeps seeing that person--the scream that escaped their mouth.

I just watched Malia die.


I am so sorry for the anxiety this will give you guys. But, it's just so fun to tease everyone! :)

Stay tuned to see what happens; that's all I'm gonna say.


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